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Show vatiditia thid countryand many raVmers ywpfcftt-- 1 have .already mkde. their .arrahgementa for cad now ita cnltnrwhich ia extreme comfnencing gave lyarmple. r.A light mellowaoil is thmost enaputthe suitab le for .Chiceory-fV... A v ;The surface njuV .be well forked; jii v loaetaeYeh'busbeUtOith i ' creased,; deed, ItTce ndo he redpcedJtotdoifine fi 'c. cra- - i nvf oni J need, from pkstexperi-" in bid. .A the'pl s htiar .dims'a !w hat X other viU no false rop neev that we in g u p, geuer iSJ ly: firealong com weeks U?'. 0rix: such ;fi jyleld bf time 'the front aeocfU'la isowlngthei 4' J that of wheat. !- . - . v !; E i - !ryj free. frotn'.'.seeds;Je- the, mesi liitdble; dor'nbt uaV'LfreSh?niahvire.';'Sow the aeed3.iu. drill'lIkeclrT0t3t0aefo6t posidand par Sowing aboct second or thirdWy ek hi one j. mad d of, tkrpeiherv May is c o q slder edbeat for, 1 aown earlier s me X?..;crp.;yl r:"'pUtk bolted on wheelsthreefeet la dlarn; Zvri&Y$&C Wf I. believe that a roller ;WiltjrrtM.e '" lea draft by at least, nfburth,if v ; (wbenrcuUiratedfbrtheJi'oot.yttiany.bf 1 the plantawJU. rnnjt Seed;iaiWhicUcak0 PjmniyroMkaiTO brockl they .are ealled ffrponeriTrtrumpeterar? creatiprketp 'inffeedihe dry and..muat be. carefnllyd agbuiand destroy.'. mabT to.ni rdal si.;, For. fattening r bmi . a a i . ;whepitoeT wioe. or feeding Cotrp for milk,pouf boil-1'?d rivedtbecauae,' ifadloW'pd' to jwitom mixed ingWater mhch as trll 1 aofe. .jmska'i' with thebhllki th eyvlll Spoil' the samp; mats, bowels more tob iffeelyi and vj :? Keep the whole frefromweedi jit their ihe;anl when the marfi is oool, giire ft to. them.; In , Ti . ... ;7 'nd- have ihe'Vma share; Spread, of advancing growth, Jn the fall" thesroots the starkfa; 4 of Vthan the plow. can cover it to i'' "not nore thansfx, inches. TheV eecbnd may f be1 takenuprandcut into t quarters tbiaay olved,and the lment nutritive, prepertldsi hL -Jonfitwdinally1.ndafterwa:d-cutfin- ' .,the'eh-vA- ii. e tracted,' andtbe anlmalrecelyns pieceif about enqipeh-ilength , which may tfr Okiutir JtO entof the grainvTher e 'iaa'.jryJ:5 ; : " .tamrung apd dried. hedVonodgh in th stomach of the enimmai-work-TtNovember 'thef. Octop9r;c, yl & or. ScUonn.:inaticatioj; to; ek taking tip, may he cdmxnenced'ahdipontin v. j K f, - Some roll the field after7 the wheat'll ,in:t i; .;;- one - Ihe-dept- ! v v; tv. - ---- -- inanmeh will moulder proteetth -- byadding.toiuXlneiiijC&Will.sdw'k hedi four "and. ope-ha- lf the fall after the. wheat '. hlj ontdecrs.'VIn rut In, theroller was ia ops comet: of 0;7 Vrs 1 by.thhrtyeetji four : harrtVpod ilmher V If.fcot In f,and .4He ee. month si h a timber? ia.h'ederjtmpre has been . compledj pifrdrieiu-mi;mni- yearocut th ! . . d r . . . el d e-- grnb-jvorme'ith- in e --- - - - : . . 1' . y that d:?y,'afld' that "he dont take aa'atrl-caltnrpapsr. :'I love to dip into sath.0; I meet It, and I alwiye find fa ai j Y:Sfxthodea;; l hayS walnut UmbebnhanA'wblch has been neat froirione' to. tea year with tbs vea barkon -- Which,Wia design ed for aa-h&Tfccr be'found a Snd the worpi vv.To perform the operations properly,; therein.'.7 Itwas"fcut' between' .the "firslof ground should not be. too sofW Ami. the August' add theifirst.oCffbvebabef.I have in 'the other pieces of the' sime tfinher-cu- t winter mofaths,i)t;tWo years dldZ-anthey, of pow are fnll; entirely deetroyedbeiPf "I.beliere that ihouph aman may ; ?.t V?; the last darrpdst and . without. ecipiice,'-.hIfatod the, result ... fdv. tolerably teuortwlve goifatmer yearkihaye hevfir can be an excellent' one without it, of,VivV'S''v iny observation; ph and eipenencePf,' - i .i jh . v 'i timber Ip differen t. seaaonk Of the cutting, .1 year,' to many of;mynefghbors and ptbefs; re sat- and' all who havs eiade the tns well as .observe and work. And wben. I t: eea the fentel cf a farmer' wpak andbro 'I'"' .Xsn, lL barns shabby, and the stock of in fcresds,,I at cace concluda that Jtvral Jfitie'T brfceTt sayiogthaijth'e annoyi t!i-- j worrj-- i ii , slipshcd and elatternlj jthat ances of fhoiquitocs maybieeffectnally prevented, by a .v dry simple process.; Close l.l': V the boom dDd,bi;rn a teaop'OQhnl of prown . ; coffer-dam- ; ' elastic and durable th$$ iC cbt in printer apundtheentre the .tenthfeeetibns hav by reigkingttmbBr,foujid 'eomming.thevfifwiothat of. eqnal, quautyagoCout for joiners jpfre ady? fo)rthe5vSaeki toolsis jnuch. heavier., jvaen:.caf Aod get Putin ihe ahye pajne4 months thdn. ijntbe monthS.-iJ-E XX'Xd X X ing elf a even after the' much . a 'deeper creed! , itcoUlcl.be eeen ia the gineeref thS Pacific Hailrosd t auad bia firstahnnH report. ft the c on tr uc Uono f thd :firstftT miles' .sugar on h o tn e; live ; f .dr.e kj |