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Show Bank upwrtnd jour buildings,' AcorresBondeoVenlijjhtenSu BorgumyatKankakee, lilu'that.hids;fair,( Somewhat reyolationixe tHeiaanufacs.i-j- , VmiA tnv wnii' 'mtra'iK LLi- Ifchtte'&afsuch nf'iinn buit rfi- ' m th eud&bntotafcjr .th:Gra&,or il o mm- idtsiillfdfat ;eatrpif ho marChuvrnptitfiit thejarejnotina ahd n rP'-i?-t- Mot' that: tW pjoceki j'bf; aemaUdn water could be : riader aTailable:,,tttthei4 f'S' - appre- -. ebntenUiVhTnis Is aanuaarbji6fipmfroWthe'.cahCM.4 tbb tenorof.its 'Vv; well aaCfrom the :beetfa thejerznan prBbe.h55flfc4r at th S tates.", Accordtnzlr, i'lp among a hundred faimlie . ...Where , are aotgum4 work' of Mr.Brainerdheni adeiVi '1 ?5; Jii s experiment upon the bagaBae aa i 'iif jAK Hf' came rom the With mill-Ou- - 'ToJDeliUqiieotSubMiriberipi-rt4V1!?! WjZ VfcwWi'Sjiru'Jii at$3pgaq- - nfewlj-inTente- butterf00Q4bii:ot dv a eommop relletiniUWihg threegalv svi bo Boon tb remind onr readersthat response ions of jrup at 5wai wnteken';bj JJryjMotand;: to prerioaBvlfor:pajm in gaaie nhmitffld th' hill ftvatom Anf .Wa aaeofi aw i xrfost coses besn'ditregarbedf jSsibimP4 won, not psid in adranee. are due In the. latter ajrnpeing Superior .lift whea? except where spoefallj. arranged grees and taste color to that ezpressed by thef with us 'erwiseVWe Ueeil- bread and ! f ' 40f;B4u-VOTB;ba?,- " '' '- ! s V'..x '- - t, 'v :1r: tS; .AV-- .SK.i.'vf - ,4. f' ' 5 hare the wheat,' wehate has surpusaed area lii7oW:etoeetaLi:::;,' ta pegr jimb irgpr Creep al o ag without YZ' Hie ' theory;;. la iat.,the common bahe ;1;? :' J.7M the sieudif ?;due 'jatinOado'.'er intend mills; both here ond atthe BdatimtsSS SkAK eihtehd puUabiiBg.'a Vrr:lrge:iportibn;bf.the biti sugar doiogit long Comeiet-u- s j V 1 V fcir. 1 tioM?. : ; V?-.- ateiSaln itoegaBS,rapdalhe3ri cannot ;pe snade,Jbj any. amO nnt htprerfe-frurto get it oa l'These CiasVers altoJV::!J i t; the printer.JetoUr agents forwazdto expTes'.allor nwJjli;bf;thimpurSY tie that nrehfebeouiiataate'.to thd A u the nepf&bsTaidA V C - BU 1 .y-.-- j on 1 ''if-- ? ;? : Tuttfe Vlt Beheh, T&:Belt;rJ. Crawford W Hudson, tiXinr8eU,'A& fiiraenV JasHarveyy:R,NAilrsc! Uhdduljimphi't Ihesarn tb' 'onrMeriv V'CabrsBTTMixbef SfWehaTe 'Mkeifr'ftl k MvAl above subiectSr JvlIeohazsiBi?.. Drigg ji4Pt pine f ihfdrMM&m; unbn-th'iit?W--W,adlteVTjT$5 iaTe''jreceiTed:-bu.than more opceand e Godbe,A; MitehellI SalBhw-Morrli- i Fuii&Ai ! 4! ...... t Gyiggs jri. av m; ouevxssponse bach ettiemeht Wotbme-- lafb p gdoueaalu' wnutdeatlyob.ligeuj:oweirB ahy'iV,yj |