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Show 14 Thursday, December 4. 1980 Uintah Banin Standard mm 9JQ3M!&oo8QR5B WXDC T Noola Ml Zola Sponcor TATED TREATS neiatives from out of town who spent the weekend in Neola and attended funeral aervteea for Lazell Henrie Saturday! Nov. 29 were Chor-l- WESSON DLUE CRAGUONT dohmet SODAS MARGARINE 16 tuucn Qvartars 1CEDER6 HEAD & HIKERS Mix or Mitch 31 Dot-ai-r SS3-4S1- LETTUCE Hitt Crisp HtaJt act FRARCO AOERICAf J f for O HUNTS KETCHUP Oi" BONELESS TOP v UAHS S et Leavitt, Salt Lake, Sharena Whiting and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Henrie and family, Vale, Ore.; Mr. and Mr Oral Allred and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Alfred and families, all Montana; Elva Warlike, Beth Bureko, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Peterson and family, Pearl Henrie, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Brooke, Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nickel), and Mr. and Mrs. Orvis Alfred, all Salt Lake; and Mr. and Mrs. Matt Zager, Murray. e RacheUe Henderson went to Evanston, Wyo Nov. 28, to meet nor husband Chet They returned to Ogden Thursday to bo with their daughter and her Bishop and Mrs. Leonard Mecnam. All the famUyjoined them and hue-ban- . SIRLOIN &Y STEAKS SHOW STAR ICE CREAM had Thanksgiving din-BB- T The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Raamua-se- n was blessed and given the name Rick L. by his father, in Neola o First Wsnl Sacrament CRUSHED WHEAT DREAD IH6 UsHf r o & GREER LUCERNE CHIP DIPS FRESH MKBK her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Clem Butler. They all returned to Salt Lake to Mrs. Butlers daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Brent Nickells, for the Thanksgiving weekend. e Mrs. Rae Peterson, Salt Lake, is spending a couple of days with her sister, Amanda Henrie. e The seven children of Mrs. Fern Alfred and their partners attended SIZE RAINDOVJ TROUT 1--4 services Nov. 80. o Mr. and Mrs. Glade .Goodrich and children, Calif., spent a week with REEF FRITTERS k. ilu ASSORTED GRAVY MIXES JestOset AEnt funeral services Saturday in Neola First Ward for their nude, LaseUe Henrie. Saturday evening they had a family at then: er mother's and spent the night " E. i e 49 Safeway Chipped Meats ?vrMM Perk Shoulder Steaks LtMBMtClrtl lb.l Bar-- S Extra Lean N.$l,v Bacons, Manor House Fried ChkkenL;,.2M .$7M Manor House Fried Chickens. Pork Roasts iMion Bum aM' Boneless Pork Roasts lmh Boston Buffi IB.M49 - I' f.1 "Ifl'p "i fl-j.- ? B !Vu GOLDEN DELICIOUS ir.'W Home! Little SizzlersS,nk Lean Ground BeefyC,,n,w, l Boneless Chuck Roasts ravauiinv .,2M Beef For Stewun Uniform Cuba Pfaik Salmon wmo or hoh .1 Salmon Steaks iiivBrigM Rex Sole Fillets RHdy fo Cook Flliotl e A Thanksgiving dinner was enjoyed at the home of I Lilian Wilker-A- ll Washington Extra Fancy 2 MILD CHEDDAR CIIEESE But TOTIHO'S FROZER PIZZA 11 BONELESS ROAST.. Tie SIvMi Safeway OiaUty Baal y DRAWHY PAPER TOWELS lb.' Walnuts Largs Size Avocados Calif. Sunmoid Seedless Raisins Natural Firewood ' 3 .99 taKHi 99 FNitliii AMt. Color Issorlsd Pot $4 $4" a3Qc SljcodDicod Roots 3l Gloom 30 OFF Aftorshavo Plus 20 Coupon Att. llalrspray Uusceiited S-o- z. Baby TOUR pricod CHOKE 1.59 the Mr. and Mrs. Jack c Ada Hutcheons, Salt Lake; and an unde, Mr. and Mrs. Delano Hutch-eon- s, also Salt Lake, o Mr. and Mrs. Guy Stewart spent a week in Layton with their eon, Mr. and Mrs. DeVaux Stewart They became with their ; acquainted new granddaughter, born Nov. 19. . 7 Ibe. 12 ox., and was named Summer, e Saturday, Nov. 27, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Stewart Sandy, and her mother, FonteUa Mann, helped the Guy Stewarts celebrate their 48rd wed-ding anniversary. They ., She-weigh- are Gary's parents, e Roy Gardner was working on a shad at hi UN home when above power saw. He had 27 stitches taken, e Sheila Gardner, Dixie College, and her sister, and GayLynn Pope daughter, Salt Lake, pent Thanksgiving weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gardner. e Mr. and Mrs. Ray Jensen enjoyed n visit from their daughter and family, the Jay Olsen i, over the weekend. Mr.andMrs. Mark Conover and sons visited over the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Theron - KCKSOA . Salad Plaffos 14.99 Prico 4-Pf- c. san99 Sorting Plattor by. Mm b. : Dran (has1 Rico Chox Corn (bxIST. lJhoat ChosST men BTccnvi r?arrTTC!TiT?vrT, a3flaMMilDS dcc. 81" fil i, i, s, s, ms ' par- 1 IMfUM II , x. (per B. 44 Vi) IMf CD0iirmis9 14-o- EGGS IlM fills . AA Fruit Cochtail Poach Slices IUf Poor Elalvos 3.5 oanco BdsmRof . Other x Body GRADE Poinsettias Millionairo ShunpaaCandltlanar Flours 49 f and family, Wednesday. Duncans The spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Becky Bennett Mrs. Peterson spent the weekend with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Tippitta, in Ogden. She returned home Friday with Joyce Winter-ton- . Leavitt and grand moth--o- r, FRISKIES CAT FOOD Mums e Kate Peterson traveled to Salt Lain with Mr. and Mrs. Mark Duncan ent, . Boston Fora weekend. Joyce spent weekend with her $119 ub. her. children present including Mr. and Mrs. Duane Peterson, Orem; Mr. and Mrs. Dale Peterson, Redmond; Mr.' and Mrs. Wolley Stevenson, Salt Inks; and Mr. and Mrs. Glade Peterson. Some of them stayed over the Hor-rock-s. : ) e The Stephen Malnars children spent Thanksgiving with them. Those from out of town included Mr. and Mrs. Marion Malnar awf family, Brir-haCity; Mr. and Mrs. .Raymond Malnar, Bah Lake; and CUuton, Dixia College. |