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Show THE ZEPHYR APRIL 1990 PAGE 26 Moab Public Radio Mozzart and Zappa , Redbone and Haggard: FM That Reflects The Community What do Wllllo DeVIHe, Khaachaturtan, PtiUIlp Glass, Iggy Pop, Mozart, David Knopflor, Kails Wsbator, Dr. John, Van Morrison, Jkn Morrison, Rank Strangers (?), Bonnls Bramlett, Fats Walter, Glsnn Milter, Ravi Shankar and Marls Haggard havs In Common? WeH nothing aocordng to some, but almost svatyona will racognlza soma of namas as thasa axtramaly gifted artists who producathalr own unlqua kind of music. If all goss wall, Moabites wW hava that kind of cMvarstty to choosa from a yaar from now, whan Moab Public Rado goaa on tha air. With tha damlsa of Its only locally operated AM station, and Isolated by Its ratio from Salt topography, tha Moab Valley's residents hava had to depend on cable-f- ed fit Lake City and Grand Jet, Colorado. But Moab Public Ratio la a corporation created by local citizens to plan, build and operate a public rado station for Moab and station wM provide excellent coverage and eliminate Spanish Valley. The proposed 100-w"dead spots now encountered by KUERs translator feed from Salt Lake. It will provide tha vary bast that public rado offers. National Public Rado programs, such as "Morning Edtlon" and "AH Things Considered" and other programming win be available through a tha broadcast service of Utah State University. translator feed from KUSU-FBut Moab wlU have the opportunity to produce Its own music, news and Informational programming as weU. Hopefully, this locally based service will allow Moab to talk to Moab. It can provide an Important and entertaining forum for public debate of tha political, cultural and environmental Issues that we wrestle with each day. Consider the non-pro- att M, possfcllltlas: "Canddate debates (oh Joy) "Tony and Bill Casualty's call-i- n car repair advice program "Live coverage of the Annual Western Land UseraSlerra Club touch foolball game "Play by play of tha Volley Tournaments to make Trish West happy "David KnutsonJIm Stiles mind wrestling contests "LamBada dance-alon- gs "Cart Rappa'a esoteric music show "Tha Bob "Swarthy Walker" Greenspan Show 3 The mind boggles at tha opportunities. Program drector Cart Rappa (In addtlon to his obscure favorites) promises an Incredbly broad variety of rock, Jazz, blues, new age, classical and progressiva country. This writer strongly oncourages Mr. Rappa to Include the collected works of Marta Haggard and Gena Autry In his repertoire. Moab Public Rado has submitted a proposal for Federal fundng totalling $114,360 for tha construction of a bare-bon- es facility; tha Federal ahara Is $85,770. Tha remaining services. AddOonal $28,590 must be raised through donations of money and wUI It once to Some funds have Is be the constructed. facHtty required operate fundng Is to a still bean but there already pledged, long way go. To make a donation of services, please contact: In-kl- In-kl- Carl Rappa Dorothy Harding youd like to be Moab Public Rado 895 Oak Street Moab, Utah 84532 nd Name: Address: Phone: 259-60- 73 259-29- 09 259-88-90 I Kyle Bailey 259-88- 97 Bill 259-68- 33 Tha success of this Public Rado Station rests solely with Its listeners and supporters. This Is an opportunity that may not come again. smjE hjJeh 415 TOMGO BENDER Open Sunday TOTE BAGS r BANDANAS Imprinted with your favorite 1990 Jeep Safari Trail Design No Waiting, Quick Service Also SUNGLASSES SHORTS FILM SUNTAN LOTION HATS, VISORS & TANK TOPS .Vi If nd Suzanne Mayberry Benge Cash donations of any amount no matter how small, wlU help. a part of Moab Public Rado, cut out thla coupon and sand It to: |