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Show ' THE ZEPHYRJUNE 89 The State Air Quality Board wont let Moab use slash and burn techniques to clear out under brush In Mill and Pack Creek. What are you ooina to do to keep the creek beds open? Tom: Well, we can slash but we cant bum. I have a meeting with them tomorrow, and were going to ask for an exception' In some areas. In the original CIB grant for the Stuntman Hall of Zephyr: Fame, was that money exclusively for the Hall of Fame or were other purposes Intended for that funding? Tom: I dont know. Initially It was Intended to do a lot of things that I dont know were possible. Whenever we get a CIB grant we try not to focus the funds on one thing. We want to I utilize It for everything that we can. believe were In compliance with the CIB grant, and the way Its structured, and been spent. I have no problem with that at this point Zephyr: Theres no plans In the future for anything else? Tom: The CIB money Is about used up. We have less than $3,000 In that account I dont If we spent It wrong, were In trouble. perceive that we are In trouble In regard to that This Is a hot potato, of course, because there are some strange and ill feelings In the things that have transpired there; with Individuals; and I have to believe that Individuals should keep It to themselves. the only way we get ahead Is with a bit of harmony In the community. John Hagner has. told me that anytime anyone wants to use the theater, to contact him and they will try to make It available. And I told him we ought to have an Impact fee for that If we furnish a facility for any group that needs it, there ought to be a charge that goes along with that. Zephyr: Has a contract been signed with the Hall of Fame? Tom: Ive signed it, but John Hagner has not Theres a question of whether he can afford Insurance on the activities he would like to present He feels that will liability insurance. eat up the money needed for the life blood of the organization. I can understand that. On the other hand, he cant perform stunts unless hes Insured. Zephyr: A few weeks ago, there was a developer Interested In the golf course. Officially, whats the status of that? I have an Tom: ad In last weeks Times Independent on the advice of the City Attorney that states that no proposals or contracts have been developed at the golf course. Zephyr: You cant elaborate further on that? Zephyr: . Tom: No, I PAGE 7 Zephyr: If a developer Is found that Is genuinely Interested, what will the Cltv require of him? Tom: To protect the citizens of the city, I think a developer . - should be willing to post a performance bond, equal to the cost to the paved roads, curbs, gutters, develop the Infrastructure The last possible developer, sidewalks, utilities, and so on. that you mentioned, I asked that he post a $4.5 million performance I felt that with bond. that, the Council would be agreeable to transfer title of that 125 acres. So I think cash up front or a performance bond Is a reasonable request Zephyr: Whats the latest on the oas plume? Tom: At the last Council Meeting, we gave permission that If they upgrade the product going Into the sewage treatment plant, It can be done. They felt that If we didnt do that, that they could wait until they got EPA approval which may set them back 6 months in starting and may set them back a couple of years on cleanup. Zephyr: Is there anv Indication vet where the oas Is coming from? Tom: They feel there are two responsible parties, but Its only hearsay beyond that Metcalfe & Eddy Is the firm dealing with . this. Zephyr: Thanks. Mr. Mayor. cant "DAVE'S 4TH EAST & MILLCREEK DR. 2594999 OPEN 7 toll JUNE IS BUSTING OUT ALL OVER AT FRIENDLY DAVES Gome owy? wiTH W WW UP." VbU The Only Restaurant in Moab Breakfasts Serving 10 Mexican-Styl- e from leuvos Rancheros to Pigs in a Blanket (plus all your American favorites) MM 0 SEE OUR NEW ASSORTMENT OF HEALTH FOODS & SNACKS lT-- |