Show INING J E barmer wae at the may aay on and sunday foreman anderson of ahe bullion beck an IB was in salt lake this week on business will a hatfield was out from salt lake this week looking after his var ons interests william Ha vernor was out from salt laky bunday for the purpose of looking over mining properties in which he is in teresea tere sed assistant Asi stant manager herman green of the bigham consolidated visited the 1 igle and blue bell mine wednesday erk on the grade for the raila ay haur to the I 1 agle and blue bell mine has commenced the first ground being broken wednesday swan and have a force of twenty five men at w ork the men are housed in tents i id their meals are supplied by the in a large mess tent the prospects in mammoth hollow ire looking a great deal brighter ith the mammoth and grand central mines working a full force of men and the recent strikes the ainsa and I 1 ower mammoth and a general acrivi ty among the smaller properties the twin camps of mammoth and ire taking on a semblance of their old time energy the copper king J jen en and geoage hins i left wednesday evening for the o 0 group of claims in the dencson mining district mr jencen stated be f ie he left that exceedingly encourage in news hal been rec ned from the A few weeks igo a shift i was started on the around ind after ml ing a few feet an iron stringer a which wis followed 11 d at the del th of ten feet body of co i er ire six feet wido was and at the depth of fourteen fac t the ore wig f un 1 to 0 o er the whole length of the shift which is nine fe t by five feet 1 he purpose of mr jensen s trip to alie TO erty h to tin i a proper location which to 1 a i or manent woran g shaft at i reset t only two men are working b it it 14 the i of the gentlemen intel etel e tel in the under tak ing to immediately ut a large force on ind start the work in earnest the enone pi l arty consists of about twenty clai i s a ij lining the already 1 ills ali dutchman group ml I 1 elii les the 11 aheady mentioned the f allowing well kno gentlemen are in the property I 1 U hulks eting i arto V udall J 1 I 1 aderson an 1 wm carter of ludeka A d bessm williams and of n i A corporation will be f in cd work will east end notes wark on the lilly in will feirt light awa M M kellogg of I 1 has 1 w rk on the aalph erty john M bestelmeyer is w on ane big hill group and reports a faor able showing ork on the bullion beck tunnel property is being rapidly pushed and the i lo position is one of the most flat in east H has a force of men on the vega rhe shaft is down about feet and there is a good in the bottom new compressor for uncle sam the management of the uncle sam consolidated mining company tester liy 1 ur chased from the bait lake hardware company a complete corn lant including a full comi lenient of pow er drills sa s the salt lake herald of thursday the machinery willae hipped out to camp today and within it week 01 tell days it is expect i 1 to have it in commission company has been figuring on notice ot assessment mckimley McK icley mining company ann u pal place of business eureka utah LK lauon of mine bureda juab county utah no 1 is hereby given that at a meeting tl e 1 rectors mckinley Me Kinley mining corn pany held at the of the june ath 1905 an assessment ebal eb nl of one cent per shie ie ng 2 was levied kofl tha cap tl stock of the corporation issued and outa tand ng payable at once to W bear secretary 0 the company at his office ma a street eureka utah eatock upon which th assessment donabe dav of june will be del nai ent find 1 ut auielo is made before will be bold on the day of july 1905 al 12 clock noon to pay the delinquent assessment together w th the cost of advertising and expense sale W 0 secretary main street eureka utah first june 9 1905 placing such a plant at the erty for several months as it will greatly faaili tate the development of the mine As a great deal of new territory la now being explored in the company a great block of ground it will be possible to learn something of its value within a comparatively short time and the only wonder ia that the installation of the plant has been so long delayed bifi judgment for eureka hill A af the i u between the eureka hill and bullion beck mining companies in which the latter A as ae aused of deliberately invading the for mers gintic tintic territory and departing with aches to which it was not en titled has just culminated in a judg ment for the E hill which is ani ie damages under the statute in the aum of 51 the judgment was handed down by hon fe anaid who had been agreed upon by the principals as referee and who found that the trespass on the part of the bullion beck onal will ful and fraudulent r and who directs that the findings be accordingly enter ed up the judgment is about 5 less than that awarded in the former hearing before hon parley L VV illiams as referee the actual damages having been axed by judge vanan at 16 or the equivalent of tons of oie t the bilue of per ton another scrap in which the same principals will clinch is that in which the bullion beck is bretal retal camj and in which it seeks to collect from its irrepressible adversary for ores it is accused of mm i ig from the former s ground the conflicts between the ne angi bated several ears igo and that they will continue for son e time vet beffie i final settlement ia reached and the damages are shelled out is quite likely in the ei gaen ent just fought the petitioner was represented by bit herlind van cott allbon the respondent by elas ellis Bc hulder rhe q naty of oie to which the wit nesses te ind of which the smelt ter settlements f irmsher evidence ds a striking story of the class of 01 es of which that territory his been e ind from which the mil lions have been tribune mine accidents john kelli an e n lo 10 of the cen tennial bureda n in was badly aruis bruis e 1 il out the body by a cir upsetting on him esterday ester dav carl aski had h s wrist dislocated ft bile at worl m the bullion beck mine yesterday |