Show The Herald Journal Logan Utah Monday November 17 2U03 — A5 Prisoner’s duty 'survival escape and communication’ ( 'on (in ucd from A laic of his comrades which lie did not know weighed heavily on him during that time “'My crew members were I Hale's plane was shot down (iemian lighter jets He bailed out of the which badly damaged was oil lire and out of control "I don't recall any feeling of fear or panic" Hale w rites anti-aircra- ft by H-1- missing hist or dead 'and were almost continually on my mind" he writes Hale was (hen transported to his permanent I’OW'eamp Stalag Lufl III in late June 7 "and I feel my mind functioned Clearly was relieved when I floated free and clear of the plane and my parachute was not on lire" 1 lale w as the only member of his n crew to survive I le landed in the icy' 'waters' of the North Baltic Sea lie didn't have time id detach his parachute and inflate his life vest hut that was fortunate i94v 1 - lale writes that ' man ship Hale an admittedly ' poor swimmer bounced " across the choppy waters i'or help praying "Fervent prayers for rescue filled my heart” he writes "I called upon my Father in ' ' Heaven at first quietly then aloud Soon the top of a sometimes sajd that men In “It was ' Ger- - groups talked mostly about girls: There was some truth in this' but after a year food won hands down" - also making him their prisoner' - decoded and forwarded to their recipients Who didn't even- - Due tii his ' training I’ve-trie- - know what hud taken place As for life inside the camp Hale paints a ' picture of : ! squalor : The I’OWs' were housed six bines"-Condition- - V ! - : ’ : ' ' ' ' ' v ' to 15 to a riiftm ' Hale's wbai A in turned to called "coin- - ' were thoughts escape' were 'few days later while en'route' to a German POW camp Hale 'cramped fiMid was always in kicked out the bathroom win- short supply and there was ' dpw of a moving train “almost a complete' lack of cloths'jowels' and paper for jumped and ran ' Hc wandered the cold Gcr-cleaning washing and dry- A 2 nian coiiniryside lor 12 ing-- ' Hale writes counl before falling asleep in- a determined that the POWs ibyS ' received an average (if two building he thought was abanr doned! A lew hours later a 'c sheets iifjoilet paper each per ' " ' woinan discoyered him :' r day ' ' shouted and ran!'" “It reminded me iif the 'days':' “Much surprised tried to as a youngster on the ranch in irtj ' ! arid Western Wyoming'whei) the V into run the nearby get up ' I ' woods hut was so stiff and pages ofmail order catalogs sore and tired I slumped hack : served the (luthduseswhieh w ere in general use at the ' to the floor and said almost ''!: aloud'Oh what the hell?-- T lime" Halc writes! Blair writes-!The POW subsisted in!a When Hale was placed bac'k ' diet of things likc!unpee)ed 'in the custody of the Germans bojlcd potatoes' unleavened he was’eagcrio explain who black bread "uneatable moldy he wasbecaUse the Nazis! "stinking ehcese'! a'ndbliKKl treated eivilianiwisonei fair sausage: worse than prisoners tf war They received hot Waiter in ! ' ' "From this point on L was:'- large jugs but there were no-never allowed to go’ to the piitsdr pans for Clinking for what they fash- - ! lavatory alone again" he except ' ' ioned from tin cans that came" writes ' y He was takeirtd Dulag'Lufu inside Red Cross packages- V ' When an Allied hiimbing' the central place foridenliTi- and of cation woujd destroy a distribution interrogation ' Allied air crews He said the center the POWs were rele- : r ' Ironi heavy shori lengths of vegetable siiup ' barbed wire with barbs ‘“It seemed that the tougher the war became' the smaller' removed J lale fashioned him- the rations and ilieino'rc dilut-- self a w inter hat fnim old ' ed the soup became:' he wool blankets that would later writesbe a lil'esaver during a long ' Hale says he is forever cold march indebted to the Red Cross not Hale writes that the I’OWs for the relief also only engaged in educational packages but also for their oversight of religious and entertainment the camp which forced (lie activities There were plays Germans to treat the l( )Ws musical performances and humanely: square dancing Donations of "Since the war to books musical instruments never allow an annual Red iind other items by the YM( ’A Cross funding drive to pass by allowed them to start a library without donating to them and of which Hale became super- visiir vocally encouraging others 1o ‘The library made it possi- give iis well" Blair writes thui food was ble lor hundreds of I’OWs to ' the mam issue in cainp as the pass (heir time profitably in I’OWs made the most of whaf study and reduced some of the boredom restlessness and v little they received! They improvised revised expertimpatience that so many expe- -' riericed1lvVas a great' place to mented iind exchanged spend iiiany quiet hours in recipes One lime! he arid his roommate saved ingredients peace and concentration" to make ice cream ldrra holi- lale and others' 'started a ! Moriiion group tliaf couldn't "hash"but they 'eventually day numbered 2fi They held i'gct it til i'reee due to a lack of salt a precious coiiiniodity in sacranieiit usingsmall scraps ' gatevl to - unsealed caine into ' : department' ship's smokestack Herald Journal tile photo of war in Germany he was a prisoner Blair Hale's ID tags from when ‘ ' to the War Department in ' Washington inside letters to his parents and girlfriend The messages would be intercept- -' ed by the war sometimes my words burst man crew picked him lip saving his file hut hO-mil- c nication" "Because of my special Ml- 9 training I immediately-begaexploring planning and participating in escape activi- ties and collecting target Intel- ligeru'e information’ he V writes 'I Hale eventually risked execution by sending seven high- ly condensed coded messages lhc!wind-whlppc- view" The sol- ‘“survival escape and commu- d because parachute kept him afloat and provided a visual for a CJer- - !' ' Nui ' Id-ma- ’ I ! diers would frequently tell POWs "For you the war is over" Hut he says a I’OWs last mission was his longest As' a prisoner hisduty became Hopewell a fellow POW at "Sanitary piovismiiN vu-iStalag I ii ft III who wrote one ncghgihlc" I lale w rites " I In of the early books on It )V 'honey wagon' could not keep life "Combme 13" wrote to up with empty ing the aborts Hale in 1991 and asked if he'd Rats lice and bedbugs tan read the hook rampant There was no tuel Hale told Hopewell he'd lor heat and only a hide wrip make him a deal for cooking" he'd read Hopewell's hook if Hopewell Finally on the morning u ' would read his Hale sent him April 29 a copy of The Book of Mor(icn Cleorgc Patton's Army mon arrived and liberated the plaHale's faith appears to have nners They were taken to sustained him' on several occn- - France then returned in'New sions one being a York via ship march Over 4X hours from "As we steamed past the Statue of Liberty I saw the Stalag Lull III 1o his second beautiful American llag" permanent camp On Jan 29 944a spear- Hale writes "I got a lump in head iif the Soviet' Army w as my throat and'ciiuldii a talk Tears Unwed down ihv reported to be within 20 miles of the camp Hiller ordered Wimlmt! tHc tli-- i 2000 POWs to syo me I thei’amp evacuated because he didn't want to Jose the pris-- w iped my ey es iind jis they oners whom he would later '! cleared I looked around and ' 'almost all were'ery ing" attempt to use as hostages I lale w rites The P( )Ws were' awakened thaulespiic Ins in the middle of the night and lie doesn't hold a captivity " forced Id line up iind wait for grudge against Germans! lie hours while being counted notes that a foriiier German ' "Temperatures were well general as well as some mni! below cro and I never ' censors from Stalag Lull III ’ remember a colder night even have attended American l’ )Y in Northern reunions in recent veais Wyoming" he w rites "War is not The I’OWs so much ina'i trekked for 27 against man 'i “Though we fight hours through governmein on opposite several inches against gov of snow with we are not really vciniiienl" he no shelter or writes: of each rest Finally "Though we' other individually they goi a iti- light oijiippo Iioilf rest in 'a site sides With of are nolaMlIv large warm time we are really enemies o cacti other' individuallv With'passug'iH from exhaustion" Hale (if tim'c weafe really I’fiendv' ' writes "I ran a temperature' And the Lord is- miiidfulolJiis"-- ' and slcpl'a great deal and siiiiils (soldiers) regardlessirf! w hat uniform they w car" could hardly he revived" ' 1 Hale reiii'ained in- the Air faje's''roommate' and good friend fashioned a sled!and Force after World War II aiul ' toliincl planned tii pull him the rest of retired as He hecaiiie ROTC cominan-!- ' ' the wm hutthe weather got better and Male wasablc to 'dcrat Utah Stale I 'ijiversitv in' : ' walk 1957The I’OWs arrived afa rail After hisfdiremciit friiiii ! ' the mililary m J9ft5 Hale' station and werc craiiuiicd worked iis direct! ir of student ! inio hoxcarslhal had not been cleaned ol'aninial waste employ merit placement aiu1 ! ’ : - 1 cuinpvThcy y’nded up drinkingthe sweetened iiiilky'mixlure' instead: ' 1 lale writes that tlie l’CJWs spent hours discussing I'ihiiI iind what they would order' ' ' Wheri they got home "Two little notebooks thai survived the trip home arid that I still haye contain menus : - frtinr the black (Jernuin "goon" bread or pieces of very hard Canadian biscuits The group obtained a copy ol'The ' Book of Mormdnand dug up! tree slumps for fuelto warm ' their meetirtg nipiii "I sensed a feeling of ' iiicreascd sccuritycdiiif()rl ' andl'cHowship that camefrom : ’ sides enemies passage w'-- 2 friends” - - “ - -V " -- ! r m about girls! There was Mme truth in this butai'ter a year: food wion hands dimn" - ous i— even more appalling ' Logan LDS Tabernaclei) I ri: riiarch'liale writes '?iday NcjvJAnd hcvvasi -The PGW were taken tomember of valory: ilh the sante intensity from nienihcrship a regular ward '' ¥ or branch:' w v than the - - ' ' ! - fence " A fellow POW taught Hale to knit using needles made ' ' Hale's LDS faith isa'themc throughout his biiok For examplei he relates that Cliff wereriT housed in tents vvere packed into overcrowded ! buildings : j ‘Hcfiihy Sjvriaf AcMBMfjf i ' Natali taytar Call Today 770-569- Lhaii'd in lUtii - hiii Settlement Analysis: Office n Fre ‘’Insider'’ Report: Confidential Interview Ssws Hundrsch o tiotos Compared lo DsnUsts Plicaa -IMines repairs while you and 800-375-97- 877-451-911- 1 s 24- ‘ 111 Hone Kscprdsd MsiMft t wwwjkharriscom HARRIS IJKSTURt IJlSICN William Hurivlknnrd IVnliri- -l (Hi) 71MII (201) M6 22II "the (Nation's most suooreUI JK Hams & Company- 1118 MM oompanv - -- - j 10 AM TO 9PM M-- F Ladies Clothing S 1 145 N Main Logan V ' HAS RETURNED AFTER Grand Opening y SeUbia Suits Since 1055 S 20 ' a' ' r— & 25 YEARS Sale Pre-Holid- ay Thursday November 13 : ' ! f “ftX 81 North Uain DOV7MTOWIT NOW UNDER NEW MANACEMENT W11 IONI 752-118- 5 SOUTH MAIN LOCAN SUN 4PM-- 9 PM s' Logan (47S Ofhces Nationwide) -- M& Socks INC 755-97- 01 1 Street Journal LIMITED TIME NOW IN PROGRESS WS& 1200 Dress Shirt Neck He N TUESDAY NOV 18 H6w ro End (BSProbiwns ForTwer'" 30 ToN-Ft- ULt 5 Fro Tax RE-OPE- KOREAN BBQ & MARKET AGENTS A TAX PROFESSIONALS EX-IR- S - NmrDsnlisss klassage when you hiiy 2 gift certificates ! to You “Pbom MctCMW !RecitiyrpO 'Off our VETERAN DENTURES No Dentist Visits Reqoweo" great" " RESTAURANT GRAND ! 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