Show A2 — The Herald Journal Logan Utah Monday November 17 2003 hr protests ©nDini non®dq&® Tiradl® tiaQCs MIAMI ( AP) — luiulrals of anti globalization activists held demonstrations Sunday as tvprcscn tatiycs of 34 Western I lemisphere nations stalled talks on creating the world’s largest Irey trade bloc Aides to trade ministers were (of meetings scheduled Hiursday when their bosses workshop near downtown Miami working kin puppets art a system and other projects to get their anti globalization mes- 'sage aeross 1 water-recyclin- other About-21X- people-wearin- bright yellow shirts staged a potest parade 'on the streets color-preparin- to-£-f- u ftrt because I believe in this g laiuderdalefeaM xf g ' f president of the American Liberties Union of Civil A man w ho identified himself Miami only us Gecko supplementing his She complained about u new city yellow shirt with body piercings 'ordinance that bans groups of' and multicolored hair said he took demonstrators from carrying potentime off from his job ns a massage tial weapons such us glass bottles therapist in San Francisco to voice said police have not been evenand his displeasure with the free trade the rules ' ly enforcing conference " She displayed photos of Miami ll nlially fans walking past police x'°Ple if with beer bottles Saturday during a - Rodriguc-Tuscf- anlikle-tiHitba- A police spokesman Along for the ride: Juan Five-year-o- ld oi Lake Worth Fla' naps in his he is pulled along the rbute from Fort Lauderdale Fla? tp Miami lha Proa TraHfl hr nrrxfaete-hn'iirt- Sebastian & 34:mile' buygys' - - A’ I he k 1 Study: Skingn cancer ups risk of other O’ " ' Dclrish Moss said Miami officers were nly just becoming fully aware of411' il-- t Southern drawls thwart voice recognition system LajA’i -- Southern draw Is have thwarted ' voice recognition equipment used by the Shreveport Police I department to route non emergency calls touch-ton- e A switchover to ii lower-tec- h system — in which ' callers hear a voice recording they can respond to by pressing a dilfcrcnl number for each division — is scheduled for Monday said spokeswoman Kaycye I largrave n The system asked people to name the per-son or department they wanted 'More often than not the system just didn't understuinL and they wound up at the' wrong place said Capt Johli Dunn who oversees "In Uuiisiaiia we hae--a problem with Sotithern draw l iiiid what leal I la v mouth Because of that the system often does- SlIRl-Vl'l’OR- cancers CHICAGO I Ah — Women with common usually nonfa- tal forms of skin cancer face ' ' double the risk of developing unrelated cancers according to a large study suggesting that the initial diagnosis nfay be more worrisome that previ- ously — thought ' voice-recogiiitio- - j u - ra&Va - vJiT ' brain breasts ovaries and uterus' It was even stronger for liver cancer which had five tiines higher risk and Luther VaridrOS'takes hoW nfibstfuisiana G°V''elecKaWe?ri Bianco speaks during a hews conference Sunday Bernhard rear Lafayette consider other risk 'fsquatcly faeUira that IhejjJj he remains far from fully roeov- ered:J le wiis honored as best innle RAM performer and favorite VoulR& It album 'for his most ccht jaiiceith My might explain connection said the lead ‘author Df Carol Rosenberg ofj ntminisimiinn Evanston-Northwester- Cl)i iiiJic£which was!comblcU f faryVahdross? hr ntothisr Igcepted the niiilc perfpmier 'kwardorj his hehalf$sffi8B I veirysk rry that Luthcrlt cannot be here tonight ihpersonj Winning voice: yl al 'pi otherB al of the vote f 31st?nnuafinffftc5t:th f in-a'- J S“jyrday s AkwarOfi jie slin7in'IAng lcaa yi5pgyjfc!-South'And -- lan who had difficulty climhind the slave slensw adult eoniemporary Pop divaCelihe Dion was 50 Uui'gh-gu- y won Cent best raphip-horapper Rich of Die Tryin"‘'a gritiy CD about his many album hrusheswith death on the street' picked-favorit- p ct fpr-'G- Bushlg'and for a sweep of the Wep while Blanco ged she still wasjlpg ! ar 'iirtist while' n Healthcare' part of Northwest Louisiana governor SihceCiowerh University'smcdical Mike Foster was clected eight W'sch(Hl Her study5 involving 2835 years agm Term limits pre-IvVcnted Fosterfrom ronningpTswit-menripauswometipar-- S again ut he had thrown hislip tjcipating ina Continuing fed- -l support behind Jindal his32-erstudy ermsidered d ycar-plpnitege and a RepubM factors that ihfluence'canccrk ican whiz kid who served as risk including smoking' assistant hcalth secretaifewcight arid education level j(an tinder President still found an' increased k had associated wilh skiii ean-t- p Republicans hoped ' would give them a sweep of governorships in every Roscnherg said she suspects W$ l"r' South state rtaull 'Voiild' apply to ep liisisinfl ' Mitininni min Inn ciniv nntfiinti ‘“'Sort I y be fofe h upstroke in April ' In of Blanco's transation learn looks on Below: Gridhari Lai 97 Bobby co-cha- ir Jin-tis- par l - iJakvurS j ilS &KS2fy had an e' Buy now and gist 6Vz '' "Ihc guys you' know V3 1 -- afd lrust J ol your purriioM back to spend as cash in : ' Brace Yourself for Winter December! 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