Show lamentable want of tact mrs calliper looked aggrieved ai she seated herself opposite her bus band at the dinner table and knowing what was expected of him he inquired if she had enjoyed the afternoon no I 1 can t say I 1 have mrs cal allper admitted in a weary tone and all for the want of a little tact biow III tell you what happened ine dressmaker gasn wasn t ready tor me when I 1 got there wouldn t be for nearly an hour so I 1 happened to remember that mrs james on whom I 1 ve never called though she a often asked me in times past lived two blocks away I 1 said I 1 d go there and return well it wasi a little early for a call perhaps only about halt past 1 but I 1 explained the whole thing to her I 1 said here I 1 was mrs james with an hour on my hands and so near you and how much better than to make an extra trip tor the call any one alth a particle of tact would have pretended to be glad to see me whether it was perfectly convenient or not but do you know she just said im sorry mrs calliper but it Is just the hour ot I 1 the children a luncheon and I 1 shall have to ask you to excuse me though I 1 d be very glad to have you rest here As it I 1 needed any rest I 1 rose am mediately of course and started away but I 1 did say with a great deal of dignity that I 1 coulden couldn t tell when I 1 should be able to come again I 1 gave her another chance but all she said was that she was sorry it happened so all the way home I 1 ve been thank ing how few people there are who have had the benefit of such home training as I 1 had as a girl and ive been trying to make allowance for that woman but when I 1 think ot the hour I 1 spent in the dressmaker s atuf ty waiting room it certainly Is hard work youth s companion |