Show no rose Is pure wh te probably the largest rose cut in city this season is a specimen of the marchioness of londonderry which major barnhart has had in a vase at his residence this species is credited with producing larger blooms than any other specimens six inches across being not uncommon but the specimen produced by major barnhart is only a trifle less than seven inches across and contains a double handful of petals beamut fully ambr bated and appearing pure white but there is a slight tinge of yellow di about the base mr barnhart says there Is no really pure white rose the whitest known when placed alongside snow showing a tinge of some color this huge bloom was not the result of disbud ding of other forcing but was pro deuced on a shoot which came up in the center of the bush and so was well shaded during the late warm weather which caused it to attain the extra size and its perfection portland Oreg onlan |