Show UTAH STATE NEWS there were 2 visitors from out bide points at manti during the scan donavian din avian reunion the stone work on the federal build ing being constructed in salt lake city is nearing completion e is to have a new busl ness block which is to be used for lodge rooms and business purposes the E Ls of salt lake city have de aided to entertain the orphans of the city on purple day august 14 at la goon A representative of the salt lalia city salvation army has been in leal soliciting financial fir ancial aid and Is obtain ing good responses the infant daughter of mrs wallard P funk of salt lake city was so badly scalded that the ittle one died the following morning hoss wells of salt lake city while riding homeward on his bicycle baj run over and trampled on by a run away team sustaining painful to juries the people of nephi are taking con sid erable pride in the progress of cheh young band which consists of twenty tour mein bers ranging in age from 13 to 19 it Is aimed by the knowing ones that a second cripple creek is ely to spring UT from the erstwhile profit less some fifteen miles south of richfield rush valley is being devastated by the crici et scourge millions of the pests having scaled the mountains between rush valley and death canyon and skull valley the lehi city council has granted a franchise to mahler of cleveland 0 to operate an electric railroad through the streets of lehl city tor a period of year A bert wilkinson Wl lkinson a fruit grower of kaysville Kays ville was held up and robbed of 19 by a highwayman in broad day light on the public road between kays talle and salt lal e benjamin tollman of honeyville was badly burned on the leg by step ping on a live wire while doing some carpenter work at the bear river power plant at garland andrew jacobsen a miner from arizona while attempting to beat his way to butte was run over and suf the loss of bis leg by a short line train in the yards at ogden adjutant general burton ot the utah national guard has issued an order fix ing the time of holding the state en camp ment august 22 to 28 the place of holding it has not yet been decided pending connections betheen the new and old bodies of gold bearing ore in the johnny company s mines at operations at the mill have been suspended and the stamps hung up plans for the black hawk reunion to be held at manti on the and of august are being per the seat of the black hawk war was in sanpete and sevier coun ties harold olson a mason while work ing on the school house at chester was sun struck and feli from the top ct the building breaking his leg and it Is feared sustaining internal in juries in salt lake city last week a child pushed a screen from a window and tell but fortunately the screen lodged on a chair and the child tell upon the screen thug probably saving it from serious injury peter of ogden was run over by a train and sustained in juries that proved fatal trainmen saw on the track and called to him to get off but he became con fused and was run down director hyatte hyatts weekly bulletin re ports crops generally good in utah rapid growth the excel alon being in the southern part of the state where the prevailing dry weather has been of long duration causing the supply of water tor arri gatlon to run very low clarence kenney aged 38 a salt lake street car attempted to kill mrs mary nichols aged 40 stab bing her several times with a pocket anite became he had become abed with her and she refused his ad vances the mormon church has just issued a pamphlet giving the names and ad dresses of the church officials and mis faion presidents throughout the whole world this is the first authentic dl rectory of this nature that has been issued for many years governor wells has appointed dele gates to the american mining con gress which will convene in its sev anth annual session at portland ore august 22 the delegates will en deavor to have the session next year held in salt lake city theodore smith the fifteen months old son of president isaac smith was drowned in a ditch running past the family residence in logan the little fellow was p abing aying in the front yard tell into the ditch and the body lodged under a culvert accompanied by the superintendent of the state school for the deaf dumb and blind at ogden and an instructor a class of six deaf pupils are to be taken to the louisiana purchase ex position within a few days the class will give dally exhibitions of their at tain ments while at the fair |