Show Ut4K?C ( Utah accredited as a ) mSEDfliB by Sundi Decker editor On Thursday November 21 in the governor’s conference room presidents and representatives from every Utah higher education institution joined for the founding meeting of the Utah Campus Compact and oversaw the official g creation of Utah as a state invites to the UCC meetTwenty-fiv- e and ing were issued to each four-yeinstitution President Grace Jones and Kathy Painter of the College of Eastern Utah’s SUN center represented CEU Students involved with the SUN center also journeyed to the Utah State Capital Building for the event Among speakers in the meeting service-learnin- two-ye- ar ar CEU's former student Slay C Gunderson who graduated with a degree for her efforts with servic- e-learning (IE® the SUN center and the community gave remarks She spoke on what service means in her life Utah is the 16th state to join as a campus compact state and is the second state to join with all higher education institutions participating in full The UCC mission statement reads: “Utah Campus Compact is a coalition of college and university presidents and their campuses committed to foster in students the values and skills of citizenship through acti ve in vol vement in academically based and cocurricular civic and community service We envision a future in which empowered citizens actively address community needs To achieve that end UCC stnves to enhance the capacity of its member campuses to provide meaningful service and learning programs The founding ceremony was hosted service-learnin- g state by Cecelia Foxlcy Utah commissioner of higher education Following hcrcom-ment- s assistant professor of Chemistry at Salt Lake Community College and in clos- Irene Fisher University of Utah's working group representative presented founding recommendations and remarks on Presidential action in service-learnin- g At this point president's from Utah's universities and colleges signed the UCC charter document committing their institutions g to programs and involvement Faith Gabclnick president of Pacifie University in Oregon cochair of the Oregon Campus Compact and representative for the National Campus Compact gave a national welcome to the UCC Tlie event proceeded with remarks from Olenc Walker lieutenant governor for the state ol Utah Helen Langan a student from Westminister College Slay C Gunderson Clifton Sanders ing a response by Arthur K Smith president of the University of Utah In reflection of all the ideas generated and in celebration of making the UCC a 1 1 service-learnin- realized goal the ceremony was concluded with a service project at the Utah Food Bank to sort canned food CEU participants at the ceremony commented that it was an entirely uplifting experience The turn out was good with more than 2(H) people in the audience consequent ly the room could not fit everyone Walker who started Utah voluntecrism for the state gave some statistics taken from a nationwide survey She staled that an average of 46 perecnl of citizens in each state serve their communities in Utah an outstanding 76 percent of citizens are see Service learning page 12 Escapes Tuition U and USU to raise increase: CEU FlBSBy jsroKK-iK- - ) by Miranda Odendahl editor The Board ol Regents approved a two percent tuition increase at Utah' two largest universities on Tuesday Nov 12 While the increase has yet to be approved by the governor and legislature it is slated to raise tuition at the JllCE University of Utah from $2074 to 5 per year and the cost of attendUtah State University could rise ing I rom S 70 to $ 71 5 Tlic other seven public institutions of higher education would not be affected by (he increase The only regent to vole against (he proposal was David Grant from Cedar $2 1 1 1 1 1 City lie argued that it has potential to hurt the already lagging enrollment at the U Cecelia Foxlcy commissioner of higher education said “This is not a final solution to our tuition dilemma This is a Band-Ai- d approach knowing more surgery is yet to come" (The Salt Lake Tribune Wednesday Nov 13 1996 p QlpiB) QyfclM’ C 3£ (©a®" fl1ft T£Jr '(' 4341tfi£!i1(: A-- 1) The College of Eastern Utah's AcaBrent Haddock demic says increases in college tuition arc inevitable however “we are trying to delay the increase" The revenues generated by the increase are directed to go toward improving the institution’s libraries “That amounts to about $ I million for the U's three libraries and about $384000 for USU’s library" (The Salt Lake Tribune Wednesday Nov 3 19 p Haddock states that CEU's library usage is at an all time high If CEU had been required to raise its tuition the revenue would have most definitely been appropriated toward the library “collections acquisitions commit- Vice-Preside- nt liil:ffliir daqffira dSiJSl nqi 1 CJfJV ( VWO ini1Bi ) confident that we will he able to get some library support from the Legislature this year" I laddock says add“I am A-- I) ing that improving the library is listed on every priority list "Uur tuition will stay the same" he says "although we could use the help lor our library" Earlier in (lie year in response to urging from student leaders Foxley shied away from a different proposal which would have raised tuition between one and four percent at all nine of Utah's public higher education institutions The increase would have amounted to $38 million Regents arc attempting to make tuition "‘fair and equitable' to reflect the costs and benefits of the institutions" (77m Salt Lake Tribune Wednesday Nov 13 19 p The sensitive tuition subject is ) further complicated by the recent report released by the legislative fiscal A-1- analyst showing that the cost of tuition at all five of Utah's community colleges is above that of the regional and national averages Haddock feels that "community colleges should be allowed a little hit more disparity than the universities with tuition” Low tuition is a major asset to a community college drawing many students who may not have had an opportunity to further their education By raising tuition these students may not be able to afford the cost of their education In addition if the tuition were to undergo an increase it would reduce the numberof scholarships which award tuition The funds allocated for tuition- based scholarships would not be able to sce Tuition back page SUN Center student leaders Mary Ann Nelson and Julia Lloyd find a moment with President Jones at the UCC ceremony In the Capitol Building Phone Card machine stolen from Aaron Jones lounge Sometime on the Thursday before (he Thankgiving holiday thieves stole a phone card machine from the lounge at Aaron Jones CEU police are investigating the theft The owners of the machine are offering a $300 reward for information that leads to the arrest and con viction of tlic thieves The CEU police who currently are generating leads in this case arc asking students for help in apprehending the suspects Anyone with information may contact the CEU police at extension 3234 or 3633 |