Show why we should know where we are likely to fall down some men who had had experience in writing hand bills were selected to prepare a wording for some bill boards about thirty inches square they put so much on that the whole space was injured had they boiled down their copy many more people would have read it the paper on which copy Is written may be the same size tor a handbill and the billboard and unless the one who writes it puts himself in the place of the one who Is to read it abere Is a chance for an easy error when the written copy Is printed a much larger piece of paper Is used tor the billboard than for the circular but the distance Is greater and the reader Is walking or riding by it those men who made a mistake on that thirty by thirty inch board had exercised their forethought and worked their comparative imagination a little bit they might have cut out about half of the reading and inter ested twice as many pedestrians j hili t fi i |