Show THE CARBONICLE yOLUME CARBON COLLEGE PRICE 19 Carbdn Has Teaching only the univirsitios which feature teaching demonstrations Carbon College now provides moans of telling stories to real children Until last Monday the students had been preparing to tell the stories On Monday six from the Central School came up and were told stories by the class session the After the story-tellin-g children were given a party Tuesday September 23 the class told fables and read poetry to a group of second-gradeA number of small children’s chairs were purchased to be used g class in the Teacher of the class is Mrs "Stubby” Petersen isn’t first-grade- rs rs story-tellin- Extra-Curricu- Clubs lar j’Vovide Activity Two clubs not previously pubthe Carbonicle arc providing outlet for a great deal of activity in school Both are speech organizations Phi Rho Pi national public-speakisociety is open to all licized in ng upper-divisio- students who arc n interested in contest speech President is Nedra Thomas Mary Lue Donna Jewkes is Stowell secretary-treasurDelta Psi Omega is a national dramatic fraternity It was organized last year for the first time on this campus To be a member a student must have participated in dramatic productions Newly elected officers are Donna Stowell president Alan Bartlett and Margaret secretary-treasurThompson Mr Elmo G Geary is adviser of both groups vice-preside- nt er vice-preside- nt er Students See 5’Hcespeare Play On Tuesday Jack Rank versatile gentleman of the theatre presented Shakespeare’s “The Taming the Shrew" in two acts It was n show The opinion of the students was that it was for the most part over their heads but that the scenery and the quick changes were very good j4 one-ma- Number 3 Four Publications Staffs Demonstrations It UTAH FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 25 1953 Nearly Completed Yearbook Roster Still Undecided Allan Jacob Heads Carbonicle From more than forty applicants for positions on the yearbook some must yet be chosen according to Mr John Yack adviser and David Franco editor In addition to David those already appointed arc Carma Morgan associate editor and Juanita Robertson business manager Allan Jacob is editor of the Carbonicle this year He is to be assisted by Virginia Wise college freshman from California All students in the Journalism department arc automatically members of the staff of the school paper Literary Magazine Already Planned "The Flame” a mimeographed literary magazine produced by the Journalism students is already being planned Jerome Dean Karr from Chicago is editor Geraldine Sweetring is associate editor Business manager is Margery Shaw Other members are Phyllis Frandscn and Clyde Christensen There Are Newcomer Takes Directory Job Virginia Wise is editor of the directory this year and is already well into the project assisted by an energetic group including Philip Siober associate editor Ted Salazar Korean veteran and Bob Warren cartoonists and Ellis Worthcn Ann Naillon Chrystal Zamantakis Sue Casey Ann Marie Zaccaria Pat Robinson Gayle Rowley Sherron Houghton Carol Prince Myrna Williams Gcn-iMower and Carol Rich el Mrs Mathis Resigns Mrs Gladys Mathis has quit teaching school Mr Merrill reported that Mrs By Margery Shaw Mathis quit because she has three Although school has just be- youngsters at home and she felt gun the few thieves among us she wasn't doing them justice Mrs Mathis taught Junior Engare at it again There have been lish and history Other teachers books and many reports of stolen arc filling in pending a replaceone or two of stolen money Thiev- ment ing seems to be getting widespread The administration and Football Publicity teachers are trying to trace pil- Books Ready to Go fered belongings and to catch the The annual football roster of offenders but as yet they haven't Carbon’s and college made much headway teams prepared in booklet form Dr Jones states that the coun- by the Journalism department is ty sheriff’s office has been ap- ready for mailing to the team's Neil "Kim” Nelson and proached and that members of opponents are writing for Christensen the force are chasing down some Clyde the Eagles Kent Harrison and clues that have come to light Dale Aeord arc writing for the When apprehended the thieves Dinos will be given wide publicity Dr " Jones says It is too bad that all students What's Cookin'? cannot be honest and truthful but as it is in every school we have 25 tonight College our share of thieves We take this September with Mesa at Grand game opportunity once more to ask evJunction at 8:00 eryone to be on the lookout for September 28 Monday Representstolen property and to try to ative Douglas Stringfellow to catch the few thieves for the talk 10:15 A M benefit of the school and of the students Always a Few high-scho- — ol |