Show It Carbonicle Separating the Men From the Boys September 25 I95S is not alone in feats of physical prowess that the good are from mediocre There arc other media which septhe distinguishable arate the men from the boys Such as Tuesday morning’s program at the Auditorium A few students a very few be it noted got up and walked out on Mr Jack Rank our guest We don’t know how good Shakespeare it was but it was good entertainment for a short session It is true that for many in the back it was little more than pantominc but even pantomine has something The ultimate proof of maturity is the ability to sit through at lease for a little while even when there isn't anything there ABOUT THE CAMPUS With Pat and Gale Old "Gibby’s” getting his usual share of attention Did you notice all the girls that were sing-n- g and bowing to him the other day at noon? Strangely enough “Gib's" attentive admirers also hail an audience Mostly boys — wonder why? Compliments are in order for By Evelyn Varellas So many references have been made to “Ptomaine Hall" that timely snake dance Friday night some may have got the impression that the nickname is derogatory during the half It also seems the of the cafeteria Perhaps in a very few cases it dot's contain a slur regular song leaders and cheerbut to most students “Ptomaine Hall" is a term of endearment leaders had help leading on the d Have you noticed that usually when someone is he has a field Looks like “Rass" is going to nickname? We don’t call Gus Mr Shilaos because we like him We also like the food he serves and the women who help him with it have to do something if he wants If we didn't we wouldn't stand in line a half hour in order to get to keep his students’ attention Had you walked into 4th period some lunch anytime this week you would have found some of the kids Carbonide Staff Violence Comes catching some shuteye Allan Jacob One of Mr Merrill’s students Associate-editorsClose to Corbonites Virginia Wise upon being informed that he had tuberculosis and only three months Disaster skirted close to a num- and Evelyn Varellas Morto live joined the Communist ber of Carbonites during the past Business manager: Carma gan few days party and became a radical red d Staff : Dale Acord Virginia when asked by a fellow student Mr Allan Werrett was killed in Sue Casey Phyllis Frand-se- n a mine accident in Castle Gate why he had done so he answered late Tuesday night He was the son Beverly Ganser Kent Harri- “I thought that it was better for Sherron Houghton Marilyn one of them to die than one of grandfather of Alene Taylor Geniel Mower Ann Nail-Io- n us” Marsing A car accident near Helper last Leslie Ncwren Tom Perrcro Monday endangered the lives of former students Shirley Olsen and Rudolph Politano Carol Prince CHIEF SIMMONS SCARES Carole Rich Juanita Robertson CONSCIOUS-STRICKE- N Jack Bower Sally Simmons Those riding the Columbia bus Pat Robinson Gayle Rowley MarSally Simmons on Tuesday were treated to a gery Shaw Geraldine Sweet ring and her deputy Myrna Alger gave thrill of the kind no one likes to Jimmy Welch Myrna Williams Zac-carEllis Ann Wort hen Marie some of the students quite a scare see or remember As the bus turnGeorZarantakis when Chrystal inthey set off their siren in ed abcnd in the road those side saw a pickup hurtling gia Goniotakis Clyde Christenson the main entrance the other day Jerome Karr Neil Nelson Phillip The gadget was one of the props through the air The occupants a Sicber used in the Pep skit Virginia Wise man and a woman were both injured Late reports indicate that the woman died as a result of the We re Just Kidding Gus well-like- Editor-in-chie- f: : Ben-fiel- “Chief-of-Polic- e” "Chief-of-polic- c" ia accident Block “C" Keeps It Clean In the face of many other good entries the Block “C" Qub came through last week to win the Hello Day skit contest The unusual act had for its slogan “Keep Them Gcan” and gave a good demonstration of “Sac” Sacco-man- o as masseur scrubman to you There was some comment to the effect that this group might win more first places if the members would practice their own slogan and keep them clean Second-plac-e winners were the Eaglcttes Third was featured by a tie between the Frosh and the Pi Gams “ALWAYS TOP QUAUTY” i C Penney Co PRICE Milky Way Shoppe Compliments of Doc and llene |