Show The Carbonicle Sept 21 1951 Dinos Defeat The Carbon high Dinosaurs came from hebind in the last half of the game with the Tigers of Grand Junction to win by a score of 18 to 7 on Friday September 14 Carbon’s first touchdown came in the third period when Dick Morley ran around the end after Carbon had marched 60 yards down the field Tom Taskar went around end on a reverse for the Carbon second tally Martin Bez-yascored the last touchdown after the Dinosaurs had marched 99 years downfield after a strong ck e stand Amadeo Beacco was a very important figure in Carbon’s defense as well as the offense Fourteen thousand spectators watched Carbon defeat Grand Junction and sport writers think this will be a record attendance for the year x YEARBOOK Corbonites Shine Farmers At State Fair Tonight the Carbon Dinosaurs the Granite Farmers in the first league game of the season They left at noon hoping to do as well as they did in their recent game at Grand Junction The game will start at 8:00 pm Members of the Pep club went by school bus to cheer the team Jo Ann Leonard Two and JoAnne Hardy won a free trip to the state fair in Salt Lake with their demonstration on wood refinishing They left last Friday and returned to school Wednesday They gave their demonstration on Saturday and were told Monday night that they had on rated among the top ten They have had seven years of NROTC NEWS work and got blue ribbons at the fair on the furniture they Tommy Thomas alumnus of Carbon who is now studying at upholstered during the summer the University of Utah under a scholarship obtained through the O Eagles Open Naval Reserve Officers Training (Continued From Page One) Corps gave talks in several of agement and conduct of the Mr Crosses orientation classes school are hoping that students He spoke on advantages of trainand patrons will maintain a high ing under the NROTC plan standard of sportsmanship Starting lineup will be as folA test will be given at Carlows: bon college in early December Offense — Ramon Ellis Grant for those interested in applying LaMar Hussey Charles Smith for an NROTC scholarship acMadsen Lew Myers Mike Kos-mcording to Mr Cross McDonald Jack Sharon Those who pass this test will Peters Paul Woodward Howard have the opportunity of a lifetime A four-ye- ar scholarship at Peters and Kirk Alger one of he finest American colDefense — Dean Denison Rae uniBroderick Paul leges or universities with Henry Etzel and Durrant Elvin Juliano Clayton forms books tuition all fees Bill Hill Allen Nelson $600 a year for board and room Nielson Gene Heath John Paloni and will be given Gayle will meet Grand Junction goal-lin- Off to Meet the STAFF ANNOUNCED According to Editor John the Yearbook staff has been selected It looks like a capable group that will be working on our yearbook this year Editor Archie has already called the staff together They are already busy choosing the theme for the book The staff follows: Editor John Oyharcabal assistant editor Elsa-be- th Williams business manager Clarice Vigor assistant manager Geri Cima Helen Flcmetakis and Alan Bartlett photographers Joe Williams LeRoy Stevens and John Oyharcabal sports editor assistant Gale Ilamelwright Nedd McArthur editor sports general staff Marie Nelson Margaret Thompson Catherine Morgan Paul Taylor and Carma Oy-harca- bal Bun-ders- on 4-- as Le-V- oy No Cast-o- ff Editor Surveys of consumer expendiMaybe you’ve noticed the stiff tures are now being conducted in young man with the sandy hair 91 cities U S Bureau of the by and the freckled face and won- Labor Statistics dered why he is so unbending The answer is really very simple Gilbert “Gib” Hansen CarbonFor Lunchtime Treat icle editor suffered a broken EAT SPUDNUTS back in a car accident last summer With three pals he was going to Salt Lake City when the Spudnut Shop Price car in which he was riding left the highway and crashed into an Orem cafe Three of the boys were seriously injured The othVicki’s Inn ers in the accident were Tom Watkins Dean Denison and BenChicken in the Basket ny Martinez As a result of his injury Edi- Advisers are V E Williams and tor Hansen wears a cast and is John Yack stiff and unbending HIGHEST QUAUTY PRODUCTS FOR LESS AT OIL CITY WEST PRICE H Snappy Sandwiches Jumbo Fried Shrimp |