Show The Carbonicle Elected Class Presidents Sept 21 1951 LAMBDA DELTA SIGMA BEGINS ACTIVITIES Donald Potts president of Lambda Delta Sigma fraternity announces that the year's activities will get under way with a party for college students The party will be held Monday September 24 beginning at 8:00 pm in the Third ward chapel Ben Call institute teacher is fraternity adviser Membership requires that the person take institute classes which are taught on Tuesdays and Thursdays fourth and sixth periods The program cludes firesides for this year indances fun fests and meetings Chorus Elects Officers Officers for the chorus were elected Monday September 17 in the third period chorus class Students elected to take care of the chorus activities for the coming year are: President Martin Bez-yavice president Claud WilThe following students were recently elected presidents: Left to liams secretary Marie Nelson right Gilbert Hansen freshman president Donald Nelson senior publicity manager Nelma Powell president Keith Buscy sophomore president and Odell Nord junior equipment manager Ralph Nelpresident son uniforms manager Louise ck Responsibility Guys And Girls Selected Worry work and responsibility will be the rewards of those guys and gals selected as class officers of Carbon Tuesday September 18 during the second period Chosen were: Keith Sophomores — President Price vice president Busey George Nikas Price secretary-treasur- er Marilyn Mead Wellington representative to Student Council Kent Wilcox Price Advisers are J Byron Thompson and Blaine A Thompson Freshmen — President Gilbert Hansen Price vice president Da vid Thompson Price secretary-treasur- er Merlone Jeanselme Price representative Jerry AnBess advisers Price derson Jones and Wesley Larsen Seniors — President Donald Nelson Helper vice president Gary Turnbull Columbia secretary-treasurer Elsabeth Williams Price representative Scott Jeffs Sunnydale 'adviser Vernon Merrill One more adviser will be chosen Juniors — President Odell Nord Price vice president Vincent Guerrie Helper secretary-treasur- er Patricia McCourt representative Gary Davis Hiawatha Junior advisers are to be selected later Other officers elected Tuesday arc: Sophomore A W S representatives Donna Charlesworth Kenilworth and Vivian Naylor Drag-erto- n sophomore A M S reprePrice sentative Lewis Myers freshmen A W S representa- Sun-nysi- de Maulsby librarian Delores business Jeffs telephone tive are yet to be determined Freshmen A M S representative Allen Nelson Helper senior A W S representatives Sevcrina Gonzales and Lelsle Helper Stevenson Dragcrton senior A M S representative Gerald Robinson Price junior A W S representatives Althea Morgan Price and Shirley Ann Fazzio Helper junior A M S representative Charles Bikakis Diamond Shoe Store PETERS SHOES Shoes For All The Family 40 E Main — Price - WATCHES-DIAMOND- S AIRPORT of Sparkling SERVICE SERVICE VALUE — QUALITY FOR PRICE MORLEY’S COURTESY On Airport Road JEWELERS PHONE ECONOMY East on 50 & 868-- J ROSS OUVETO 6 Owner li Scott manager Ernestina Sacco PINTUS AND Zan-el- in the Price Theatre Building t |