Show CARBONICLE The Carbonicle STAFF Editor Gilbert Hansen Associate Editor Marion Worthen Advertising Manager Rex McArthur Campus Editors George Nikas Clarice VigorStaff: Alan Bartlett Kara Lee Bean Geri Cima Rita Clavel Bob Coleman Bob Conover Ray Dalla Corte Betty Lou Edwards Raymond McCoy John McDonald Catherine Morgan Shirley Morley Marie Nelson Carlene Pace Tony Pinarelli Nelma Jean Powell Alene Taylor Norman Vuksinick Blaine Warren Claud Williams Wallace Kirkwood John Oyharcabal Raymond Rachele Grant Smith Sharon Stoddard Tom Watkins CARBON FACULTY Carbon college has a good representation of the states numbered among her faculty Carbon's boast of having a find a jMnrallelisiy in the cosmopolitanism' 01 its faculty members' of which come from many states Bess Jones originally Mrs came from Lawson Missouri and goes back for a visit each summer Mrs Verde “Stubby" Petersen is from Curdstun Alberta Canada Leeds South Dakota is the home town of Miss Ellen Aageson From Vicksburg Mississippi Mr Henry E comes Sneed Mr Floyd E Haupt is from Tucson Arizona On a leave of absence last year Mr William C Cross hails from Coffeyville Kansas Miss Veronica Heinlein lived in Hamilton Montana until five years of age Mr Tom B Turbyfill of Santa Barbara California claims gypsy blood Preston Idaho claims Mr Dolan Con-d- ie Carbon coach Mr Henry Rachele of Helper Utah jokingly said that he was from Africa EDITORIAL By GIB HANSEN It’s about time somebody around here woke up There's a lot of idle talk going around that Carbon is a pretty dull or dead school I'd like everyone to consider the fact that they make up the school If the school lacks life so do you Please! Give us a little time and 1 think you will find we will have a good year It's a proven fact that we carry on more activities per capita than most schools in the world The fact that I'm trying to get over is that if you're going to be a dead-hea- d and not participate the school will seem dead to you Schools are primarily concerned with education alone It takes a lot of hard work to have a good time in school activi- soft-spok- en First you have to have the incentive for something and then ties students follows the work which is usually done by the am urging everyone to take an active part in some activity this year Our fun or life around the school depends largely on the participation of the students Let’s have some fun this year We really can if we try Don’t sit back and wait for someone to bring the excitement to you because it won’t happen The student body officers will do all they can All they ask is that you take an interest and support the various types of entertainment they propose I feel we can have an exceptionally good year this year I About The Campus WITH Clarice Vigor A George Nikas While I was in Grand Junction last week at the college ball game I had a chance to talk and meet some Grand Junction students They can't begin to match the calibre of our students here at Carbon intellectually or socially We here at Carbon know we've got a great school and believe me those students at Junction know it too What joys our boys have when they travel for football games! At Grand Junction last Friday night a number of our quiet type boys shed their Carbon county fear of girls and started taking lessons from some cute majorettes from Junction We'll drop this subject now without Fair mentioning any names enough— Em? Little Brig Young has latched on to a swell red-hefrom Helper How he did it I really don't know? Her name is Geri Cima and believe us Geri is a sweet gal Monday night the Pi Gams had at Mr a hamburger-steak-fr- y Merrill’s home and a slumber party at the gym Everything was quiet and peaceful until some THIEF stole Mary Austin’s and Marilyn Mead's air pump and let all the air out of their mattresses How they did look for that pump! In fact it was about 1:30 in the morning before they gave up threatening and hunting for that so-call- ad ed Sept 21 1951 AWS Officers In Action A continuous conveyor belt four long is now in operation at Jiles Under the expert ai a brand new' a bituminous coal mine Students Associated Women SWEATERS-BLOUSE- S Council held its first meeting AT Wednesday September 19 MASSEY’S Martha Dillard this year’s A W S president was an A W S SCHOOL SUPPLIES representative of the freshman PRICE class last year She is from Price and this is her fourth year at VISIT US Carbon Geri Cima vice president is a For the Best in Cleaning senior Last year she was a junior representative on the A W S ACME CLEANERS council Geri hails from Helper PRICE Louise Maulsby secretary-treasur- er She is is from Price also a senior this year START NEW LEAGUE Results of the election were Reasonable Rates announced Wednesday of Mrs Bess Jones J j pump and joined the rest of us on the hard hard floor (When I say the word "us” I don't mean George was there) By the way the girls arc still sore about that little joke and offer a reward for the name or names of the guilty party or parties but don't anyone tell most-need- ed PLEASE! ! One of the things that really hit you in the eye is! Gareth Peterson's big ring on dainty Lillian Star Bowling Lanes PRICE PRICE STEAM LAUNDRY ! Muhlcstein's finger These two make a swell couple Lillian is a senior and comes from California She really likes it here but who wouldn't with big Gareth for a boy friend? easy-looki- ng MODER- NLAUNDERING & CLEANING PRICE PHONE 218 |