Show assessment no so 24 the apex mining aad and milling corn com pany a corporation organized under the laws of the state of utah location of principal place of business eureka city juab county utah notice ie is hereby given that at a meet ing ef of the board of directors direct ois held on the day of july 1903 an assessment ot of one halt half 4 1 cent per share was levied on the capital stock of the corporation payable on or before the day of aug 1903 to M D HOWLETT secre tary at his office in the stott building eureka city utah any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on the said day of aug 1903 will be delinquent and ad verti sed for sale at public auction and unless payment is made male so much of said stock as is necessary to pay the assess ment costs of advertising and expenses of sale will be eol rol I 1 on the ath day of sept 1903 at 2 0 clock p in of said day at the office cf of the secretary in the stott building at eureka city utah al D HOWLETT secretary eureka city utah first publication july 17 1903 |