Show prosperity FOR IRELAND long ant land B 11 II introduced in house of commons the irish secretary mr wyndham introduced the government governments s long an irish land bill in the house of commons wednesday it proposes a free grant of 60 for the pur poses of the bill the been leen interest felt in anis new legislation which it Is hoped will promote peace and content ment in ireland was evidenced by a crowded house the irish land bill provides that ten ants shall pay 3 per cent interest on loans from the government that un tenanted len anted farms and grazing lands will be sold to neighboring tenants and that three dree commissioners will super ylse vise the sales the advance to the tenants through the provisions of the land bill are limited to 2 in the congested districts and 5 else w where h er e T the he bf bill 1 wi will ll 11 b become e como e effective ff e c 0 november nov e mb er 1 1 mr M r wyndham W yn d h said sa 1 d 7 O 0 could safely be advanced on rish land but he thought the scheme would not involve the irish secretary explained that while the maximum charge on ue U e english treasury would not exceed 1957 1 in a single year the reduction in the cost of the administration of ireland would amount to 1250 1 |