Show ASKING QUESTIONS an inquiry chanced changed a man 9 wh whole life when you get a man to recognize that his bad feelings come from im proper food and that he can get well by using scientific food the battle Is halt half won one of new york Is business men says I 1 was troubled for a long time with indigestion headache and stomach trouble and had taken various cines cities but with no good results I 1 con eluded to see how bow a change of food would affect me I 1 never cared partle for cereals of any kind but ate meat and pastry continually and drank coffee cozee I 1 found on inquiring that grape nuts were highly spoken of and de aided to give them a trial to say I 1 was surprised at the result would not begin to do justice to my feelings my headaches left me my brain became clearer and active my attacks of inda grew fewer and fewer until they ceased entirely and where I 1 once went home tired tagged fagged out and in disposed to any exertion tion whatever I 1 now found a different state of affairs my color was good my muscles I 1 strong and firm and fully equal to anything I 1 asked of them instead of soft and flabby I 1 live two miles from my business and walk it dally daily back ani an forth it if the weather e per alts I 1 am 55 5 years old and feel feel a well and strong as when I 1 was 30 and can ride 70 miles a day on a bac bicycle cle without feeling any bad results name given by the to lo t o bat tie creek mich |