Show LOCATION NOTICES 25 cents per dozen at the reporter office unconscious from pro croup during a sudden and terrible attack of croup our I 1 atle girl was ous one from str angulat on A L spafford post master chester mich and a dose of one minute cough cure was administer ed and repeated often it reduced the swelling and inflammation cut out the mucus and shortly the child was hrestu g easy i and speed ly recovered it cures coughs colde colds lagrippe and all tl roat rout and lung troubles one minute cough cure lingers in the throat and chest and enables the lungs to contribute pure health giving oxygen to the blood E a G han eon son do you want to make money for you telf self or some so society ciet sell tickets to mrs airs L brooks vincent a e celebrated celebia ted view ech bits L D S church march 20 21 and 23 at 8 p in CUT IN R I 1 ca A E 0 OF F I 1 6 TON PER FOR CASH ADAMS SONS CO TELEPHONE NO 5 jjr LEAVE LEA VE ORDERS AT REPORTER OF OFFICE TIC E S 04 N N LADIES I 1 yon you cannot afford to be without call ng card when the reporter will furnish them for one dollar R A barney ot of provo ml mill build a store building for bia his robin oa on branch add FELL an opportunity for you to obtain a copy of 11 e best history of oar our i bation published at half price story of methods Me thodis n nearly 1000 pages hundreds of illustrations price 30 losing out price 1 73 ROBS ross H story of 0 id pel fel 0 iship en an by wand boere en lodge big i alue slue at regular price tj J la 7 closing out at 1 83 8 F ne ri 3 1 I 0 0 F cl art 1 00 jewels of 0 masonic oratory grandest masonic work in exis existence price M 4 00 closing out at 62 2 00 A few cop es as of Jeno jenevah vali ana and lucifer the stoby of good and evil as told by satan instructive and intensely in te resting subscription price 3 50 will close them out at 81 1 75 ab ve are subscription books not to be found at book stores we have eold sold thousands of the n in salt lake ogden park city and pocatello and have ps covered the entire field allotted us and have from ten to eighteen copies left of each of 0 above you cannot buy them elsewhere in america at prices na ned n ed BO so ivyon appreciate a literary bargain I 1 act quick money back it if not more than pleased call or address THE PICKERING advertising BUREAU J frank pickering Picken ng manager 20 R chaid st salt lake city utah TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY take laxative bron 0 quinine tablets all druggists refund the money if it fails to cure E W grove a signature is on each box 11 2 danger of colds and grip the greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneumonia if reasonable care is used however and chamberlain a s lough ough remedy taken all danger will be avoided among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy tor for these diseases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in nia which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventative of that dangerous disease it will cure a cold or an attack of the grip in leal less time than any other treatment it is in pleasant and bite safe to take for sale by M D hewlett howlett cwi VIT ina A 4 the reason one minute cough cure re devesa a cou couth th tn in one minute Is because it acts first on the mucous membrane right where the tho cough troubles to in the throat or deep seated on the lungs destroying the microbes or cough germs and clearing the ph eem one minute cough cure not only destroys the disease germs garms and c ears out cut their poison but it gives strength and a aftic ty to the del delcame cata membranes which protect the throat and lungs opens the air lr passages tes and promotes unobstructed breathing Eassa causes O 0 li t the b e b blood lo 10 0 d t to 0 r receive e ce 1 v a f its t s n natural a t ur al s supply u p ply of I 1 oxygen lause n t thus hu s e exhilarating x h ila r ati n g t the h e E pulmonary u 1 m 0 n m 7 cr organs g a ns att with h such h strength and vigor vicor that t the a lungs and bronchial bronch ld tubes become bulwarks against the inception of disease asthma Bran chit tt s la L grippe cold on the lungs and ill all pulmonary complaints that an are curable we r quickly cured by the use of ONE N F MINUTE MINU TE COUGH CURE prepared by E 0 dewitt A 00 e chicago a E G abe druggist arc are your friends coming from february 15 to april 30 buncom conly low rates will be in effect to hundred of points in the west and northwest from chicago and from many other point points on the CHICAGO MILWAUKEE ST PAUL RY ai as well aa as from eastern territory the low rites rates will prove especially at to borne bome seekers if you adow of as one contemplating ech such a trip send the he name and address to the under a good and complete information will be forwarded tree free 0 S WILLIAM WILLIAMS commercial agent chicago milwaukee st paul ry W ad south st salt lake city parks the jeweler jewelers tt tart rt THE BEST PLACE 0 IN EUREKA UREKA E V FOR PURE LIQUORS and n FINE CIGARS is at the 0 0 X F REs C CROOKS MORSE PRO F FINE INE 0 0 0 Z CLUB ROOMS NEXT DOOR TO POST OFFICE PLEASANT SMILES AT T E BAN K MCCUNE PROP IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS CLUB ROOMS 1 I THE BEST OF FOR GENTLEMEN WET GOODS L 1 THE UNCLE SAM S J SC SCHNEITER PROP an old friend IP IF YOU DON T ALREADY kloft the goodness of my OAKMONT whiskey you will become a new I 1 to an sin old friend by trying a sample it e the oldest and purest whimsy I 1 can buy and 1 I buy from the best distillers gt J SCHNEITER algma ya a c cures u re s G cap n P to 1 I 0 cure a cold m in one day 1 in n two T w 0 D days a ys take la laxative bat ive bromo brom 0 Quinine tablets wj on pox box every y S se seven even million boxes sold 1 in past 12 months this signature I 1 A |