Show UTAH STATE NEWS there are several cases of smallpox in a light form in richfield ten thousand persons attended the state fair on the opening day pleasant grove s wheat product this season will nearly double that for the past several years all records of the utah state fair were broken on children s day when the admissions totaled 20 david newey a railway mail cleri whose home is in ogden accidentally shot himself at butte and it is feared the wound will prove fatal the ogden real estate assoc atlon has a project on foot looking to the installation of the long talked of iron works at the junction city miss lizzie davis of de at tempted suicide by taking po son for tuna tely medical attendance was se cured in time to save the girl s 1 f the yield of sugar beets in the vi cikity of richfield has been somewhat disappointing this season owing to a blight which has stunted many of the the salt lake route now has track laid cifes below caliente and within six miles of vegas some cal peaks can be seen from the terminus A peace meeting was held in lehl on the ath the speakers devoted their remarks to arguments for the settlement of all national troubles by international arbitration plans are being prepared for a new city hall for the town of murray it Is to be a building of attractive design two stories and basement constructed of brick with stone trimmings while caliente is still the terminus of the operated road of the salt lake route the traffic to the front now about miles below there is very heavy and shows an increase daily juilus bummer a lad of 15 years while playing with some companions on ane mountain side at castle gate tell down a cliff a distance of about iv enty feet nad received injuries from which he succumbed the utah wheat crop of 1904 will amount to 6 bushels the pre availing price for wheat in salt lake Is 90 cents a bushel taking this as a basis the value of the crop of this year Is placed at 4 the post team of six athletes from fort douglas utah carried off the department of colorado trophy at fort logan colorado the utah team scored 33 points fort logan was the nearest competitor with 27 points A butte baseball enthusiast is in favor of a series of post season games between the Butte and salt lale 1 u to be gayy at J some point in central arizona to determine which is the worst on earth A team driven by thomas of american fork was frightened by a train and ran away mr and mrs and babe be ng thrown from the wagon both parents being painful ly injured but the babe escaped with out a scratch martin russi an italian a resident of ogden was killed by the cars near cheyenne he was beating his way east and fell from the bral abeam on which be was riding his body was mangled in a horrible manner thirty five cars passing over it A large barn belonging to seth painter in farr west weber county was struck by lightning and was burned to the ground four valuable horses and alve cows were burned also about fifty tons of hay together with machinery tools etc joseph kendall who murdered hia wife in ogden on the evening of sep 21 was arraigned last week all evidence tended to show that the crime was premeditated kendall in produced trod no evidence and was held to the district court without ball murdocks Murd ochs saloon in heber was broken into at an early hour in the morning and an attempt to loot the safe was made the burglars explode ed dynamite but only succeeded in blowing out all the windows and smashing things up in general miss myrtle gwinn aged 20 whose mother mrs thoren lives in salt lake city was struck by a heavy coping stone which fell from a build ing on main street in kansas city and instantly killed miss gwinn was on her way to a local business col lege when the accident occurred caught beneath a steel ore car which he was engaged with other em in loading on a railroad car at the works ot the united states smelter in bingham junction about 8 clock saturday morning joseph glover was terribly crushed that he died twenty finues later the sixth annual exhibit of the utah art institute will be held this year at ogden from december 7 to 14 the usual prizes will be offered a bronze medal of honor for the best work on exhibition the prize for the best painting by a resident artist the painting to be property of the state grand county officials have corn plated the investigation of the killing of bill charley a ute indian and W P heeder has been held to the dis brict court charged with murder the indians are said to be satisfied with the outcome of the investigation and there Is no danger of further trouble alex barlow the aerial artist of barlow bros show who was hurff at by the breaking of a web of the trapeze is getting along fairly well the doctors have some hopes of bis recovery no bones were broken but he sustained some tad internal injuries |