Show TO cube 01 ONE DAY tale LAXATIVE tablets all druggists refund the money it it fails to cure E W grove e s ana ture is on earch box aa abscess V H II arnson cleveland miss writes aug 15 1992 I 1 want to say a word of praise for ballard a snow liniment I 1 step ped on a nail knicl caused the cord in my leg to contract and an to rise in my knee and tb doctor told me that I 1 would have a stis leg 0 o one aay I 1 went to J P lord s dang store whole now in denver colo he a bottle of ehnow t I 1 got a oe size and it cured my leg it is o 0 best liniment in the world with few exceptions are indicative 0 constipation or debility they n ay however result from blows or from foreign bo lies introduced into th skin or flesh guch as splinters sold by M D hewlett JUST LONG ENOUGH TO SEE DENVER every day the burlington starts a luxurious standard sleeping car to st louie it boea through without change but is halted in denver from told afternoon until late evening just long enough for the tourist to colorado e capital and principal city and call on friends or business bus icess acquaintances there convenient arrangement let tell you about it special rates to st louis and return direct or via chicago are in effect over the burlington every tuesday and friday TICKET OFFICE SALT LAKE CITY R F GENERAL AGENT why not stop this falling of your hair at this rate you will soon be without any hair just remember that halls hair stops falling hair and makes hair grow au nw chicre I 1 or president THEODORE ROOSEVELT for vice president W tAI EBANKS S t for of the eighth district of fillmore for judge of the fifth judicial dietric WILLIAM F KNOX of beaver for district attorney of the fifth jud bial dietrict J A melville Lb of Fillmore V state ticket for governor JONH 0 cutlar b or secretary of state 0 S for justice of supreme court DANIEL N for treasurer JAMES for auditor J A EDWARDS for superintendent of schools NELSON for att aney general M A breeden for pres destival electors A W WADE II 11 P MYTON J A MINER foe lor grees JOSEPH COUNTY TICKET for representative herbeet HOPES for commissioner HANS 4 year term JOHN L elbertson shor term N aa JAMES WHITEHEAD for clerk JABOB COLEMAN for recorder ROY WAN bior A M christensen CHhIST ENSEN for treasurer tor attorney HENRY ADAMS for surveyor hackl carber for superintendent of school SPERRY MAMMOTH PRECINCT for blaiton barnett for covetable Cone table A guaranteed CURE FOR PILES blind bleeding or protruding Prot piles druggists refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to oure any case no matter of how lone in 6 t 14 das first application given and test if chasn t it bend aa in stamps and it will be forwarded bost paid by pan medicine co bt 0 the boy looks well who buys his clothes of us there are many things in our that will appeal stron gly to the mothers of this vaci pity the most casual inspection will convince you that we have been energetic as well as conscientious ious in our effort to secure the very best stock that ever came into this city you need not worry about the price we can satisfy you if you received one of our style books of boys and young mens clothing for fall and winter you may have one for the asking the mens and r ff troys outfitters vav FRANK proprietor n VM V M GROCERIES FLOUR 7 and emosi P TOS ANO SMOKERS ARTICLES FRESH confectionery A SPECIALTY lower main st utah phone 47 cvek eating saws f WW MW arf M WE catzin TO tae TRACE bawit ROOMS IS EUREKA HOTEL MRS THOS prop FIRST CLASS in every respect board by the day or month BUT BANK prop finest and best brands ol 01 wines liquors and cigars POOL CLUB ROOMS TABLES FOR GENTLEMEN |