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Show Doge City Notes OCTOBER 14, 1994 Candidate some flexibility planning into and our zoning ordinances." Question: What, exactly, position on is . your Questions PAGE think it is unnecessary. I Beaver can't think of one nuisance this agriculture. the county Week of October 3-10 1994 It is unfair to — Twenty-seven Business *A against county emergencies were handled in Sheriff's Report suit that has ever been filed in County 16 burglary in Milford is under — investigation. *An incident of responses were made to requests for assistance. Of these calls, one was to keep the peace, 11 to check out suspicious persons or just passes you by." Ross Marshall: (Incumbent Republican) "agriculture protection give blanket immunity to areas" in the County? one entity and exclude Gary Sullivan: "Right another. All persons have Criminal Mischief, also in now, I am taking a "look equal protection under the — Milford, is under —_ circumstances, and 12 to law. If there are actual and see" posture. It seems investigation. assist other agencies: damages, the injured party to be more beneficial for *One traffic accident *Eight traffic stops counties like Washington, _ Should have a right to involving property damage —_ were made by the Sheriff's where they are trying to “recourse under existing —_ was handled by the Sheriff's Department with three law." preserve the family farm department during the week. _ citations issued. without encroachment by *Three animal ; development. I don't see that happening here; at least not on this side of the county. Some of the farmers around Beaver may be affected and want protection. "We would need to take a closer look and see NAPA LEGEND" 60 MONTH BATTERY who we would be 75 MONTH BATTERY ,7 Up to 500 CCA's. #6024, 26, 70, 74 Up to 675 CCA’s. #7524, 70, 74 protecting. Until I am Sale Price $39.99 wexcu. . Sale Price $59.99 w/EXcu. Less Mail-inRebate ... -10.00 -10.00 satisfied that the protection FINAL COST AFTER REBATE 199 FINAL COST AFTER *99 areas would benefit the family farm, I would rather w/EXCH. see it just set there and not | PNM oes Ex Rebate good Sept. 26-Oct. 31, 1994. be used. Other than 4 Quy w/EXCH. fo) A building those roads out Precinct B there, we haven't promised (continued from page 1) great influx of people. Southern Utah, as a whole, is growing. We have a beautiful lifestyle that it will take strong leadership to preserve. We need to pull together and eliminate the - gap in our county. It is going to take everybody working together to create the jobs necessary to keep our kids home. The quality of our Beaver County youth is our best recourse, and taking care of them is my first priority. The first challenge is to set goals. If you do not have long-term goals and address them on a short-term basis, the world change, "T see a lot of - and I am quite excited about it. The development in Cedar City is going to bounce right in to Beaver County. I wish we had a coordinator or county manager to help solve housing problems for tm— ea $4999 Circle Four Farms anything." Mark Whitney: "At this point I do not favor it. I don't think anyone should be immune from nuisance suits. We need better education for people who want to the cities and the county. build in an agriculture zone. We At our level we can handle it need communication better with one another, and we need a lot of good people to work in the different committees that will help shape our county. "I would like to see jobs that pay enough money to live on. We can't do much about controlling through proper planning and zoning. It has been done that way for 125 years, and it has worked very well. I think wanted it. another meeting with them, we can let them know how we feel.” it." H. E. “Griff" to put one If the majority wants it, I would vote for Ross Marshall: = '"T still don't know enough about it in place. I (Democrat) "I expect fairly steady, but moderate believe that , down the road, growth, with mining playing a significant part. We need to scrutinize the industries of agriculture. Right now, we are just not ready for it. that are interested in NAPA CAR CARE PRODUCTS NON- * We need to give it a little time, and find out just who _ 1s going to be protected." And, we need to implement H. E. "Griff" Griffiths: 29 CHOICE! ANIMAL WARNING DEVICE TWIN PACK Stops squeaks, loosens Device warns animals; inaudible to humans. Black #730-1064 rusted parts and protects metal. (Two 12 07. cans) #42212 NAPA HALOGEN HEADLIGHTS(;:" Four-Lamp System § Two-Lamp System #H4651, 56; #H5001,06 #H4666; 29 9 EACH Replacement Bulbs #9004, 05, 06 $7.99 cacn it may be for the betterment locating here very carefully. ee BRAKE CLEANER (13 oz.) #4800 mene OIL (12 02.) #6300 OIL rede (16 02.) #9300 POWER STEERING FLUID(1 at.) #9832 it should be up to one group to initiate it. I would support it if all of the farmers got together and construction salaries at the hog farm, but if we get into Griffiths: don't Rebate good Sept. 26-Oct. 31, 1994. "I RV ANTI-FREEZE pe 99 ey 0,,! ll B (0) yl at tt ITT N i qs RUN _ Protects water systems from cold-weather damage to -50°F. (1 gal.) 4765-1476 hs, = $999 era 241 S. Main 801-387-2457 Milford i, (NAPAD ay. |