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Show OCTOBER 14, 1994 Dodge City News There's good news and bad news for some people buying new homes. _ The good news is that a person can _ frequently postpone taxes on profits realized from the sale of a primary home. the bad news is, losses from $655 sales are not tax deductible. The Internal Revenue Service says that when buying a new home costing as much or more than the adjusted sales price of the hold home, taxpayers must postpone paying taxes on any gain. The new home generally must be purchased within two years before or two years after the sale of the old home. For tax purposes, the amount realized from the house sale is the selling price of the old home minus selling expenses. Such selling expenses include commissions, advertising and legal fees. Fixing-up expenses, such as painting and repairing _— broken cannot windows, be considered selling expenses but usually can instead be used in figuring the part of the gain that can be. postponed. the sale The gain from is the amount of Utah's Southwest Color Country Travel Region, points out that Color Country's Tourism conference is a unique creation. - "We are the only travel region in the state of Utah to hold such a forum and hope that by so doing, Utah's Southwest region can more become even sensitive to tourism trends, cooperative realized minus the adjusted _ marketing efforts and : tourism business needs." basis of the old house. The definition of a My sister, Ruth D. Greer gave assistance when billion _ annually, Director Many people are home for these purposes | concerned about the future where it's includes a house, — of tourism: ‘headed and what the impact cooperative apartment, Our Regional condominium, houseboat or - will be. Tourism Round-up is mobile hoe. centered on such concerns. More information on. the buying or selling of a This conference represents a home can be found in IRS | wonderful opportunity to Publication 523, "Selling — see what is in store for the 5 Your Home," and counties comprising Utah's Publication 530, "Tax Southwest Color Country; Information for First-Time | to see what tourism trends Homeowners." Both free ‘in our area have been and publications can be obtain what they are projected to by calling 1-800-829-3676. be; to learn about tourism businesses and financing; to SOUTHWEST UTAH realize the potential the. Utah's Southwestern upcoming Winter Olympic for our ctste Games si Region, Color (continued on page 9) Country, is holding its second Annual Regional Yi County. In those days everybody knew everybody. By Mark Dotson, Sr. produces 10.2% of the world's GNP, and employs 204 million —_ people worldwide. _ The average U.S. Dollar amount. spent per person/day in he state of Utah is $82.96 or $152.30 for multi-day tour travelers. International visitation into Utah alone has realized a growth of 247% since 1983. It's easy to understand why tourism and its challenges would be important to a region with the highest concentration of natural scenic wonders in the world. "Where's that?" you may be asking, Right here. Color Country. Mark Wade, such 12 Other Times Tourism Round-Up December 1 and 2 as Southern Utah University's Haze Hunter Conference Center in Cedar City. World tourism accounts for 10.9% of all consumer spending, contributes tax revenues of TAX INFORMATION OF HOUSE SALES. PAGE I arrived May 14, 1924. As a matter of fact, I think most of us were cousins. My sister Ruth says "Life is a song if we make it so." I guess that is so, because there are rich I was delivered by Dr. Parish in the old Milford Hospital just off Main street going West on Highway 21 road to Ely, Nevada. I weighed just in at just over 14 memories Wow! No My mother, Rachel Giles Dotson, handwash ran and a plunger laundry, along with a cake and a donut shop. Her business was right on the corner of Main Street and Highway 21. The hours were © long, and the work was hard. Ah, but the old time stories that were told old blood stains. 1 recalled there. While the mines were hearing many real far out going the pay checks were good. With the Railroad checks added, they had lots of fun; dances, opera, rodeo, horse races, marble - stories of times past, so I could hardly wait to get back out of there. I doubt contests, and many other fun things mixing up with all nationalities. Back in those days, survival took a lot of doing. I remember some 30 years back, I came onto a magazine with a cover that said 1000 Ghost Towns in this Out West Country. Forsaken buildings, cemeteries and all with no protection of watching over. Hard times forced it all. My biggest mistake was I sold the magazine real cheap. It told how the WPA, and Social CCC's Security programs had to be put in place to pick this country back up on its feet again. In 1939 I was in the CCC's in Zions park and also the camp west of Milford. as well as the WPA project throughout Beaver Uncle Mac was walking by a great big pine tree when a great lion ona trap chain sprung out in mid air with both front paws wide open and missed him by just inches. He was very lucky the chain didn't break. That is how the Cougar Spar Mine got its name. The cougar, 11 feet from nose tip to tail tip was around somewhere. Uncle Mac was the first prospector and promoter of pumice mining right here in the mineral range. were Mick Pryor and I. the first diggers by shovel to start with. Uncle Mac had his influences, and we seemed Uncle Mac McKenzie, what a brave man, and very interesting at least to me. He had been charged with manslaughter. One fellow had been killed. since. . off, then they would laugh and have a drink of whiskey. to always get in fights. Bar street brawls here in Milford. I got into trouble. About ten of us got put into jail. After everyone ways interviewed, and I was any body else has been there games, foot races, boxing, wrestling, twisting, weight lifting, swimming, cooking the many buddies I have worked with and lost over the years. We worked in the mines together and of course in many other vocations plus the militaries. There was a lot of seismographing, drilling programs, magnetic, and some flying experiences. Way down deep in a shaft, I came to the end of the drift. Their was a rolled up ‘canvas. Closer examination showed lots of pounds and caused quite a commotion. Wonder. of their heads and back off about 50 feet, shoot them snakes Uncle Mac bailed me out. I several times while prospecting, groping for a rock or looking one over. Just like a whip lash he'd get bitten by rattle went to court right away. I bit. After pulling the snake loose because of the fangs, he'd bang their heads and can name all the officials that took part, but now that they're all passed on, it just ~ wouldn't be right. the charge I beat legally. The to kill witness against me was peering through glass. The them, whip out his knife, cut law said "Optical Illusion; * a real good cross cut right Witness no good. sentenced to leave bodies with rocks _I got (float on the bit, bleed it real good, suck the blood a bit, spit it out, and when he felt it was enough, he'd tear off some of his shirt, tie it up one year and one day. Too many fights they said. Ten years later I and go right on working. came back with a new wife Uncle Mac did a lot of good things and created lots of jobs for people. He knew how to stir things up and a changed way of living. Through ups and downs, we and get everybody interested. He had a buddy by the name of Elis LeFevre. They would put a tin can on out) of Milford for at least raised a family; six boys and one girl, fifteen children and one truth is coming grand great so fast it |