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Show Dodge City Neins SERVING MILFORD AND WESTERN a BEAVER Sit rents. OCTOBER 14, 1994 County COUNTY a SINCE ‘Brown, Becky Farnsworth and Julie Yardley welcomed 4-H Club members, parents and guests to the 1994 Achievement Night at "Minersville Elementary Monday, October Welcome Home public service, Dodge City News will include questions the various candidates in the next four issues. County Commission hopefils from both precincts were contacted this week. Question: What changes do you see for Beaver County in the next four years? Gary Sullivan: ( Incumbent Republican) Precinct A "We are going to be about the same. There will be more growth on the east side, but I don't see much change in Milford. We still need to set our "Strategic Plan" in motion and meet with the mayors to prepare for the moderate expected. " Mark growth Whitney: (Democrat) "There will be a (continued on page 16) 4-H Russell State Ambassadors November 8 is less than a month away. As a of NO. 41 Night Agriculture asked ‘VOL. IV 4-H Achievement Commission Candidates Ntate Position On Growth And Protection 1991 Kori Hardy (above) with the help of her mother, Angie, has been counting the days until "daddy" comes home. October 13 is the long anticipated day. Brent Hardy is one of the fifteen Beaver County trainees who have been in North Carolina for three months to learn commercial hog farming the Carroll Food's way. Other trainees are Les Whitney, Michael Chapman, Tammy on 10. Cherstie Bealer led the 4-H Pledge, and Lisa Isaacson led the Pledge of Allegiance. It was an extremely successful year for 4-H in the County. There was a total of 77 State Fair entrants. The three ambassadors Outstanding received —_ Leadership Awards, in addition to savings bonds donated by First Security Bank. The 4-H Livestock Judging Team traveling trophy is on Henderson, Brenda Aftsten, Troy Netto, Tom Sharp, Shaun McGinn, Kerry Sherwood, Jim Dysart, and Ken Frost of Milford; Mary Hopkins of Minersville; Andy Floyde, Max Anderson and Pancheo Chavez of Beaver. When do they start work? Larry Sower, Circle Four Farms representative, laughed, "We think they have earned the weekend off. Work starts Monday morning." Sower said the company will try to keep the jobs diverse and interesting as possible until the operation is in full _ Swing, and the trainees can use the skills they have acquired during training. In the mean time, they will be learning every aspect of the business including construction, computer programs, - follows: driving truck, setting up the farrowing facilities and a second breeding unit. Circle Four Farms now has 6,600 pigs, ranging from nursery to finishing. The first gilts will be moved to the farrowing facility in November. F-1, or top of the genetic line, boars will be imported from Canada for January breeding. Sower expects the necessary genetic adjustments Crystal Holm, Andrea Smith, Michaela Wright, will be completed by the middle of next year, so that the valley will have a closed herd. Completion of the nursery, finishing, and farrowing facilities already underway will represent an investment of approximately $30 million for the company. The next phase will probably be located south of the present construction. Sower said the operation plans to go evaporative containment waste treatment at future construction sites. This, along with Sower's statement that the company plans to keep the bulk of their operation away from populated areas in the county, improved community relations. display in Mark office. Individual Nelson's awards are as First Year Certificate of Achievement Read by Grace Bealer Presented by State _ Ambassadors Candi Leko, Michael James, Chance Williams, Ben James, Monica Wright, Tara Thompson, Destri Jimenez, Codi Jimenez, Crystal Paice, Mindy Marshall, Sarah Mayer, Nicole Mayer, (continued on page 9) |