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Show Bang Gity Notes OCTOBER 7, 1994 * 2 DIALOGUE N-TEE-R- M0 ON -E-N-T-AEN PAGE HEALIA HE AHL CARE @ HE-AER-E Advance Directives Put You In Control of Your Health Care make “advance directives”— tive state and become unable instructions on what measures should be taken to to make decisions. (You may wish to specify instructions keep you alive in the event as to administration of medications, which will be con- you are incapacitated. STEVE KOHLERT SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT INTERMOUNTAIN HEALTH CARE s the debate over health are legislation continues in Washington, its useful to remember the many steps _ we can take as individuals to control our own use of health resources. One question comes up frequently in discussions about individual control: “What would happen if I were hospitalized with a terminal condition and unable to communicate with the medical staff or even my own family my wishes regarding my medical treatment?” Here is a brief overview of tinued unless specifically advance directives you can mentioned.) create to maintain control of your own health care. Through advance directives, patients can determine what medical steps they want taken on their behalf if they become unable to make medical decisions for them- Special Power of Attorney: Through this document, you can name a person to carry out your wishes once you become unable to make medical decisions. It applies any time it is impossible for you to make decisions for selves. Advance directives are not only crucial for patients; they are equally to do yourself. Samples are Will, so if you select available through the Utah someone as an “agent” Bar Association and Utah with a Special Power of Medical Association. But Attorney and then make sure both your describe your physician and wishes in a 4 agent—if you've Living Will, it written a Special AT could create Power of Attorney— legal questions iCeUNaye Cy receive a copy. For about the validireed legal advice, contact ty of both these patients and an at documents. If their families. you write a If you prepare Living Will first advance directives and select an yourself, consider the agent second, your agent following: will be able to act without legal obstacles. . Select someone you trust to act as your agent. There is no rule important to families. Family members are often put in the emotionally wrenching position of having to second-guess treatment about whom to select; it can be a spouse, a best friend, or anyone else. for a loved one. . Choose an alternate agent in case your first choice is unable to carry out your wishes. Write the alternate agent’ name on your Special Power of Attorney and then write Advance directives also help the medical staff provide the right treatment. They make it possible for you to deter- mine when you feel it is The same medical technoloappropriate to continue or gy that saves lives can also withhold prolong lives artificially, long treatment. after the quality of life and hope of recovery are gone. Many of us fear the technolThree Options ogy we also admire—and worry that we will end our Utah law allows adults age lives hooked to an array of 18 and older to unwanted life supchoose three poit devices. We're methods of makconcermed not just ing advance direcMany of vs about the emotional tives: a Living impact of such a sitfear the Will; Special uation on us and our ann ay Power of Attorney; surviving families; rN or Medical we're also concerned uN Treatment Plan. about the financial aftermath of such Living Will: This heroic but useless written document measures. allows you to specify the medical treatments you do Under a federal law which and do not want to receive if took effect in 1991, hospitals you have a terminal illness or are required to inform fall into a persistent vegetapatients of their right to that this alternate agent © shall serve if your first choice is unable to serve. . Review your plans with your physician and agent yourself—not just when you are terminally ill or in a persistent vegetative state. Medical Treatment Plan: In this document, you and your physician specify what treatment you will receive once you have a serious injury, disease, or illness. How to Proceed Living Wills and Special Powers of Attorney are easy 1. Write a Living Will and a Special Power of Attorney. If your agent is unavailable, your Living Will can tell your physician what medical treatment you - want. before putting your advance directives into force. If you have questions about health care reform, please call or write. THC DIALOGUE ON HEALTH CARE 36 South State Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 1-800-889-3337 . Write any Living Will before preparing a Special Power of Attorney. Under Utah law, a power of attorney _ takes precedence over a previously signed Living INTERMOUNTAIN HEALTH CARE 1HC 16 |