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Show Budge Cite News OCTOBER 7, 1994 September 28 Unapproved Hospital Board: Minutes Hospital Board, who in turn, Meeting called to order by Chairman Loretta Forman at 7:35 p.m. Present Loretta Forman, Barnes, Tammy Jerry Mayer, Gladys were: Larry Pearson, Arlan Mayer, Whittaker, Randie Rose, Arlene Malchus, Administrator John Gledhill, Director of Nurses Reha Gray, Business Offfice Manager Shirlene Barnes, Director of Nurses - Home Health Robin Mott, Control Board Russell Warren Mayer Johnson, and EMT Officers: Julie Thompson, Kim Lister, Chellie Craw, Tammy Martin. Minutes from August 24, 1994 were read and approved. It was decided by the Board to go ahead with business pertaining to the visiting EMT's and Home Health before conducting the regular agenda. Valley Milford Service: Ambulance Appreciation was related to the EMT's and the Milford Valley Ambulance Service for the fine job they provide our area. Russell had contacted the County Commissioners concerning a county wide property tax and explained that we are already being taxed through our Service District. The Hospital was _ recently purchased a used ambulance from Gunnison ('87 with 130,000 miles, but a new motor) for the Minersville area. John said he had talked with Steve Brooks, President of the EMT Association, about the circulating petition. Steve's point of view and intent was purely as a citizen taking a support in. poll for purchasing a new Minersville not an organizational initiative. After discussion, the Milford Valley Ambulance Service was instructed to come to the ambulance needed public input. and The officers made it clear it was will go before the Service District if any funding is needed. John explained the Service District regulations for ambulance runs to come to Milford's hospital. The EMT's said this had been discussed and they would automatically run to Milford, unless the Patient stated otherwise. They no longer will ask which direction they would like to go. They are aware that State regulations require transporting the patient to the "closest medical facility", which is Milford. Loretta and John expresses our common goal of working together, being untied and supporting our hospital. . As of July Ist, 1995, all EMT's will be trained in defibrillator protocol. Home Health: as per state Robin Mott, Director of Nursing - Home Health, stated a full time RN, Tarryl Hardy, will be working. Health with which the now patient load of 24» Home has a Two aids are on leave of absence. Robin also introduced two new forms being used by the Home Health and six-sided folders for personnel files. She. explained two medical alert systems being introduced for accepted seconded by Larry bv PAGE and Gladys. Unanimous vote. Reports: 1 John. Administrative: showed a new stadium cushion that the hospital sponsored. It has our new logo and motto and will be for sale through the high school. John discussed the need for the Home Health Agency to move into the old clinic. Discussion of the square footage and the rented offices were taken under advisement. He explained the cost effectiveness of the move vs. remodeling. The Board gave the go ahead for Robin and John to draw up plans and the approximate cost and present them to the Board. Permission was also given for John td draw up a rental agreement with a” perspective renter with caution on permanency. Options for space will first go to Whitney Ins. and Beaver. County~ : Development. Pink Ladies from. Fillmore will present a volunteer Pink Lay program to the public and interested parties on Sept. 29th. Following the meeting a volunteer program will be implemented in our hospital. The Candy Striper has also been implemented and will be under the emergency service. Robin is also planning to do a wellness clinic for Senior Citizens in our area. It was expressed by Robin and Rhea the need to educate our senior citizens in the use of 911. direction of Pam Durrant and Mary Jo Holm. The junior volunteers are very excited about the new program. CPR classes are underway for recertification and training for the beginning volunteers. John reported the hospital had it's best business month ever. But, recoupment from Discussion of 911 telephone BC/Medicare, as far back as stickers and Sheriff Yardley attending a Senior Citizens meeting regarding the Emergency Medical System was made. The Financial Report was motioned to be 1992, and the overtime being paid this month, has taken a bite. Discussion of an outside collection agency AR management was approved. The City tested the hospital's back flush system HH patients and others for -and found the need for repair. John stated that the system had been immediately fixed. John also handed out MVMH Organizational charts regarding _alll departments, managers and employees. Reported also that the Employee Enhancement Committee had chosen Judy Hardy for the Employee of the month for August. Discussion was made regarding differential pay for weekends, holidays, evenings and nights for employees. Matter was taken under advisement and tabled until —_ further information and. an employee wage schedule can be obtained. ‘United Way had donated an ER table to the hospital and $1000 to be used for EMT's emergency jump kits. They have made the future renovation of the ER one of their top priorities. Dr. Spaulding now sits on the United Way Board. With the new volunteers coming into the hospital, the need for a confidentiality. policy was discussed. Employees will be briefed on confidentiality and will sign a confidentiality statement at the next quarterly staff meeting to be held on Oct. 4th, which will be placed in their personnel files. This . will also apply to all volunteer programs. The LPN course is drawing near and hopefully enrollment will reach 30. Pre-requisite classes should be taught by SUU the Winter Quarter. The LPN course will be held 5 days per week plus clinical time. Sevier Valley Tech will be in charge of the instruction. Tammy asked John to expedite the exact costs of a new hospital wide computer system. 2. Nursing: Reha reported the Hepatitis vaccine for employees is to be an ongoing process. Quality Assurance 12 reports will be presented to the Board every three months. Reha, Beverly Bealer, Tammy martin and Chellie Craw attended a Workshop on Aging in Salt Lake City. They gained a lot of information which gave them a new insight on real rural health care and input from our community about re-embursing family care givers. New Business: 1. Dr. Howard would like to make improvements in the Dentist's office and ask for a. break in the rental fee. John to contact Dr. Howard and ask for a cost estimate which will be presented to the Board for discussion. 2. There will be a Utah Hospital Association Administration and Trustee Forum in St. George on Friday, October 21. Arlene, Gladys, Jerry, Tammy and Loretta will. attend. John plans to attend, depending on his lectures schedule; which will those seem most beneficial. x 3. It was discussed and greed by Arlene, Jerry and Loretta to run as recommended incumbents to the Hospital = Board. Election to be held in February. Tammy, Randie and Gladys’ terms have been ~ extended one year, Craig, Larry and Arlan's terms extended to two years as per By-law modification. *« 4 Tammy motioned to amend the By-laws stating if a Board member moves out of their elected township/area, the Board has 60 days to elect a new delegate to fulfill the term. This will allow equal representation. John to draw up an amendment and Loretta and Phyllis to enter into existing By-Laws. Seconded by Randie. Motion carried. 5. John reported on several Doctors he has contacted who may be interested in coming to our (Continued on page 13 |