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Show SEPTEMBER BadgeCity Nets 16, 1994 The Milford Valley EMT's are a "good group of people, good to work with. EMT's (continued from pagel) Being an EMT can be quite © EMT's are officially hospital employees and are paid by the hour from the time they are called out to the time the ambulance is "10-8" or back in service; but the hours they spend in training, and "on call" are all volunteer. . Since it takes less time to speak in code, number codes represent actions, such as "10-7" indicates that the volunteer is en route to the ambulance shed. In Minersville and Milford each EMT carries a pager and are on call at all times. The first three people to respond to the ambulance makes the run. Milford used to schedule three EMT's at a time. With the decline in active members this has been changed. When a response is made, one will drive the ambulance and two will care for the patient. Usually only two people go on_ transports when a patient is sent north for specialized care, because the doctors will not let them take someone who is not stable. Other EMTs then take over call when the ambulance leaves the valley. Transporting a patient to specialty hospitals is the most common use of the Milford EMT's. Other calls are for accident, heart attack, or other medical emergencies such as a broken hip. Every run is distinctly different because of the circumstances. The Milford Valley EMT's make an average of 90-100 runs per year. Vehicle PAGE 2 guidelines recommend that ambulances be replaced after seven years, or when they have 100,000 miles on them. Minersville's ambulance is a approximately twenty years old and has over 160,000 miles. rewarding. When your reap the benefit of saving someone's life it makes it worth it. That's why people are EMT's. U.PELC. NEWS President Smith and Russell his wife Bev Bealer, Milford Valley Hospital Employee Enhancement Committee, and John Gledhill, Hospital Administrator, present Judy Hardy with "Employee of the Month" certificate. Ruth, were very proud to travel to Little Rock Arkansas representing Club #33, to the Union Pacific employee convention. One of the general committee officers told Russell that Milford was in the top five in several categories to receive awards. Unfortunately, the competition was tough and Judy Hardy was recently chosen as employee Milford Valley Hospital's employee of the Month. Judy was chosen by her piers through the newly formed Employee enhancement committee. | Judy has been an employee of Milford Valley Memorial Hospital since March 6th, 1977. A few of the comments made of her were, always going the extra mile, lifts the spirits of those she works with, provides quality care, is prompt and efficient, never complains, shows thoughtfulness and is an excellent role model for "All" employees. Judy will have her picture hung in the hospital foyer, have a private parking spot for the month, and will receive a meal for two at one of Milford's local restaurants. the bigger clubs took home all of the awards. When you consider the big clubs that Milford is up against, we all should be proud ae of our eee past ee accomplishments. Milford Club #33 ranked 8th in members, and we RRR given to charity. Members Norm and Liz Lamb traveled to Little - our annual Hunter's Raffle. It, along with other prizes, of the deer hunt. Tickets , are $1. or 6 for $5. If you ‘are interested, contact any U.P.E.C. officer or committee member, or call Russell Smith at 387-2287. AY — Look F or Your Yn. Say DES Say a Sa, SyNib ess SS 9 ‘Direct Draperies & Window Coverings 25% Off purchased a gun cabinet for — will be given away the week seeeae SF were number three in the amount Rock also. It was an interesting place to visit, and the people were very Next year's friendly. convention will be held in Portland, Oregon. Start making plans to attend! Club #33 __sihas eae All Drapery Material Free Lining 25% Off Included With All Kirsch Custom Drapes Decorative Rods Buy 2 Get | Free (Must be Same Size) Pleated Shades Along With Free Privacy Liner On All Shades Shop & Compare! Offer Expires October Ist, 1994 All prices include re-measure and installation. All products are on display at our showroom. Cedar Pointe Mall - 491 S. Main #4 - Cedar City - 586-9695 - 800-820-8898 |