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Show Badse City Nets PAGE 9 County met with the Board to discuss the granting of a Kanell Mr. franchise. Commission Minutes explained that the drafting of the franchise is not properly stated and there is ‘The Board of County Commissioners met August 1, 1994 at 10:00 am. for its ‘no franchise fee mentioned. Leo to study franchise and regularly scheduled meeting. corrections the make necessary. The Board feels Those present were Sullivan, Chairman; Gary E. must be by the cities approved before they make approval. Jennifer Yardley met with the Board to discuss the possibility of the county W. Johnson, Member; Ross Marshall, Member; and Helen Christiansen, Deputy Clerk. Minutes of the July her advertise helping 5, 1994 meeting were read. It was moved by commissioner franchise the Chad the Veterinarian Clinic for sale. The Board referred Mrs. Johnson, Yardley to the Advertising seconded by Commissioner Marshall and unanimously passed to approve the minutes. Council and also advised her to contact Cary Peterson of Agricultural State the Gordon Hillier met” ‘Department. _ Mr. Kanell reported with the Board to give an that the fire protection update and report on the people wanted to be health insurance. He rescheduled for next months meeting. ‘reported that the outlook was much better this year. Bruce Brown The Board asked the met clerk to draft a letter to John with the Board to request an approval Williams by the 10th stating of a subdivision | _ appreciation for his letter, plat that had been approved~ by the Zoning Board. It acres. of contains 12 mountain property, he disclaims maintenance of roads and fire protection by the county. Feasibility studies and water testing has been done. It was moved by commissioner Marshall, seconded by Commissioner Johnson and unanimously passed that the Whispering Pines Subdivision be accepted. Craig Davis met with the Board to discuss the Beaver County Bldg. Inspection Agreement. The amounts for each city was figured on percentages, only on inspectors salary. Mr. Kanell cautioned the Board that the agreement needs to be more specific as to what Beaver County can provide. The matter was tabled based on discussion with cities, and proof of insurance from the cities on Craig must be made before he goes on a job. Daniel Spencer from South Central Telephone ~ | and request _ technical assistance in Comprehensive County Planning. _ The agreement from the Court Administration Office on the Bailiff for the court was discussed. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Marshall, that the chairman be authorized to sign the agreement. Unanimously passed. Insurance for the County Fair was discussed. The county needs insurance on all Fair sponsored events, the Demolition Derby, Trail Bike Ride and Little Britches Rodeo, those private events should show proof of insurance before the event can be held. The UCA Insurance loss. prevention committee was _ discussed. The committee will consist of one commissioner, one person from the road dept., one person from the public safety dept. and _ co. attorney. The letter from Mr. Kent E. Lea requesting to AUGUST 19, 1994 purchase a parcel of ground owned by Beaver County was discussed. The Clerk was instructed to advise Mr. Lea, the next time the county advertises surplus property for sale, this parcel will be on the list and he will be notified. The recorder will be requested to draw up © a list of county owned property’ and have for review at the September meeting, and possibly be advertised for the October or November meeting. Stan Gleave met with the Board to discuss issues On road improvement and access to the proposed 55 unit Budget 8 Motel at the North Interchange in Beaver County. Mr. Kanell was instructed to contact Douglas Erickson, property owners about acquiring a right-of-way to improve the ~ road. Garland Sawyer met with the Board to discuss the possibility of oiling the road that he lives on in Greenville. The Board advised Mr. Sawyer that the oiling was finished for this year. Commissioner Marshall will look at the road, along with the road foreman, to priorities it for the 5 year plan. Bob Jenkins and associates met with the Board to discuss the ATV trail issues, right-of-way requesting a from Beaver County for the ATV trail along the east side of the North Creek Road and also on the South Creek Road. The Board instructed the clerk to have Mr. Brown, the Co. Recorder to draw a description of the road right-of-way for ATV trail, they were given permission to ride on the South Creek Road, but other vehicles will also have right-of-way. The Agricultural Protection Ordinance was discussed. It was moved by Commissioner. Johnson, seconded by Commissioner Marshall and unanimously passed, that both boards of the Soil Conservation, be invited to meet with the Board at 1:00 P.M,~ training class for new EMT ~ to discuss the Agricultural: _. Protection Ordinance. Mary Ann Craw met © with the Board to discuss: *-handicap parking for the: Beaver County Fair: After a Johnson and unanimously passed, that Beaver County provide $1,500.00 within short discussion it was" decided that three to five the next four months toward purchase of ambulance and Put preferably the entire board; parking stalls will members. was moved by Marshall, Commissioner seconded by Commissioner *include be — It a levy in the constructed and: paths “=December budget for EMT provided for the concessions ~ ~ services countywide. Lee Ann Joseph met and restrooms. Consideration of the = with the Board to discuss 1994 property tax rates and ~ * the Beaver County Fair and budget adjustments were — ' the schedule of events. The - discussed. It was moved by ...Little Britches Rodeo is Commissioner Marshal, ..' being held in conflict with seconded by Commissioner + the County Fair activities. She also requested Johnson and unanimously permission to have the Fair passed that the following sprayed _ for Grounds _ property tax rates: mosquitos in the amount of General Fund - 0.001825 Permission Library Fund- 0.000180 = $400.00. Health- 0.000099 Total - «=: granted. 0.002104 -- The Scholarship for Assessing & Collecting - =. the. Beaver County Fair was _ discussed. queen ‘County 0.000200 . 10-3110 Gen. Prop: Tax - —==°Money Current - Gen. 16,000.00 incr. 10-3120 Del ior Prior Taxes Gen. 16,000.00 decr. Fund Years been had not - appropriated for this. After ~ - a short discussion it was by aS--moved -=- Tohason. Commissioner seconded Fund by Commissioner Marshall and passed the unanimously 41-3110 Gen. Prop. tax -. appropriated be $1,000.00 Current Lib. Fund the Beaver County for 2,000.00 incr. Education “| Queen 41-3120 Del. Prior Years Taxes - Lib Fund 2,000.00 decr. 42-3110 Gen. Prop. Tax - Current - 1,000.00 42-3120 Taxes 1,000.00 Health Fund incr. Del. Prior Years - Health Fund decr. Darrell Davis, Ilene Craw, Veda Cox, Lucille Strong, Craig Wright and Keith Hutchison, EMT's met with the Board to discuss the Emergency Services in Beaver County. Beaver is purchasing a new ambulance and requests help with funding from _ beaver County. A State EMS application for a grant for $17,000.00 from Federal has been submitted. They also requested the county add a 1/2 mill levy to the budget to help maintain EMS countywide. They are planning an education ~ Scholarship to be paid 1/3 _= per quarter for Ist year or : $500.00 per semester, this being contingent upon the county finding funds. The need to have Rodney Rose to continue working on the Milford road crew was discussed. It was moved by Marshall. Commissioner seconded by Commissioner Johnson and unanimously passed that Rodney Rose be hired on a temporary basis for one month at a time. The need for center lines to be painted on the road, was discussed. It was moved by Commissioner seconded Marshall, Commissioner Johnson unanimously passed Beaver County have state road dept. paint (continued on page 10) by and’ that — the the |