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Show ange City News JUNE 10, 1994 NOTIC Primary LY Ao Election will be held on June 28th this year. | encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote. ELECT Robin K, Bradshaw PAGE 4 COUNCIL June MEETING 6, 1994 a Mayor Wiseman called the regular meeting to order at approximately 7:15 p.m. Those in attendance were: Councilmen Dotson, Sower, Thomas, Carter, Recorder Netto, Treasurer Griffiths, Attorney Kanell, Chief of Police Don Hagberg, Ron Beaty, Ed Meyer, Brent and Becky Baxter, Randy Haddenham, Rod Rose and Misty Merryweather, Mark Whitney, Wayne Wiseman, Tatia Bradshaw, and Alice Smith reporting for the Dodge City News. 2. Mr. Meyer, from the Department of Community and Economic Development, discussed the planning process of developing a new general plan and the resources available. He offered his assistance as the new committee begins their work in developing a new general plan and will get information needed pa to Mayor Wiseman. 3. _Mark Whitney again addressed the Beaver , edicneed Council! the 12. Attorney and Airport rates, Councilman Thomas seconded the motion, with the vote as follows: Councilmen Sower, Carter, and Thomas for, Councilman Dotson against. 15: After discussion of the Swimming Pool M & 0, Counci!man- _ Sower motioned Wiseman Pryor to on to authorize negotiate the ' Councilman needed Kanel! Manager Tatia Bradshaw discussed the rate for rental of the Airport Hangers. Councilman Carter motioned to increase the hanger lease to $65.90 per month, Councilman Dotson seconded the motion, all in favor. 13. Discussion of the Airport lease was tabled until the next meeting. 14. Councilman Sower motioned ‘to approve the application for reduced with Swimming Carter Pool seconded Mayor Mayor M & 0, the~ motion, all in favor. 16. -Councilman Sower motioned ounty Commission engineering of the Lewis Addition so more homes can be built. The Council assured him that water and sewer would be. provided as the homes were to 4.. Alice Smith addressed the Council with concerns she had about the quality of law enforcement. between the Station Cafe and the Courthouse to the Station Motel and Restaurant Partnership, Councilman ~ Thomas Seconded ane motion, all in serving All : of the citizens of Beaver Coanty . I would appreciate your suppor t! (38-2862 Police Offer a Free Ride built. Discussion Unable to Drive Drinking Under the Influence With Someone Who Is POLICE WILL: Give You a Ride Will Not Tell Your Parents Will Not Give You a Ticket BEAVER COUNTY SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT ONLY! | MILFORD POLICE WILL NOT PARTICIPATE! was tabled until next Council meeting, when a executive session scheduled. 5. could be _Ron Beaty, from Nevada Cable, met with the Council! to discuss the lease between his company and the favor. 17. Counci Iman. Sawer ‘motioned to approve the hiring of Angie Hardy as _ City Recreation Director, at $5.00 . per hour, to replace temporary | Recreation Director Russel! Holm, Councilman Thomas seconded motion, all in favor. lease motion, agreement with Halycon that Milford with is to receive notification of 38 days of any mortgage placed on the lease. Tes Chief of Police Hagberg reported to the Counci! on a traffic study he had done of 3@@ North 8. for Chief Thomas Hagberg motioned to have to the all Counci a family seconded the ‘approval at the meeting Meeting. 26, 1994 meeting held May 16, approved as written. and 1994 the were regular Iman Fhonias motioned to accept Councilman Holm’s recommendation to set new Swimming Pool Fees at $49.90 for a single, $69.90 for a double, $75.00 for three, $90.00 for four, and $190.20 windows replaced and to divide the cost between the seven youth involved, Councilman Carter seconded the motion, all in favor. 9. Counci|lman Carter motioned to approve the beer license for the Milford Chevron with the fee pro rated to $25.@@ per quarter, Councilman Thomas. seconded the motion. all in favor. @. The minutes of the special May in favor. 20. Councilman Sower motioned to add a representative from the BPW, Senior Citizens, and ESA to the new. Advisory Committee, Councilman. Carter seconded ane motion, all in favor. 2. Councilman the 18. Swimming Pool equipment bid was tabled until the next meeting. 19. Councilman Thomas motioned to raise the wages of Recorder Netto to $14,040.00 per year and to appoint her as permanent recorder, Councilman Dotson seconded the between 308 West to 5@@ West. Also discussed was the replacement of windows that were broken at the Phelps Dodge Building. Chief Hagberg also reported the completion of his Policy and Procedure Manual. authorize to approve the utility easement for existing lines currently existing City of Milford. Councilman Carter motioned to set the price of the lease at $75.90 per month, Councilman Sower seconded, with the following vote: Councilmen Carter, Sower, and Dotson for, Counci Iman Thomas abstaining.~ 6. Councilman Sower motioned to authorize Mayor Wiseman to sign the the change \ concerning 1s Councilman Carter motioned to approve the bills and payroll! as presented, Counciiman Dotson seconded the motion, all in favor. pass, Councilman motion, all Dotson in favor. — 22. Recorder Netto was instructed to draw up a ordinance making 380 North one between way 3@@ West to 520 West street. As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at ee approximately 10:35 p.m. These minutes considered will next be Presented for City Until such time unofficial. they Council are a |