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Show GARFIELD LEADER, GARFIELD. UTAH Friday, April 25, 1952 SOCIAL EVENTS - PERSONALS AND CLUB NEWS will be interested to know that they have moved from Tacoma, Washington to 705 5th Avenue, N. W. Puyallup, WashMrs. Robert Bowera entertained ington. Wednesday honoring the birthday Mrs. Thompson will be rememof her who son, Don, anniversary bered as the former Ann Eckers-le- y was three years old. Six little of Garfield. guests attended and enjoyed party refreshments and games. Mrs. H. Claude Anderson will be hostess to members of her Pythian Party Sewing Club on Monday, April 28th at her home in Garfield. All Mrs. A. C. Carman, Mrs. Jack ladies are invited. Sow-bHoover and Mrs. Lawrence y a will be the hostesses this Planned Party Thursday evening at 'the Masonic Hall following initiation of two The Past Presidents Club of members from the Knights of the American Legion Auxiliary is Pythias to the Pythian Sisters. planning a party at Andy's in Salt Lake City Mon' Maw Jtddresf day evening, April 28th. All members are urged to attend. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Harry The monthly social of the stake Relief Society Board was held Friday at the home of Mrs. Bea trice Dimond with Mrs. Elmina Tocne as Luncheon was served at noon and the ladies later made a satin quilt Thompson Garfield News Smor-gasbo- rg i Berretts Lovely Magna Maid Chooses June For Wedding Month Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Burke of Magna announce the betrothal and approaching marriage of their only daughter, Diane, to Airman First Class Donald F. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Johnson of Billisco, Iowa. The young couple have set the date of June 9th for their wedding which will be solemnized in the Salt Lake Lutheran Church. A reception will follow that evening at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Newton of Hunter. is stationed at The groom-elethe Tooele Ordnance Depot Announcement of the approaching nuptials will be greeted with wide interest by the many friends of the young couple, who are well and popularly known in this relatives in North Carolina and Thursday Friday & Saturday to Jacksonville, Florida, before returning home. They will be guests of friends. OIL CHANGE jj Spare moments are the gold dust of time; - of all the portions JOE of our life, the spare minutes are UOs the most fruitful in good or evil --Hall $3.55 :S QTS. 11.75 : FLUSH : FILTER ii E ESAVE as much ;Open 1:30 a. SALE Tenor saxophone clarinet. Good condition. Inquire 2880 South 8580 West Dial 3337. FOR as $1.5o n. Clou I p. me The Daughters of Utah Pioneers Oquirrh Camp, held their regular meeting Thursday, April 17th with Captain Hazel Jones directing. The history pf Ann Allen Paton Low was read by a granddaughter, Mrs. Maggie Richards. The lesson, Jews in Early Utah,' was given by Grace Jenkins. Mrs. Helen Jones was the hostess and Mrs. Inez Bailey, the Mrs. Marvin Malmstrom entertained members of the Rebekah Lodge and their partners Friday evening at fur home following regular lodge gathering. Games of bingo were played and a late luncheon served. SPANKING BRAND NEW! Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robison left Saturday to visit Mrs. Robisons Indiana. They also plan to travel Regular Meat Held ct jFrontier Service! SPECIAL vicinity. A number of parties and socials are being planned few Miss Diane, prior to ringing of wedding bells. BRAND FAMOUS NAMES $480X0 33-fo- 3. ot Future home for the pair will be in Madison, Wisconsin, where Mr. Hulet has a research assistantship at the University of Wisconsin. Announcement of the forthcoming nuptials will be greeted with wide interest by the many friends of the popular pair. $375X0 5 TV aeta at Cost, flow models Easy Terma ?&- ALL-TIM- E 5400 West 3500 South Ip n. met Lieutenant-Colone- l George Marion Swensen and his family upon return from Japan after 3H years service. He will be stationed at Fort D iuglai. They Snow Removal - Utah Coppers Bingham Canyon Mine prenentn major winter snow remeval problem. Winters BOURBONat ik DAVIS LBR.&IIDWE. Opening evenings till cities. Mr. tyui Mrs. Allen Swensen and family have returned home after spending a vacation time in Now making plans for an early Las Old Mexico, June wedding are Miss Donna San Vegas, Nevada, and other California Diego Mae Feulner and Clarence V. Hulet. The rites will be solemnized in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. Formal announcement of the approaching marriage is made by parents of the future bride, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Feulner of Hunter. Parents of the prospective bridegroom are Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Hulet of Wendell, Idaho. A reception is being planned to honor tiw future-wed-a at the home of the bridea parents. Miss Feulner is a sophomore student at Brigham Young University, where she is a member of Lambda Delta Sigma. Mr. Hulet is a senior at BYU with affiliations with Delta Phi and Lambda Delta Sigma. He hai fulfilled an LDS Samoan mission. original coat $660.00) (only Freeser, now only Vacation Enjoyable Hunter Maid Plans Early June Wedding By Mrs. Violet Powell entertained members of her Sewing Club Wednesday evening at her A social time was enjoyed by the group. The ladies will hold their next meeting April 30th with Mrs. Dorothy Smith. the Mile hardest blows must be absorbed te maintain 34 hoar a day operation for production of UTAH COPPER REMOVES SNOW, ORE IN STRIDE BEST! One of the largest private snow removal jobe In (ha state was taken stride this winter at Utah Coppers huge open pit mine at Bingham Canyon, where despite more than 100 Inches of enow falling on the level, the men wen on the job day in and day out, moving the ere needed to produce 48X00,000 pounds of copper a month. Ability of the men to keep ore i Powder men had layers of the moving around the clock in nil sea-regardless of rain, snow or white stuff to dear away bafom sleet, has given rise to the feeling they could eet np for drilling opera, d that the United State actually has tione. .The big two "Old Faithful, one in Utah, hovels bite np the enow along with the ore but tills makes trouble nl the other in Yellowstone. Lion's share of the credit for the mills. It was a usual winter keeping production up during the eight at the Magna and Arthur ear n months goes dumpers to see cmwa of man with past three to the men who kept operations go- oil torches wanning the rides of ing on a seven day week schedule can newly arrived from the mine Men at the mine, on ore haulage, o that the ore would fall out when at the mills and in the refinery all the care wen turned over for had special equipment to hdp them dumping. beat tns problems .et up by srlnter, When a thaw came, the torched but without determination to stay wen put away but another type of with the job. it could not have been difficulty waa encountered. Tha wet on gummed up enuhen and accomplished. Many a Utahn who had hie own screen! and eometimea had to bo personal battle with enow and ice flushed on its way with water or thie last winter will understand the blown on its way with compressed job turned in by Utah Copper air. in 45. ... !, electric-powere- FIESTA PERMANENT WAVE enow-lade- Only $(.00 Complete with Tib not Interested in labels as much am in whats inside the package. So Im concerned with what my paycheck will buy, rather than how big it is. In ether words, I'm against inflation. And I'm going to help beat it with production. When I produce mere, I help held prices down, and that means a real pay boost far me." as I UJ A HIM I Nl N flA S Vt CIA T 6R atyle-c- ut shampoo and permanent. IIAWKES BEAUTY SHOP Jeannine Kinder Johnson, o Offer Expiree May 2nd top-mo- et Dial 6081 Better hay Planters Club , ; ; MORI By any Standard, you couldn't buy hem I EMffllT 6 Phone 6371 8916 West 2700 South crews. The mine is located in tainous country and its level ii at an elevation of 7,760 feet. There are 160 miles of standard-gauge railroad track to be kept dear or enow traclu that climb the canyon walla, run acmes the levels wid reach out to areas where the waste is dumped. Ae coon aa word came through that a storm was in the offing, crews tarted giant enow plows rolling. Bull-d- o re were readied to help keep work areas cleared on the mine leveie so that strings of can could be brought in for the or which had to keep going to tha milla. PIOOP CONTINENTAL STtAIGHT BOURBON DISTIIIINO COIP. WHISKY PHIIA.. PA. Handling apodal winter prob la made possible by the equip , but it takes team work and determined to maintain production of SQ of tha nation ' now copper to keep equipment functionall and alomenta of tha giant ing, operation going. Winning the battle against old in whiter actually was fait throughout tha world. But chances are, if the men who kept Old Faithful" going wan uked far their reaction, they would come up with something as commonplace as "Every day wa Just kept the or moving. WWWWWWWWVWWWWWWtfWtWWVVWVWVWVVWVVWWSWWWWVWVWWWWVWSfWWftWWWWWWWWW OUR ANNIVERSARY We want to Express Our Sincere Thank Y ou To Everyone A Groat Car-- a Great There's something basically better built Into this new Pontiac something you must drive yourself to appreciate fullyt Pontines e performance! spectacular new We want you to come in and drive a Pontiac aa aoon aa you can. See for yourself how Pontiac delivers precisely the power you Dual-Rang- Bug-andaSnccta- Performer! eular you want it, automatically. Set your Pontiac In Traffic Range and then pick out tha toughest driving you can find you'll ease through it with no trouble at all, relaxed and confident all tha way. Out In w and open, switch over to Cruising Range wero glide over the mile aa though yon r coasting earing gas nary Inch of the way. Remember, too, you're driving the lowest in America. The lowest priced straight-eigDrive. priced car with Hydra-Mad- e Then drive back tone and get tha facte and figures that prove what n greet1 Buy thlo spectacular now Pontiac really la Dollar lor Dollar you PACE MOTOR COMPANY 732 Waet 2700 South, Magna ht kqMmfwmwan cant beat a |