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Show -- U U.iwil i:i 1.4 Micraiilufag Car. HS UZ LU Uk City,AV J, U.h 5A VE! H DRIVE! I9 CHATTEHi Woadarful Person Sometimes as one wanders down the trail of life, we meet same individuals who fill us with a certain pride just to be a member of the human race. They renew your belief in your fellow-maSuch a person is lit:le Gertie Halliwell, wife of the Reverend Albert Halliwell of the Community Baptist Church. When there are days we human beings feel low and discouraged, Gertie offers consolations. Despite the corruption and cruelty of life, Gertie makes one feel that man manages to retain great virtues: -- Read love, honor, courage, auto... ONUS AWARD SAVE A LOT! MAGMA SPEND IN MACNAI IS A 15 MIMUTSS PROM SALT IAKS MIMUTSS FROM YOU! COMPlfn SHOWING CENTEf n. ON EVERY DOLLAR YOU THEmORElYOUlSA VE!iS$S$SSS It in The Times or Leader "The Complete Home Newspaper4' compassion. She stresses that most happiness from comes from one's inner-lif- e, the disposition of the mind and Thirty-fift- h Year soul. Admittedly, a good inner-lif- e is difficult to achieve, especially in these trying t&nes. It takes reflection and contemplation. And One must be honest with oneself and thats not Now easy. You have to have patience and understanding. And seek God. r But the reward of having an inner-lifas you and I know, and Fine Cooperation of Arthur Marsh, Local Gertie emphasizes, which no out- Road Supervisor, Makes Move Possible side storm or evil turn of fortune can touch, is, a very great one. Effective immediately, building In fact, it is the only way true and digging permits and other joy can be obtained. mailers such as house numbering, etc., may be obtained from Mr. Way Simplest One of the simplest ways to Arthur Marsh, local Salt Lake road supervisor. guarantee a good future is to start county This fine move, which will forgetting yourself and pour me out in love, good will and service greatly help local people, has been to other people. Seek ye first the made through the authority of Rnscoe Boden, county surveyor kingdom of God, and his. right- and approved by the Salt Lake of doing eousness," His right way County commission. things, and you will get results. To Help People This action was taken to also Petition One Thing One thing the politicians didnt cooperate with the Magna Water Presented To when permits are needpromise us, that really came true Company to dig '.cross the State Officials the past year two families in ed by residents county streets. every garage. For the time being, permits will Following the presentation of a be issued between the hours of 12 So? petition objecting to 1 The King of Siam, it is reported, to p. m. and 5 to 6 p. m. at the the condition of 21st South and has 50 elephants, and 100 wives. residence of Mr. Marsh at 2922 35th south, highways to the State Road Commission by a group of Hal Duke, on hearing the story, South 9000 West A digging permit is required said with some feeling, that in his local, people Monday, officials inunder all circumstances to dig promised immediate action. opinion, not even a king should to street and road s. The state ha been working have that many elephants. The fee for such a permit is $2.50. with Several trucks Residents are kindly asked to Saturday 21st south repairing the road Easy? observe Mr. above the as hours, with hot mulch and improved it a Just to prove that people are Marsh is rendering great deal. easily swindled, Robert E. Hurst this service personally and every possible cotraveled around in Memphis, However, D. H. Whittenburg, should Tennessee, soliciting subscriptions operationHe will be given by local commission chairman, has annot receive any nounced new construction to reto help the widow of the Un- people. known Soldier. He collected $11 extra remuneration for all this place collapsed portions of 21st South as well as the 35th highin a matter of minutes. His theory work. way, will be under way before the proved, he returned all donations. end of May. The commission has decided to The human race spends a lot of reconstruct and widen six miles time improving anything and evon 21st South and six miles on erything except itself. S5th South west of Redwood Road. Redwood Road also will be reconstructed south of 35th South. Bids.. on the. project will be 0 opened May 13th. William Ahlquist, owner of the Still Active In Joker on 21st South, presented Relief Society the petition, objecting to condi tion of the highways. County Building, Digging Permits In Magna May Be Obtained m e, State Road Heads Promise Local Repairs 500-Signatu- re TIumEwr TIrfiei3n3S3iTri3yrir259S? R SERVICE NEWS j MACNA-CARFIEL- MAKE PLANS D FOR ANNUAL SPRING CLEANUP Home Oa Leave S. A. Richard Magera has been home visiting his mother and family, Mrs. Floyd Madill in Magna. The young man has now left for Korea, and will be on a floating dry dock. His address is: S. A. Richard Magera, I. Div. U. S. S. Fore Marion LSD 22, co FPO, San Francisco, Calif. Another son, Louis Magera, was also recently home on leave from the armed cervices. This is his first time home in two years. County To Gather Cleanup Trash in Magna; Garfield Trucks To Cooperate Residents of Magna and vicinity will have an opportunity next week of getting rid of their spring cleanup trash, announceg Arthur Marsh, local road super- Town Sorrowed visor. At Death Of County Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hayda ha' received word that their son, poral William Hayda has graduated from the 2nd Armored Division Leader's School in Baum-holde- r, Germany. Corporal Hayda placed very well in the graduate dan of 173 men. Local Minister Msdlcsl researchers at tha University ef California Inject nitrogen muetard directly Into the arteries of an advanced cancer patient. The powerful chemical derivative ef a war. tima poison gaa Is delivered directly to the cancer to doetroy tho malignant tissue with minimum damage to other body organs Still , In tha exporlmontal stage, thle peuibla means af treatment la being etudled under an American Cancer Society grant NEW CANCER APPROACH garbage trucks They plan the drive In Magna week of May 5th, on Monday. Garfield Dates Longer The dates of April 21st to April 30th have been designated as Cleanup Days In Garfield, and already citizens are cooperating la a very splendid manner. The Garfield PTA is sponsoring a Foster Contest, extolling the advantages of living in a clean town. Three prizes will be awarded tq Garfield school students for the winning posters. The Chamber of Commerce is cooperating and urge business men to thoroughly clean their separate establishments, alleys and parking lots in the business area. Home-owne- rs are also asked ta clean their residences and yards.! Due to the flood control work,' which la very serious in the larger portion of Salt Lake County, all available .trucks are being used and will not be ready work until May 5th, states Reverend Albert Halliwell Dies In Sleep Monday Night The town of Magna and nearby vicinity were deeply grieved this week to learn of the death of one of their most respected and regarded citizens, the Reverend AlMAGNA DAYS bert Halliwell, pastor of the Magna Community Baptist Church. Reverend Halliwell died in his sleep about 8:30 p. m. at his residence. He delivered a beautiful message Easter Sunday, became This springs annual Rag ill shortly thereafter, and was Drive" at Webster School proved confined to his bed. very successful, according to figDesignated aa Magnas greatest The esteemed man underwent a "" ures released Monday by Princi- money-saving event, Bonus Days serious operation several yean Debs. pal Philip will be held Wednesday, Thursago, but had carried on in a steadOver 3000 pounds of rags were and Friday, April fast, courageous manner. collected. The school will get 15c day to in the community, according Albert Halliwell was In most a pound for the good cotton dona- the Chamber of Commerce, sponways the typical American minitions sors ster, serving his people in a won- Mr. Marsh. The room prize for the largest Cutting prices almost in two, derful way. However, he was the collection was won by Mrs Vir- practically out on the All material all merchants are parexception in that he possessed an street should beplaced ginia Scott's third graders who ticipating, emphasizing their slosuitable conin Crowded Course inimitable wit and humor that collected 491 poqnds , gan, The more you buy in Mag-- , Copper made him face life in a gallant tainers, not to exceed 100 lbs. Entire Many good clothes were con- na, the more foa save. when filled. Garden trimmings, Throughout way and inspired others at all tributed fai the drive. These were Bonus certificates are being papers and magazines should be times. Day sorted out by Principal Debs and given tied securely in bundles. Tree stores cooperating by his in the many During yean teachers to give to leu fortunate worth about 10c on the dollar. branches and limbi should be cut he had written and Marked by a delicious break- ministry, children who need more clothing. These into lengths not over six feet may be redeemed for other poke many thousands of words. The clothes were chiefly items merchandise Dump Road Repaired at any of the group fast, served to 112 members the He well-reawas a fluent talker and a that boys and girls had outgrown. stores For the convenience of Utah Copper Golf Club got off to If you have a truck or t .i r, so that observer, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Day, oldest thoughtful On behalf of the entire school. shoppers, all stores will remain its official start Sunday morning Clean-U- p d: ive ' he influenced thousands of people you can assist the First Phase Begins In resident of Hunter, will be honorPrincipal Debs wishes to thank open until 8:00 p. m. on the three at 9:00 oclock. rubbish out to hauling your by. to walk Cod's His along ed at an op-pathway. house at the home A driving contest followed, toFive-Yea- r everyone for their kind coopera- Sales Days the garbage disposal grounds at Improvement of a daughter and Mr. with other competition for own life was a beautiful, shining 8000 West and 1500 South in Msg- tion and donations Many of the The merchants gether four-paa published and Mrs. E : "sulner, 6641 West near-recoturnout and com- example. Program rags will be sold to Kennecott feature bargain sales broch- the 3500 South, Hunter, on Sunday Copper Company, and a complete ure that was passed in the com- petition in spite of the cold, windy The county dour la working Born in Bolton, Lancashire, afternoon, April 27. The affair, to statement of what the school will day. 1887, a son now at the Magna dump, the road 26, England, February listing cooperTuesday, munity renovawhat be held from 3 to 6 p. m., will be Demonstrating Winners Glvan realize will shortly he given. of Handel and Selina Halliwell, he leading to the dump has been ating stores and tome of their sale honor of her 90th birthday, tion, painting ana planning can do Proceeds from the drive will be items Brown captured the driv- came to the United Statei in 1905, graded and filled. Corky to make over an older home into which will fall the following day. to buy needed school itetns New Dusty Truck . The bonus certificates entitles ing contest with three drives of landing here as he often expressed In order to realize their dream used a .modern, attractive dwelling, students all can for a 248 average. Bob it with only 50c in his pocket He Assisting with the open house and ambition of that and enjoy One of the largest bearer to full indicated value having Our Lady use. work has ien started on the will be Mrs. Days other sons and when applied on merchandise at Boyce won second with 241 and was graduated from Moody Bible garbage trucks to be used In Utah Robert Bowers residence, 89 East daughters and their husbands and of Lourdes Recreation Hall open Bud Speers was third with 235 Institute and Southern the of members any Magna Chamber of ComBaptist wee put in service this week by Fourteenth Avenue in Garfield as wives. They are: Mr. and Mrs. H. by Christmas, average. merce store. are ambitious These certificates Louisville, Kentucky. Salt Lake County in Magna. The , directed Seminary, by the first step of the new five-yeEarl Day, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra R. parish, Paul Garside was awarded the He held pastorates in Hender- truck will haul 15 to 20 tons good only on merchandise, not beautification and repair program Day, Mrs. Lavina Nielson, all of Father C. E. Freegard, are now winners place in the long single son, Ky.; St Louis, Mo.; Minneaaccording to Mr. Marsh. . of on credit donations charitable payments acceptable accepting townsite the in community. Hunter, and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. drive with a 268 score. 1952 The Montana and a in of committee award Lewiston, on polis; the $1.00 general chosen The Bowers home was Ridd, Holladay. Clyde Cutler won the balls for Middleton, Idaho, before coming charge of events include Gene Mrs. Day was born April 28, Studebaker Champion Deluxe Thursday from over 40 homes by the fewest putts, tallying 16. Sev- to Magna in 1948. E. 'Homer John Harris sedan. Pitts drawing out of the hat, accord- 1862, in Coventry, England, and eral other players tied at 17 putts, of is chairman Kenneth Huffaker and Although he had served exJoseph Vaculin ing to officials of the Garfield Im- came to the United States when to Ken Huffaker, Ernie tremely include H. T. : announces and the ticket large churches with SunDyches group Garthe and she was 7 years old. Her parents provement Company Paulos Paul Garside, Jack Ridd, day school congregations of over field Women's Club, sponsors of were converts to the LDS church. that the vehicle will be awarded Pitta Richards Homer Gordon and 500 people, he was always happy 26th Wally Wilding will serve as the the program. She was married to Laronzo at a drawing to be held July A special blind bogey draw was and content in 1952-5- 3 and only a student body president at H. Claude Anderson, super- Day on December 21, 1882 in the at the Magna Community Park. held with Ray Thomas winning short time ago Magna a desire expressed intendent of the Garfield Im- old Endowment House in Salt Dancing will also be enjoyed at Cyprus high school, announces first Jim Smith and Joe Lewis to continue to live here. Results John this time. Fitzgerald. Principal that Lake City. He died February 17, provement concern, slates were second and third spots and The winner of the award need of the spring election were anEfabout 100 houses per year will be 1944, at the age of 86. W. G. Larson finished fourth. Regardless of church affiliation, Appointment Become! at nounced win. the to not be Friday evening present In addition to five sons and painted and receive necessary exReverend Halliwell was held in fective Sophomore Ball. May 1st In terior repairs. daughters, Mrs. Day has 27 grandrespect and esteem by hosta of elected officers are: BryOther the the year, children and 36 great grandchilFurther, during friends, and the Copper Printing Community Work ant Solomon, vice president; Shirplayground and ballpark will be dren. Company San-dal- l, joins with the rest of secretary; Lynn ley Bailey, Due to the deteriation of the cleaned and improved. Other reShe has been active in the LDS the community in extending conJohn Rokich of Magna was ap- MattConnie and Jo reporter flood control dams in Little Valley novation plans call for cleaning of church, having served as presidolences to Mrs. Halliwell and pointed executive secretary of the hews, Claudette Jones-anMary above Bacchus, plus the deposit of vacant lots throughout the town, dent of the Hunter Ward Relief their daughter. Magna Community Council MonSlater, cheerleaders removal of unsightly buildings Society for 15 years and as couna great deal of silt in them, MagHe married Gertrude Haddon day evening at the regular meetna is again faced with possible and shacks. selor for 21 years. At the age of June IS, 1914, in Rockport, In- ing of the group, according to anSoil To Be Hauled flood damage. she is still a Relief Society diana. She survives him, as do a nouncement made by George F. In efforts to encourage other visiting teacher. According to authorities, each of Cyprus high school daughter, Mrs. Ester Gibault, Cromer, president Through the fine, energetic efresidents to improve their yards, the spillway west of 9200 A groupunder day Everyone is invited to attend forts Mr. Rokich, eon of Mrs. Paul Womens the direction of Topeka, Kansas; a grandchild and Garfield the of athletes, is street in Magna carries a large the Improvement Company the open house. Mrs. Day requests two brothers and a sister in Eng- Rokich of 9200 West, la a gradA1 the officials Coach C of will Mercer, aided participate Club, east by torrent of muddy water to the that there be no gifts. hauling soil for all lots on the uate law student from the UniRe- land. Garfield Improvement Company, area north of Webster School, and in the Invitational Track and side of the town. versity of Utah. the Carnival at will open Saturday the Garfield , theatre Rsqnast No Flowara few hot days or heavy rains, lay He is scheduled to take the Utah very shortly. serious trouble can be expected. Brigham Young University. Complying with a long ago re- State Bar examination April 28th Mr. of the George Smith of Magna has quest Halliwell, family to 30th and if successful, will be Therefore, the Magna Combeen given the lease for the wishes no flowers. About sixty boys of the Cyprus munity Council is seeking aid licensed.to practice law In Utah. anan to make and plans theatre, However, due to the great ex- He also high school C Club, headed by from Salt Lake County to prevent to open a law office nouncement in next weeks edi- Coach A1 Mercer, will be the any damage. The Magna firemen penses d tiring his lengthy illness, in Magna.plana tion on the opening date. Community Baptist Church to contribute annual arc a the at anyone wishing honored guests may preparing supply of sandbag In the meantime, Mr.' Rokich ' The theatre has been completely do so to Mrs. Edith N. Ridge or will spring banquet tendered by the reinforcements as their share of bo available for any communreconductschool be will in it Mr. Sunday remodeled, everything and Mrs. Liggett Hopkins. Lions Club. allaying this dangerous situation. or questions at his problems ity ed at 10:00 a. m. and worship ser- placed with modern new equipThe Council plans to wait upon The affair is to be held at the homo on 2800 South 9200 West or Funeral Rite Set " The final meeting of the Cyp- vice as usual at 11 oclock. Mrs. ment for the pleasure and con- Utah Copper Club with C. G. Har- the officials county immediately The body may be viewed at phone 3304. s' Albert Halliwell will be the venience of the theatre-goin- g rus high schdhl ris chairman and H. P. Ensign, to obtain their cooperation. House of the Arfhur-Magn- a Evans St Early Mortuary in Salt Open Association will be held Friday, speaker. The attendance of every- public. master of ceremonies Former Residant Dtee Millmens Union, Local 392 Lake City ell day Thursday and "April 25th; 7:30 p. m. at the high one is invited. Program arrangements, are be- VFW Auxiliary To Union Hall will be held Saturday Friday until 1:30 p. m., and at the -Halliwell. Mrs. Albert B. V. Mrs. Coon, school, announces ing completed by Coach Jack CurJames Henry Lewis, 72, of 1477 evening, April 26th, beginning at Community Baptist Church FriInstall Officers tice of the University of Utah. president. Emerson Avenue, Salt Lake City, 7:00 oclock. from 2:00 to m. 5:00 day p. Magna Primary Confarance Feature business of the eve' The dinner is being prepared by The spacious, fine new building Funeral rites will be conducted died Monday at 8:10 a. m. In a ning will be election of officers. A New officers of the Veterans of is located at 2650 South 8900 West, George W. Smith and the Lady ailat 5:00 p. m. in the Magna Salt Lake hospital of a heart reel-deMeats Ward First be Friday will presentslate of nominees Lions Wars Auxiliary will be north of Harris-For- d nt He ment. is former a Foreign Motor. Magna Conchurch with Ward Hubbard in The Magna Primary Harry ed but nominations may be made installed next Wednesday evening, The be will building officially charge. Cremation will follow. from the floor, provided previous ference will be held Sunday, ApApril 30th at the new Union Hall dedicated, entertainment presentSincere sympathy is extended ril 27th, 6:00 p. m. at the church, REGION TWO TRACK consent of the person is made. in Magna, beginning at 7:30 p. m. ed and refreshments served. to the bereaved family. Mrs. Ida announces presiEden, be will served, Refreshments Ladies to be so honored are A number of door prizes will be SCHOOL-PEDESTRIADonations are now being taken MEET WEDNESDAY and a short consultation period dent SIGNS PLANNED Thelma Simmons, on carried is president; awarded, donated by local busiPrisolicitation and Second being and Magna First FIELD will follow. CYPRUS AT senior Pollock, vice Phyllis presiness for the establishments. of citizens a number All FOR MAGNA MAIN STREET ERECTION by Some excellent musical num mary children will participate. dent; Alta Thomas, junior vice Cancer Drive in Magna and Garbers have been arranged. Every- are invited. Ruth shine at Yeatea, will the stars president; Sister Succumbs chaplain; field. Many Magna Main Street and the tch- -i one is urged to come out and supFuneral service for Mrs. Marof Magna are Mrs Region Two Track Meet to be Judy Peterson, conductress; Laura fine cooperative spirit aone signs near Webster SchjL Conference G. P. Through organization. this worthy port Pleasant Green First and Sec- Matt Pettersson and Mrs. M. J. held Wednesday, April 30th at the Gardner, guard; Norma Minster, ian Little Brown, sister of Mrs. N. of the Granite School District Deputy Sheriff Dell Shepplek. Cyprus high school athletic field, Patty McDonald, Alice Cook, F. Pehrson of Magna, were held Magna Community Council end member of the Safety Council, ond Wards will hold their Primary Brady and the Garfield head made belter, be must trustee!. Thought A1 coach. announces In the Salt Lake Mercer, Monday d the together Sunday, Ap Mrs Kenneth Hardy. Safety Coun- says that local law officers have and human life more fruitful, for Conference6:00 All interested ladies are invited Stafford ward chapcL She City Events begin at 10:00 a. m. and died cil, the safety department of the agreed to place toe signs on tho A . Porchlight Parade will be oclock. to the divine energy to move it on- ril 27th at and attend bring their hut- April 18th. State Road Commission will inA most cordial invitation is ex- held the evening of April 28th to the finals at 1:30 oclock. during toe day and reward and upward. Sincere sympathy Is extended. stall three pedestrian signs across roadway climax the canvau of the ares move them at night -- Mary Baker Eddy tended to everyone to attend. right-of-way- Rag Drive At Webster Proves Very Successful BONUS OFFIOAIS ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT BIG EVENT APRIL 23-24-2- 5th Many Golf Fans Open Season Sunday Morning Hunter Lady To Be Honored On 90th Birthday Garfield Home Chosen To Get New Look n son-in-la- 1 d, Our Lady Of Lourdes Church To Give Car ge rd self-loadi- ar Wally New Student Body Head At Cyprus John Rokich Pap-anikol-as New Secretary Of Council Council To Seek Garfield Theatre Plans Reopening During Next Week i and of the Roads and Bridget department will make a special pickup of rubbish throughout the county. Graduates From School FinalCyprus County Help In Flood Control Cyprus Athletes To Participate In BYU Carnival Lions To Fete Club Tliis Thursday Eve 0iutcft UNION IIALL PTA Meeting Friday Eve OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY EVE Parent-Teacher- CANCER DRIVE NOW ON IN COMMUNITY N Magna-Garfiel- |