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Show Friday. April 25. 1952 GARFIELD LEADER. GARFIELD. UTAH GARFIELD THE LEADER Howard Ridge, Publisher Edith N. Ridga. Editor Published Since ISIS Published By The Copper Printing Company Issued each Friday morning at Garfield. Utah Entered as second clan mail matter under the act of March 3rd. 1173 at Garfield. Utah Adjudged one of the best weekly newspapers by the Utah Press Association, given honorable mention by the National Nsw Officers Named Editorial Association. Mail sidtscripiion rates Payable strictly in aavance llJi yeai New officers of the Mugna WoThe Times welcomes contributions from its readers upon any subject of public interest. All communications must be signed. No mens Club were named at their last meeting to include Mrs. attention paid to anonymous contributions. George Voshell, president; Mrs. Ernest Mecham, first vice presiMrs. Monroe Wilkinson, First Bon and Heir Magna-Garfiel- d Pythians dent; second vice president; Mrs. C. F. Williams, secretary; Mrs. M. J. Rejoicing over the birth of a Plan To Attend Socials fine son, their, first child, are Mr. For Brady, treasurer; Mrs. W. S. RobSupreme Chief and Mrs. Darrel Scutt Chapman. erts, corresponding secretary; Mrs. James Monson, auditor; Mrs. The new arrival has been named Practically the entire member Frank Gee, historian and Mrs. Darrel Scott Chapman, Jr. and of Unity and Oquirrh Tem- Robert Ridge, director. weighed in at 7 pounds, 8 ounces ship Sisters of Magna and at St Mark's Hospital Friday, ples. Pythian A meeting is being planned by Garfield-- , arc planning to attend 18th. April on May 7th, featuring Mrs. Chapman will be remem- a dinner and other social func- the ladies a and Daughters party 28th Mothers tions next Monday, April bered as being the former Marilyn Sucommemorative of Mother's Day. Marlor. Proud grandparents are honoring Mrs. Cleone Hogan, JuriMr. and Mrs. Sam Marlor and Mr. preme Chief of the Supreme and Mrs. Frank Chapman, all of sdiction, Pythian Sisters, who On Program will be a Utah visitor. Mrs. Hogan is from New Mexico. On Monday at 10:00 a. m. she Miss Doneen Hardman, daughwill be a guest on KDYL TV and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Parley HardCommercial Club Plan again on radio station KALL at man of Magna, presented vocal Annual Trip Friday 3:00 p. m. numbers and accompanied herThat evening a dinner will com- self on the piano Saturday at pliment her at the Newhouse Hotel Utah Democratic Ladies The Cyprus high school Com- Hotel and initiation ceremonies Luncheon. mercial Club will depart Friday conducted in her honor at 8:30 The occasion honored five past to a p. m. in the I OOF Hall. on their annual outing-tri- p vice chairwomen of the organgroup of Salt Lake City business Grand Officers of Utah will be ization. Over four hundred ladies establishments. in charge of the latter function. attended, including a local delegaApproximately 55 students, totion. gether with the sponsor, Mrs. Benefit Luncheon Madeleine Wald is, will tour many places, later have dinner and at- Planned By Auxiliary tend a theatre. At Club Saturday Custom-mad- leather goods e from Watchbands to i Gifu i All kinds of Repairing Satisfaction Guaranteed 2850 So. 1100 West Magna 8es& Please Dial 3322 and Give Us Your News. D of P Meet Hald Lovely Bowling Parly A very prettily planned party, marking the end of the Afternoon Bowling League competition for this season, was held Monday evening at the Utah Copper Club. A hot dinner was served at tables beautifully decorated in pink and white with centerpiece of pink roses and snapdragons. High prize was given to Mrs. Rula Garside and other gifts awarded to Ethel Stevenson, Carol Bertoch and Norma Hauter. Mrs. Bessie Larson, president, wishes to thank everyone who so kindly helped her in the bowling activities during the year. LAWN MOWER CONDITIONED 24 Monthly Down Payments In Flowing Well District BEFORE SPRING" amu.) There is wisdom in generosity, as in everything else. --Charles Haddon Spurgeon , In whiskey, too, there is good.,. better. and 1?ourbon at its 'Best '6 THE HILL AND HILL COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCK' PROOF Mr. and Mrs. Glen Timothy are rejoicing over the birth of a fine on, who has been named Boyd Lovell Timothy.. He arrived April 4th, and is being happily greeted by a lister at home, Linda. Mrs. Timothy will be fondly rememHundred of cities, towns, out. knocked be supply might bered as the former Darleen mall eommunitica in tha United communications might stop Lovell, Regular State today are making sure that entirely. Much of the transportadaughter of Mr. and Mrs. they wiU be ready to do their part tion system certainly would atop. W. C. Lovell of Magna. if, and when, the real atom bomb Thousands of survivors would sudhits them, or ritiee near them. denly, find themselves homeless, Theea imaginary raida have ahown without food, clothing, shelter, or money. What could happen without drU defense T Ask the Japanese anyone of the lew survivors at Hiroshima or Nagasaki. They had almost no civil defense sa wa know it now. When atomic bombs hit their cities, the population was almost comResult: tha pletely unprepared. act what to do. Many people panicked wildly. ono-hatha Within nils of thousands were needlessly killed or center of an cxploeioa hurt, families were scattered, and elmeet everyone without proper property was lost or badly damprotection will bo hilled. With- aged. e in the next Rfty per Thousands w era left hoi cent of the population will not with no one to cere for arrive. From one to Tha woanded and helpless, who milea sway eighty-fir- e per might have lived, died because cent will lire. Beyond two miles proper civil defense was not ercenter of the from the explosion gs nixed to save them will yon will eurvlre but there Factories Would Be Useless be work for you to do. Civil But there was something of even prepsree yon for that too. greater importance to a nation With the proper protection YOU which was fighting for its life. Tha may live, but thousands will be fact that there was no civil defense hilled instantly and many others meant that the factories left standwill be wounded and in need of ing after the atomic blast could immediate eare. Every street not operate. Without eivil defense a nation is within the major damage area will be completely blocked with rubble, helpless. With it, people and proand hundred of persona trapped duction centers can get np and or buried in tha wreckage. Fire fight back. Casualties can ba cut wiU start within n matter of t least in half. Our nation can minutea in many places at once. lire again and fight bade to winl Civil defense is self defense for Feed Sspply Destroyed These are the main things which you and for our country. wUl happen, but there are others. (This next article will discuss For instance, a large part of the what are the biggest civil defense citys food supply might be de problems.) 3 Up to $2; . ON YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY 26 April 25 Friday, Saturday Complete Show After 1p.m. SERVICE. ONE-VIS- IT COME IN AND GET IT! NATIONAL FINANCE 'I TOWN IN TEXAS! EOOCNEST, T0B6IEST COMPANY OF UTAH .9013 W. 2700 South MAGNA SALT LAKE CITY .... 22 West 2nd Sa 2nd Feature PROVO 341 W. Center St. TOOELE 13 S. Main Street Phone Magna 6372 Phone 53 Phone Prove 1045 Phone Tooele 110 ELLIOTT a monoobsm ncruac Everyone Invited Size up the four facts why a Chevrolet truck cuts down your hauling or delivery costs. But theres more to it than that Its the greatest truck to drive you ever got your hands on. Easier Ball-GeSteering. Clutch smooth For This Show Sunday, Monday, Tuesday April 27 28 29 5:00 p. m. NOTICE Starts 7:00 p. m. jy Last Show I p. ALL TIRES ARE ;i April 30, May " " FIRST-GRAD- E U. S. Royals Goodyear Goodrich Silvertown I e I I 0 1 o e Budget Terms If Desired PAULOS AUTO CO. DIAL 6811 MAGNA. UTAH FACT No. 1 WWM FBOOWIlWI Mw. awa hs . MUa) MM IlM Magic Carpet You pay less to buy! You save on cost per mile! :FACT. You get the right :Nqv 3; truck for the job! Your truck investment is safer! I Save many steps and earn many dollars more by putting electricity to work on costs so little and helps so much with such jobs as water pumping, water heating, It BUY FROM YOUR DEALER ACOUIBiancTUK -BIO COUNTRY" NEXT BATTLE OF APACHE PASS" AND COMING SOON IS "SNOW WHITE k THE SEVEN DWARFS. . no;2; tin UICILLE BALL -- JOHN A6AB 1 fact; barn cleaning, milking and brooding. - W Firestone This Week A Breakage Insurance Lowest Prices In State m. Complete Show After 8 p.m. I MM IttMUN 3580 Waat I your farm. Eg e DSSCM M Ml UW So. Below COST NEWS Wednesday, Thursday 3130 e tfCSTWARD THE WOKmj k Dick Richard Openahaw All Sizes Available and easy. Fast, quiet Synchro-Mcs- h transmission that eliminates double clutching. Roomy cab with five feet of hip room, ventipane windows, and seats with double-dec- k springs. Come in and let us show you. NOTICE CARTOON Baa or Phono New 'ires savinffsl dollars-and-cen- ts ar m. Compare prices before you renew. e Here's why a Chevrolet truck means Finishes 3:15 7:00 DUE? J SEPIA TONE "ROUNDUP" STARTS 1 2 NOON When Is Your Birthday? Hey Gang! Thu week PAYDAY Everybody gete paid off in cash! Cartoons Serial and A Little ; Both Features Rascals Comedy. Starts Monday, Tuesday INSURANCE let's get down to brass tacks and the FLM MRD FACT! SATURDAY Starts Sunday Is Your Car I re 5835 West 3500 South Phono Murray 0124-R- And Hang Me Up sergea- Party Slalsd The annual party of the two leagues will be held next Tuesday, April 29th, 7:30 oclock sharp. All ladies are invited to attend. New Bon half-mil- KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY Gem Theatre Starts By MILLARD CALDWELL Federal Civil Difcmt Adminutntor Dont be surprised if you hoar a siren blowing and learn that your community is being alerted for an imaginary atom bomb raid. If it is organized, withteams, doctors, in minutes, air raid wardens, first-ai- d nurses, emergency rescue squads, and other cWil defense units will spring into action. stroyed or cut off. The water and lf Agency Cut Me Out tary; Mrs Shirley Begent, nt-at-arms. Mile and coordinated what eivil defence personnel and equipment can do against enemy attack. However, dont act as if the alert signal you hear la Just an imaginary air raid. Act as you have been trained to act. Do whatever you have been told to dot Civil defense prepare yon for that decision of knowing how to Jones Insurance FREE Pickup and Delivery during February k March DIAL 2123 or 3331 Other elected officers include: Mrs. Helen Wimmer, vice president; Mrs. Cenella Rodgers, treasurer; Mrs. Irene Tuckey, secre- 1 Call at THE RUSHI eve-din- well-train- LOTS Any Size and $550 up. 10 Mrs. Thelma Singleton was reelected president of the womens A and B bowling leagues at the g. Utah Copper Club Tuesday All Persons Would Unprotected in mb Start a Home 7:00 p. m. gs New Bowling Officers slumberi to Eternity! Mrs. Arthur Marsh entertained Vaughn, secretary. Jones Very members of the Happy Hour Club Present at the meeting were the Lovely Daughter Thursday at her borne. A twelve Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Davis of luncheon was o'clock noon-da- y Magna are rejoicing over the arNeeds Civil Defense served, followed by games. Prizes U.S. of a lovely 8 pound, 2 rival Aston E. A. Mrs. were given to ounce baby girl who was born and Mrs. George VoshelL A-BoKill Monday at SL Marks Hospital. The new miss has been named He who is afraid of being too One-Ha- lf Vickiera. She is being greeted by generous has lost the power of bebrothers Kenny and Bobby. man best The ing magnanimous. Mrs. Davis will be rememberor woman is the most unselfed. D. C ed as the former Mary Lou Jones. from the Srnpenmemdeet of Don oenM, Gmmrommt Frmtmg Oft, N'wfaafM -- Mary Baker Eddy fm Me PHONE 2337 AVOID following South Salt Lake County NEW BABIES The Pleasant Green Camp, officers: Captain Evelyn H. NelFirst Vice Captain, Louise Daughter! of Utah Pioneers, held son, Three Magna families are reMetralf; Second Vice Captain Antheir regular meeting and elec- nie over the arrival of fine joicing Mrs. Nelson Bowden. a gave tion of officers at the home of Mrs. sons, all born on Friday, April talk. short Lucy Woolley Thursday at one Refreshments were served and 18th to: thirty o'clock. Mrs. Millie Christ-offere- a program also presented to inMr. and Mrs William Sadler. was the Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lexis. Mrs. clude dance by Woolley's tap into were elected Officers Mr. and Mrs. William Colling Mrs. granddaughter; reading by clude: Mrs. Estella Pehrson, capof 2789 South S050 West Rhoda Mrs. Ned Johnson; story, tain; Mrs. Faye Isakson, vice capUpping the masculine populaduet, Mrs. Cora Bouck, tain; Mrs. Lillis Clayton, second Clayton; tion i little Mr. Chad Layne Col-linvice captain; Mrs. Lillian Bridges, Mrs. Dora Voshell; history by who was born at the LDS Pehrson about her greatsecretary; Mra. Ells Perkins, treas- Captain He weighed in at 9 Hospital Mrs. Harriet Hank grandmother, leadurer; Mrs. Hazel Orr, lesson pounds, 8 ounces. Waiting anxwere Twenty-si- x ladies Young. er; Mrs. Dora Voshell, historian; iously at borne to greet new little hire. Cora Bouck, chorister; Mrs. present brother are Kevin, Linda and Allie Gee, parliamentarian; Mrs. And I, a child of God, by Christ Kerry Von. Mabel Baker, chaplain; Mrs. Alice The new baby arrived on his made free, start from Deaths Doxford, registrar; Mrs. Ruth mothers birthday. eplit-aoeo- GET YOUR - NEWS OF YOUR NEIGHBORS Better... A luncheon is planned for office workers of Kennecott mills and Garfield refinery Saturday, April 26th at the Utah Copper Club, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. Luncheon will be served by the ladies at 11:30 oclock. All proceeds will be used to send a girl to Girls Slate June 8th to 14th from the Legion Auxiliary. All men in the offices are cordially invited to lunch at the club on Saturday. RUSTYS LEATHER WORKS - PAULOS AUTO COMPANY DIAL 6611 vsna MAGNA, UTAH O trT-- 0 |