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Show GARFIELD THE LEADER Howard Ridga, Publisher Edith N. Ridga, Editor Published Sine 1918 Published By The Copper Printing Company Issued each Friday morning at Garfield. Utah Entered as second class mail matter under the act of March 3rd. 1979 at Garfield. Utah Adjudged one of the best weekly newspapers by the Utah eiale Press Association, gieen honorable mention by the National Editorial Association. Mail subscription rates Payable strictly us advance (Ut yeas The Times welcomes contributions from its readers upon any subject of public interest. All communications must be signed. No ' uention paid to anonymous contributions. Magna Ward M Men and GleanRecuperating Nicsly ers held a Fireside recently at the 'me of Mr. and Mrs. Verl Miner, George A. Parker, plant enginident Maurice Tuttle was a eer for the Utah Copper Company, jst speaker. Refreshments were is recuperating nicely at St. Mark's Hospital after receiving ter served to twenty people. medical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Farnsworth A group of ladies attended an and 40 Past Officers' banquet of their and social evening Wednesday at aid Mrs. Mary E. Nielson motored t.i Trhficld, Utah, Sunday to at- . services b! ! 8 iUff Sergeant Val Christ the Newhousc Hotel in Salt Lake -- i in Korea. City, to include Mesdames W. II. He is the first casualty in the Jenkinson, Wallace Williams, Verl Korean incident from Sevier A. Haws, Helen Gallyer and Ruby Cushing. county. i ..u.1, who was killed ON YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY ONE-VIS- COME SERVICE. IT - of Special Interest to Women I of Magna, as their l$2-5- 3 justice, Community Church was announced. He succeeds Due to the appearance of the Joseph S. McDaniel. Sunday School is conducted Utah Symphony orchestra here on i each Sunday at 10 g. m.. and 14th- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Welcker are . growing in a splendid manner. . Mrs. Louis Geerys class participated in special exercise Sunday. Sunday. February 17th, the minister will preach on the sub!T,d ject, The New Jerusalem. Carl r'utluck luncheon will be erv- K v an u,;n k. Grubaugh will sing, Finlandia, cd. and a cordial invitation is ex- Scheduled for Saturday eve and everyone is cordially invited : Karen at home ' tended to everyone to attend. ning, 8:00 p. m. in the Pleasant Green Ward Amusement Hall, Tuesday, February 19th will be First Child re Members of the the annual Oquirrh Stake Rose the regular workday for the Club were entertained at a de- - Prom for all MIA groups, will be Ladies Aid- - Everyone is urged to Bradlcv Marlnr Arrintton lightful party Wednesday by Mrs. presented. 'attend. nf his the attention claiming proud Ida Stewart Following a lovely Everyone is extended a most you are always welcome at the Arparents, Mr. and Mrs. Burton to arof cordial invitation attend, tables were cards luncheon, Community Church. nngton, 444 South 4th East, Salt rang((j ancj prizes given to Mrs. Albert Halliwell, minister. ,e Clty 'Dewey Watkins and Mrs. Erma YWMIA Meeting The offspring arrived Friday, Hatton. The group will meet Club To Meet February 8th at St. Mark's Hospi- - February 20th with Mrs. D. L. Young women of Oquirrh Stake taL His mother will be remember- Underwood at her home in Salt MIA will hold a make-up- " meeted as the former Miss Patsy Mar-lo- r Lake A meeting of the Past Presiing Sunday at 2:00 p. m. in the City. of Magna. Pleasant Green Ward 5 ha pel. dents' Club of the American LeMusical numbers will be present- gion Auxiliary will be held SaturDemocratic Ladies Meet Club Meets ed and a talk will be given by day evening at the home of Mrs. Mrs. Sylvia Wimmer and Mrs. Sadler. Agnes Williams. All ladies are Mrs. Elaine Husband was host- Alice Rowland were hostesses to The meeting is sponsored by urged to attend. ess to members of her Sewing ladies of the Democratic Ladies the YWMIA of the Stake. Club and special guest, Mrs. Club Thursday evening at the Madge Anderson, Thursday eve- Firehall. Tables of cards were arning at her home. A gay time was ranged and prizes given to Mrs. enjoyed by the members who Agnes Williams at bridge and meet next with Mrs. Thirza Jen-- Mrs. Fern Jenkinson, five hun- kinson. dred. Late luncheon was served. Mooting Postponed A,.J" ljS!'aijsa , Thuy' STL ,., lit 2S, Church j ... 22 West 2nd So 341 W. Center St. 13 S. Main Street PROVO .... TOOELE KENTUCKY at its "Best STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY HILL AND HILL C0MPAHY, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCK1 Start a Home 10 . 5135 OFF 75 Percent We have had to drastically cut prices on accessories for cars 1951 and older in order to make room for our 1952 stock. Up to 75 OFF on these items 24 Monthly Payment In Flowing Wall District Down Call at Jones Insurance Agency Phono Murray Wait 3500 South 0 LET US GIVE YOU 1 AN ESTIMATE! -- Our Prices Are Reasonable FURNACE WORK PHONE S221 GUTTERS Any typo of Shoot Molal Construction. Magna Sheet Metal Works 8084 Woi Plea HARRIS -- FORD, INC. Complete Show After p. m. AMMAN NIGHTS ADVENTURE I . . Our Work is Guaranteed. BEN JONES Starts 7:00 p. m. 2 1 FOR ALL CARS Jeweled Exhaust Extension, Illuminated Vanity Mirror, Windshield Washers, Outside Mirrors, Cigar e Lighters Complete, Permanent Also Reduced. 16 0124-R- 0 AAAMMMJWVWVWWWWVVVWWVVVVWVWWVVWWV Hub Caps, Inside FOR FORD 1949-5-1 Outside Sun Visor, Bug Screens. Mirrors, Gem Theatre 1 $550 and up. ANY SIZE LOTS tUp T I Phone Magna 6372 Phone Phene Prove 1045 Phene Tooele 880 February 15 TE 16 PROOF Anti-freez- Friday, Saturday bettor . . . and good 1?ouibon I And Hang Me Up Cut Me Out In whiskey, too, AUTO ACCESSORIES DRASTICALLY REDUCED FINANCE COMPANY OF UTAH SALT LAKE CITY - de IN AND GET IT! 901 3 W. 2700 South Setter..- Just-A-Me- NATIONAL MAGNA Good.. yie0A satfas Mrs. Ted Green entertained Fraternity Elects ladies of her Sewing Club Wednesday night at the home of her Members of the University of sister, Mrs. Douglas T. Smith. A Utah's Sutherland Chapter, Phi social time of chatting was en- Alpha Delta, honorary law frat-- 1 joyed, followed by late ernity, have elected Joe Novak, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Novak Up to $2500 Friday February IS 1952 2700 South VERN ROBINSON dial 20SS or 205S 8952 WEST MAIN ST. e- - NWVWWmMnMVWVWWWVWVWWWWWVVVVWVW VWSAAWWWWAAAAAAVVYWVWVVWWAVWVVVYYWY VAWiWVSAAJVYWYWVYWYVWAYWWWWWWWWW rrwfti 0NECOLOR PATSICIA Mf DINA s JOHN SANDS I Double Feature "60" PEI GALLON I Ford Automatic Power Pilot MORI squeezes moro go from every gallon . . . gives both Ford engine power on regular gas. A MONOGBAM arHoiti KTUK Noll AUTOMATIC "ROUNDUP" STARTS 12 NOON When Is Your Birthday? Hey Gang! Come & Get Your Trader Charms! And A Serial Both Features Cartoons Rascals Little Comedy. Ford Automatic Ride Control team up new ride featuree to make rough rosde smoother and let you taka curves on the level. SATURDAY '" Mb NEW February 17 Sunday, Monday FULL-GRC- VISIIIUTYI Curved windshield, carwide rear window and picture windows all around give you visibility unlimited! Finishes 3:15 Everyone Invited RIDE C0NTI0LI one-pie- 18 Starts Sunday 1:30 p. m. Last Show 9 p. m. Starts Monday 7:00 p. m. Paul Douglas Joan Bennett in Linda Darnell THE MAN WHO CAME BACK DRAMA DOMESTIC HAPPINESS TOUCHES HUMOR AMD HIGHLY ENTERTAINING. OF Plus This Big Hit! Bright Arthur Peggy yiCTOKY MSB KENNEDY DOW (j JULIA ADAMS. i onus aitsunoMi Kit Mans anion Hs the Ablest Tues., Wed., Thurs. Starts 7:00 p. m. wanner Bros: 20 21 Show After 1p.m. February 19 Complete TlWt mrf Water that's heated electrically is always an even, just-rig- ht hot. The electric hot water heater Cor on the American Road The 62 Ford is longer, lower, wider in treed, has a stronger chamis with rugged K-b-ar frame. It has moro of everything you want in style, too, with the widest choice of color and upholstery combinations in Ha field! Ford's the greatest car over built. low-pric- ed itself is just as safe and quiet as an electric light bulb. Tiny tykes -F- AY ..WILLIAM BAINTER KEIGHLEY can play around it without the ltaklrN.Sww Written by JAMES R.WEBB From his story in Good Housekeeping 35 Magazine slightest danger. 2nd Feature Test Drive it tafei) at (jourferd nrf . " NlM Naa mrn NEXT Dealer!) Mb mAM to WliiMMIfivsUhMNi NAnNU HUUl MMk AIM kIMIk XuALAW, UdMrt M Ik wu J0UWWU MN.lt Mi mi kmu IWlai hi.nl a twM m HUGO HMS T rifirii ll. I e. TANKS !?SiS.', ARE Y0D COMING" Y S5d S. SH iTSAVINO'tOMPANt - loi Cenfirol HARRIS -- FORD, INC MAGNA, UTAH WWWWVWWWWVWWVWWWWVVVVVVWWVVyWVVVUSfVb PHONE 6221 SVVWWWVWWWWtfWVWNWWVVWWVWWWWVWWWVWVFUWSi |