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Show . A fCn 27 8: tih Kctriaiai il Eali Ci'y 3. W A. Csrp Utah "The Complete Home Newspaper' Road It in The Times or Leader GarnddTruhndyrFeEnIIrM5rif52 Year Thirty-fift- h 4 New Classrooms, Large Crowd Expected At Utah Symphony Program Tonight Multi-Purpo- se Large Room Planned For Webster In order to meet the growing 1 T LOCUt enrollment it Webster School, OmiCr plans have been made to add four new classrooms and a large multi- -, Tti aG purpose room, according to an- -, HCSIUCIIL WlvO nouncement made at the PTA meeting jfVednesday night to in- - j JeH obray McArlhur 49t terested Pafon- resident of this community prior T L?renZ arJChl,tTCt his long illness, died Thursday is now plan, bid.jat 7:3- Lake hos. in t will be let .hort y after January, ailment. of j 11 1958, with completion on the ad- and srfma 0b f dition when school opens in Sep- -' hf? was born in Para- terrtber, 1953. . jdise, Cache. County, June 21, IMS- - a attended Cache Valley at the north end of the building 5chuols and be two stories high with 2 He Emma Ann Bulch classroom, on the east de and 1923 in 0gden. The mar. two directly above them. The. riJe I:lU.mniB!d December room whmh will Im , Salt Lake in used for serving lunches, audi- willseat tcrium, playroom, gym, From' 1919 to 1923, Mr. 0 people and be two stories high as a shoe employed It will have collapsible tables an. maker in In 1925 he began benches that will fold against th work for Ogden. Utah Copper Company wall. at Magna and also became a memLong-Tim- e Need of the Magna Fire Departwill be ber room The ment. He retired in 1943 because 50 feet wide and stairs on the of illness. north side will connect the rooms. Mr. McArthur was a member or Other Recommendations the LDS church. Mr. Philip Debs, principal, has made other recommendations on Survivors include his widow, the building program in a letter Garfield; eight sons and daughto Mr. David Gourley, super- ters, Rex E. McArthur, Granger; intendent of Granite School Dis- Blaine J. and Charles J. McA-thtrict, and inasmuch as we feel that with the U. S. Navy, Korea; his suggestions are so interesting 'Larry Allen McArthur,' with the to patrons here, we are happy to Navy, San Diego; Dale Kent and reprint the letter: I have the following suggestions to be considered in building the addition to the Webster School: 1. The stage should have a depth of at least 4 feet more than the stage at the Oakwood school. The stage at Oakwood is 20 x 35. 2. The stage will need better sound proofing than the present telescope door used at Oakwood if the stage and the room proper are to be used at the same time and they should be. 3. There should be an instrument storage room adjacent to the stage. 4. There should be a sink and a drinking fountain on the stage. 5. Two stage entrances would be preferable; if this is not possible, the one should be two people wide and come from the hall. This will facilitate getting children on and off the stage during a program and also in using the stage as a classroom. 6. There should be toilet facilities available near the multiple purpose room. 7. There should be tables and benches provided for a minimum' The body of William H. Lehman, of 300 to 400 children to eat at one 47, employe of Bacchus Hercules j Powder time at noon. Company, missing since 8. The multiple purpose room his automobile was found in the should seat a minimum of 400 Jordan River November G.h, was adults. found Tuesday morning about 400 9. If possible, toilet facilities yards downstream from the scene should be provided for on the of the mishap. second floor so that all children A crew of six sheriffs deputies, won't have to go to the bottom dragging the area of the Jordan floor all the time. river near where Mr. Lehmans! 10. I believe the additional vehicle left the road, discovered classrooms should be planned for his body about 10:55 a. m. Mr. Lehman last was seen the kindergarten and first grade children. For the present, three could afternoon of November 5lh when be used for 1st grade and one for he purchased groceries. He was the second grade. scheduled to appear to work at 11. The present front stairs Bacchus at midnight. should be removed and fireproof He is survivdH by several relastairs installed. The pitch on the tives in Magna. stairs should be cut down. , a , i I multi-purpo- Teje Allegro" from Flute end Harp Concerto Sam and Louise Pratt, Flute and Harp Soloists I Speech, Music Festival The Oquirrh Stake MIA annual Speech and Music Festival will be held Sunday, February 24th at the Stake House, beginning at 7:00 o'clock. Regular Sunday evening services will be cancelled in the wards. The program, under the direction of the MIA, is supervised by Mrs. Alice Gourley and Mrs. Ida Hunt Musical nui.ibers and readings will be presented by various stake members. A complete program will be published in next week's paper. School Opera Dates Set For March 20-21 The Cyprus high school opera this year is well underway, according to John Manning, director. The delightful light opera, The Chimes of Normandy," will be presented March 20th and 21st for the enjoyment and pleasure of the general public. An outstanding cast has been chosen and double roles given to the four leads. The lead baritone role has been awarded Kelly Pearce with Gwendolyn Okeson and Rose Kcnnard taking the mezzo-sopran- Mosart Mc-40- ur Stake Plans Weber Utah Symphony Orchestra o roles. The tenor leads were given to Edgcl Rasmussen and David White. Members of the supporting roles are Phil Debs, Gwen Garrard, Joan Knowldcn and Tony Mahler, plus the two choruses and the Girls Glee Club. CULPRITS SPLIT" BICYCLE TIRES AT WEBSTER SMALL Britton . Utah Symphony Orchestra Torgol Dance Riisager Utah Symphony Orchestra American Salute Utah Symphony Orchestra Suite Claaaiqua Dilteradorf Richard Wendel, Trumpet Solo .Morton Gould Beethoven Romance from Second Concerto Rameau Wisniewski Carol Jensen, Violin Solo Weber Loel Hepworth, Clarinet Solo Dr. John W. Fitzgerald Principal, Cyprus High School John P. Manning Music Department. Cyprus High School Mrs. V. B. Coon President. Cyprus High School P. T. A. Usherettes Member Cyprus High School Pop Club Hearts will be tributed to every contributor of the Heart Fund on Magna and Garfield Main Street Thursday when citizens are asked for a contribution to this worthy cause. The local drive is under the direction of Girl Scouts, although members of the Magna and Garfield Women's Clubs will be on the Main Streets, earnestly seeking your donation. Containers will also be placed in stores, according to Mrs. E. C. Speers, local Girl Scout chairman. a Wont you give-g- et heart-a- nd help contribute to research for the No. 1 Killer of the nation? dis- SCHOOL HOOP TONIGHT , ges t Businesses, Schools, Banks To Close Feb. CREDITS: EISENHOWER ur 41-3- 0. Concertino Have A Heart! Contribute To This Fund Employes of Kennecott Copper Corporation are just awaiting the approval of the Wage Stabilization Board before a 33c pay increase per eight-hoRay Woolfcnden says the fel shift becomes effective January low who walked through a crowd- - Tlnrifl 195 according to A1 Skinner, VAJIlLvl ed grocery store, pushing his IFUlllt regional director. loaded cart, yelled gangway' A joint bargaining committee and got no results. But when he is extended a most representing five unions had Everyone shouted: Watch your nylons cordial invitation to attend the previously reached an agreement he made quick progress. Band Concert at Cjrp- -, on this increase. school auditorium rus high They have no tele- evening, February 20th, RIP-ROARvision set, no automobile, no kginning promptly at 7:30 piano only a bank account." o'clock. Talented musicians from three Good Work schools, Valley Junior high, atMany young people are Brockbank junior high and Cyptracted to Washington, where they rus high school, will participate. GAME find work in the myriads of offices Uniforms that are to be purthat handle various branches of chased from receipts of the congovernment cert, will be worn to show the Cyprus Still Tied tWith A certain friend of ours was I putUc their design and color, For Second able to secure work and when her numbers will Bingham I to whst wrote Place d Inquire parents b led by Marvin H. Strong, super-kin- League of duties she had, the girl vilor rf musje Granite School I obliged and in one of her letters, I District After trailing practically all tha sent this Information: Free way, Cyprus Pirates literally I work in the data analysis For every $2 worth of donations brought home the bacon (basketgroup of the aptitude test ,tudent sells, ha will ball. that la) Friday night, by of the worker and analysis section receive a free ticket to a special up Judge Memorial in of the division of occupational matir.ee which la to be held at the tripping the last 10 seconds of play. analysis and managing tables of Gem Theatre February 27th, Jim Frankos proved tha hero the bureau of labor utilization of j John Maww'ngi music la- of the evening when he sank a the offices of emergency manage-- 1 f tructor, long shot and put Cyprus ahead, ment." The game was a thriller Alarmed, her mother wired her that left all the fans worn-o- ut daughter: Come home immediatescores. with its teeter-totte- r ly." This victory still leaves Cyprus it! I swear Tis true, tied with Bingham for second place. The Cost of Killing a Man Tooele Hero Tonight War costs are mounting Tho local boys' will engage tho 22 each succeeding conflict Champion Tooele equad this FriScientists are seeing to it that day night in Magna, and must win inthe cost of killing a man" is order to remain In second Honoring the birthday ancreasing. of the Father of and provided Bingham place niversary Someone compiled this group of loses. our Country, George Washas cost of man the a figures killing Cyprus authorities urge local ington, most business places in time of war: fans to come early at reserved in Magna, Garfield, schools Primitive man, no expense; seats are selling fast, a large of Granite District, banks Caesar's wars, 75c a man; Napol-Tooele delegation is coming, and and other places will be eon's wars, (3,000; Civil war, from every indication, there wont closed next Friday, FebruWorld War (5,000; I, (21,000; even be standing room. 22nd. ary World War II, (55,000.00" Merchants therefore kindThe irony of it all is that the big ly ask shoppers to plan nations in the world call themon Thursday for their selves Christians." regular business. I hate to think what the Korean incident ia going to cost. Public Urged To Support ER Overture to "Oberon" se Kennecott Men Awaiting Nod From WSB On 33c Day Increase flHlPPrt PROGRAM Young People! Guide to tho Orchestra I ! I In cooperation with THE CYPRUS HIGH SCHOOL P. T. A. and CYPRUS HIGH SCHOOL Presents The Utah Symphony Orchestra Maurica AbravaneL musical director and conductor Saa and Louisa Pratt Soloists 7:30 p. m. Thursday evening February 14 Cyprus High School Auditorium .to CHATTER-- To preserve our independence, we must nut let our rulers load us I with perpetual debt We must! make our election between economy and liberty, or profusion and Thomas Jefferson. servitude. . UTAH COPPER DIVISION Daciilant se c)k Kenucott Copper Corporation , multi-purpo- Number 35 mmmmmmmmam IS THE MAN The leadership of the world toward freedom and peace depends on America. As never befoif in the birtory of this country or the. world, the leadership of America must be intelligent, intrepid, inspiring. Dwight D. Eisenhower is a man with these qualities. We are for him as a candidate for President of the United States. The same destiny that brings leadership to America brings him to this great hour. All Americans, without regard to partisanship or personalities, should encourage and sustain him in making the decision to lead us in peace as he led us in war to victory. In that spirit we do our share in meeting this responsibility by declaring our support of Dwight D. Eisenhower for President. We shall do whatever a newspaper can do with honor to win him the nomination. If he is nominated, we shall do whatever a newspaper can do with honor to win his election. In this we feel we are serving the best interests of our readers and our country. New Assistant Mingling Mingling in I a crowd of parents, brothers and sisters and sweet-hearts, wives, children and friends of lads who have been snatched from their peaceful pursuits Into military service, is a heartsicken-in- g Five Burglaries CnlvPf OUIVCU nUUXUirai m .1 1 WO V lOUtllS Hercules Mgr. Is Announced Joseph B. Talley has been named assistant works manager of the Bacchus Hercules Powder Company. For the past year he has been assistant works manager of the companys Pluto Works in Ish periling, Michigan. He succeeds Norman L. McLeod, who hai been transferred to the companys Hercules, California plant as assistant works manager. Mr. Tklley has served in aupei viaory capacities at Hercules planta in Bessemer, Alabama, Hercules, California, Columbus, Kansas, Kenvil, N. J, and Ishpem-inHe was production supervisor at the Hercules-operate- d Missouri Ordnance Works, and assistant manager e t San Jacinto Ordnance Works, which Hercules constructed in Texas for the U. & Government. Mr. Talley became associated with Hercules Powder Company in 1934 as a member of the engineering staff at Columbus, Kansas. 17m McLeod family moved Hercules about ten days ago. Five local burglaries in Magna assuming recently, the Magna Lumber they have hearts, were compelled Hardware Company, Central Lumto witness these good-by- e scenes, ber & Hardware Company, Andy's they would move heaven and hell Service, Floyd Berrett'a Service to prevent shooting wars. and Jacks Service, were solved Friday with the arrest of two Magna youths. Both were sixteen A successful man," according of age. Garfield Girl Scout Troop Votes to Elbert Hubbard, is one who years The boys were arrested by the To Give Pafty Money For Polio has tried, not cried; who has Magna sheriffs office who reworked, not dodged; who has covered practically all of the shouldered responsibility, not 1500.00 loot A very fine gesture was tenderevaded it; who has gotten under ed last week by Girl Scout Troop Inasmuch as it was their first the burden instead of standing, offense, 72 of Garfield when they donated they were released to the on and giving advice.1 looking (14.50 to the March of Dimes custody of their parents by Judge Rulon Clark. Porchlight Parade. The girls had earned this sum The sheriffs were aided in the Town Progressing arrest selling cookies and calendars, savthrough the fine cooperaA great deal of progress has ing and planning for a canyon been noted in this community in tion of Sherm Pollock of tha Central Lumber & Hardware party. However, they firmly bethe past five years. lieved the polio foundation needed ia What secret the People ask, A former Magna man, now i Mrs. Katherine Keys Coon, 45, every cent they could muster this of your towns success?" of 8055 West 3500 South, Magna, year and voted to give it to this Sugar House businessman, SaturThe secret of our success is wife of Howard Coon of this com- fine group. Mrs. Lida Bringhurst day was voted outstanding Gen- plainly visible within the comeral Electric dealer of of was leader the appliance 5:30 at unit munity, died Sunday social structure tg Mr. D. R. Trevithick, assistant the nation," at a meeting in New munity and o'clock Bt her home after a lingerthosw who have made their homes York W. to word received director of the Infantile Paralysis according ing illness of cancer. here it ia "cooperation." Foundation in Salt Lake City, here. The practice of thinking of the He is Paul L. Pehrson, son of A daughter of Thomas and wrote Mrs. Bringhurst a very fine S. Helen Thompson Keys, she was letter praising the girls and their deputy sheriff and Mrs. N. F. others benefit, hoping for his Pehrson of Magna and was award- prosperity so that the community born February 1, 1907, in Park unselfishness. and its people may progress, deCity. She was educated in Eureka Troop members are Merann ed a sterling silver loving cup for Eureka and graduated from high Ahlquiat, Donna Bringhurst, Col- - the achievement. He was among light in the good welfare and Glen W. Drown, 48, of 2854 school. ene Petersen, Janice Court, Kath- the 450 delegates and their wive spirits of others, are a few of the South 8700 West in Magna, evident in and qualities Magna to attend the meeting. The regarded woman married leen Rogers and Sherrie Bailey. Along with his other duties for esteemed local resident, died MonMr. Pehrson was one of 147 vicinity. Howard Coon July 17, 1925 in at 3:05 p. m. in a Salt Lakt the Magna Water Company, T. W. day dealers of the Intermountain area Bountiful, and the couple later hospital after a fingering illness. Jones ia authorized to collect deto attend and won the award as a Glad To Hear moved to Magna. She was an actA Magna yard master employed linquent accounts and has perresult of balloting by all dealers We are glad to hear that Layton by Kennecott Copper Corporation, mission of the board of trustees ive member of the Spencer Ward FREE SYMPHONY is his Alldredge enlarging lovely he LDS church. TICKETS AVAILABLE present had been a member of the to collect such monies from delinBasis for the award included coffee shop in the Sugarhouse Brotherhood of Railroad Con- quent water users. Despite her extreme illness and Leighton's," and also ductors. Two residents have questioned suffering, Mrs. Coon bore It with AT COPPER PRINTING volume of sales, completeness of District, one he has on the coast. great fortitude and strength of presentation, salesman's training, Mr. Drown had been ill for a Sir. Jones authority and as a reThe three Alldredge brothers, number character. She possessed many adFree tickets for the Utah Sym- realization of quota and popularof months. He had borne sult this notice is hereby mirable traits and a sweetness of phony hour to be presented at ity and activity at the New York Layt, Mert and Claron, do not his illness with great strength of to do plan any house building this nature that was paramount. Cyprus high school Thursday eve- meeting. and never complained. year-b- ut say with a twinkle in. character Her passing is to be sincerely ning, February 14th, may be obHe was well known and liked in their never can what eyes, tell tained at the Copper Printing regretted. next year will bring for new this vicinity by hosts of friends. Besides her husband, she is Company office. As a worker, Mr. Drown waa exhouses here. survived by a brother, Earl AnThis courtesy is through the; in his loyalty and serceptional More power and success derson, San Francisco, Calif., and cooperation of the Kennecott CALLED vice. He had lived in Magna tor them. deserve They it one grandchild, Mark Coon, Jr. Copper Company. the past 29 years, moving here Mr. and Mri. Coon' only son, shortly after his marriage to PUBLIC INVITED Mark, succumbed to an acute Jessie Hobbs October 2, 1922 in heart attack, almost three years Salt Lake City. The marriage was TO BENEFIT CARD ago. O. C. Finley Named solemnized In the Salt Lake IDS A of the special meeting PARTY FEB. 18 Funeral rites were conducted temple. District Oquirrh Abatement Fund, officers of Thursday in the Pleasant Green Mosquito Mr. Drown wu an elder in the the Cyprus high school Parent-TeachWard, 2:00 o'clock. Interment was Board Chairman Everyone is extended a cordial Pleasant Green LDS Ward. Association and other inmade in Wasatch Lawn. i terested citizens and patrons will invitation to attend the benefit Survivors include his widow; The board of trustees for the be held Monday evening, Febru- card party to be held Monday, two sons, Glen DeWajme Drown, 18th, In the Masonic Hunter and David A. Drown, Slake Social Magna Mosquito Abatement dis- ary 25th at the Magna Womens February in Hall at 7:30 p. m. Garfield Magna; two daughter, Mrs. DorGREATEST ENEtrict have elected O. C. Finley, Clubrooms, 8:00 p. m. The purpose of the benefit la to othy Jean Davis, Garfield and CHILDHOODS The purpose of the gathering MY, rhaumatlo fevar, la being Oquirrh Stake is entertaining proprietor of the Finley Sales and raise funds for a nursing scholar- Miss Elizabeth Drown, Magna; his treated with an Inject lee ef ACTH. at a social for all ward teachers Service, to the post of chairman will be to discuss financial plans Thle new drug, end eertlsene, an. and their partners in the various for the year 1952. to obtain uniforms for the Cyprus ship to be given by the Garfield mother, Midvale; a brother, give Women's Club. The chairman of Drown, Murray; a sister, ether hermone derivative, wards on February 29th at the Other members of the board are high school band. premise ef dramatic edvancee bi Mrs. the Frances affair Mrs. is Lake Salt UnderMaycroft, Evelyn rheumatic at 7:30 P. A. Cammans. T. L. Thomas, Mr. W. S. Hook, newly elected Stakehouse, beginning the treatment ef acute oclock. fever, studies ef these drags era Ken Mocsser and A. Zimmerman president of the Oquirrh Fund, wood with assistants, Mrs. Jackie City, and four grandchildren. Sincere extended is refreshments Mrs. McAllister, and sympathy being conducted under grant made All eligible people are urged to from the Salt Works. coolly invites everyone to to the bereaved family. Ilene Haymond, arrangements. passible by aentrlbutlene to the reserve this date. .. Heart Fund. .... If experience. political bigwjgs, g. Magna Woman Succumbs To Former Magna Man Voted Top Long Illness CEU.S. Dealer Esteemed Magna Jones Is Official Water Bill Collector T. Man Succumbs In L Hospital PUBLIC MEET ON BAND UNIFORMS er Whether the work of one or more students, several bicycle tires have been cut and split at Webster School recently. The air of some tires has been let out However, officials of the inxti tution feel the past record is very TOPPING THE MUSIC to aay good as this is the first instance in health men-ae- o about seven years. The Student "how about stopping that took tho llvoa of 745,000 Council la now studying the probnon, womon and ehlldron last year, lem and trying to correct it. Jimmy Duranto pleads earnestly far support af tht Heart Fund. La-Dre- au |