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Show Friday, February 15, 1952 This is considered an honor for the Color Guard which is unique in the feature that it is made up y Bird, color of five Mrs. Betty Velotis, The Legion sergeant, Post No. 17 is sponsoring a Sport Joyce Alldredgc, Carolee Austin Show Saturday, February 23rd at ui Joyce Redmond. Tooele to raise funds and buy an! The Color Guard was compli-iro- n lung for the Tooele Hospital. mented at a recent Legion meet The Post has asked the Magna by the Department Commander Dram and Bugle Corps Color who said that in all his years ser-- 1 Guard to advance and retire col- -. vice with the Legion he had never seen a Color Guard work so well on at this affair. Color Guard Of Magna Drum Corps Honored i Brockbank Junior High Carole Evans, Reporter girls,--Gerr- Tooele-Americ- and present the colors in such a later watched one of the grade gym classes dance. military manner, GIRL DIES IN HUNTER are having a Valentine dance Thursday, February 14th, 7:30 o'clock. A large crowd is exWe Sheryl Shahan Witbeck, 7, daughter of Ruben Merrill and pected. Helen Jean Hudson Witbeck, 3654 South 5450 West, Hunter, died in Webster School a Salt Lake hospital Monday at L v y Arlene Barker, 9:21 a. m. after a lingering illness. . SELL RENT BUY SITUATIONS WANTED HELP WANTED ccting and Sharilya Clement Reporters She was born April 16, 1944, in aye7 Tey lunch prepared by the enjoyed LINES Lake City and resided there 4 less Salt 50c or REPAIRED. IT HAVE we have Bme Art Department. They In Mr. Drapers room until two years ago. She attended been studying on oil. We have FOR SALE-Slew- ing SALE-Flow- ers Hans, 35c school in Hunter. tor all oe-- WE BUY-Scr- ap tried an experiment to show how iron, metal and lb- - else fresh Tomato at Florence eggs She is survived by her parents: Mrs. call Please oiL of The boys gas is taken out batteries and aU kinds of junx. and girls have enjoyed this cUss Harmon at 1127 West 3200 South Will call and pick up. Phono itidg, yam, Pleese dial 7715. 00. grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. I 0A Hudson, Salt Lake City and Mr. dial 3380. 00. very much. 1502. and Mrs. J. M. Witbeck, Hunter AG Do your own FEBRUARY Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Robinson BERT- SPECIAL-- On cut "Mori's Specials For This Week and a sister, Wendy Witbeck, g Hunter. were happily surprised Saturday washing. Use a wonderful, flowers and corsages. Mrs. Flee-- I The lovely little girl possessed labor saving ence Harmon. 8922 Wert 3200 A beautiful New Home by Mr. and Mrs. Ernest lent a cheery, lovable disposition. Her In order to accommodate our patrons on Payday 35. Mecham, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Pen- Maytag, only 6L50 per month. O South, dial 3300. machine, sewing original passing is deeply mourned, not dleton and Mr. and Mrs. Monroe C. Finley Bales and Service, dial price was 5199.95. now only only by family member but many Night, and still observe the Birthday Anniversary Wilkinson. Card games were 231L 0001 Wert 3700 So. FOR SALE Dressed chickens, 1 8105.15. friends. late luncheon and served. a One chrome trash played stores the and room of hens roasters, following stowing dining George Washington, Holiday Most sincere sympathy is exeggs. Wo wrap chickens for your " set. was I17A now B99.S5. tended to members of the sorrowwill be open Nelson Used Hoffman Mod40c lb. n Table locker. Poultry h ed family. ol 14 television set, wu Farm. 3127 So. 3400 West, phone LOAD CARRIED BY COMMERCIAL VEHICLES IN UTAH 00E $249, now selling at SllAOAj) 1414. Twin-tu- b Dexter washer, FOR SALE Flock extra large TAX RETURNS Prepared in o all new guarantee, price was J White King pigeons, five or six dozen. Will sell ell or part. Please $229, now only 5179.00. your homo or mine. Reasonable. 35. 9 Please dial 0824 or 0474. Deluxe 0 foot Frigidaire.a dial 1435. 35. OF MOTOR VEHICLE REGIrefrigerator, railroad dam- - j BY STRATION FEES ARE PAID cook stove. 3; aged, only slightly scratched. V FOR SALE In Magna, Ik acre FOR SALE-Go- od COMMERCIAL VEHICLE 35. X was 5344.75, now Pleas phono OSSA partly improved ground with only 5221.15 FURNITURE MERLS sewer, water, fenced in. peach and Fees to Registration go cleanRUGS-Carpo- ta. upholstery, fe APPLIANCE Best Shop pear trees. Please dial Tooele J. Cities k Counties lor B fc C Roads Penney Co. ed in your homo like new. Reason0203R3 or write Loo Facer. Box Phone 6751 Magna Huffaker Furniture able prices. Satisfaction guaranMagna Lumber & Hdwe. 357. Tod Park. 34. Week" "Merl'i For This call For teed. Specials service, prompt Mode ODay Pitts, the Man's Store Jacobs Cleaners, 138 3rd Avenue. UTAH 43. Sail Lake City. Central Lumber MOTOR TRANSPORT WANT ADS I TO OUR CUSTOMERS effio-evenin- J j J Thursday, Febrary 21st Until 8:00 p. . f - CLOSED FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22nd C - ASSOCIATION I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. BOATS 1j 9 can wSl -- 3 Car Loads for Safeway! Never Before! So Many Wa are sorry that we were unable to fill the hundreds of requests for the large shrimps offered in our January 24th ad. 86 PROOF SPIRITS KENTUCKY WHISKEY- -A BLEND 65 GRAIN NEUTRAL THE OLD SUNNY BROOK COMPANY. LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY fMNNaaNaaaaas SERVING for SUGGESTIONS 5 lb. j COCKTAUSI SALADSI FRYINGI OR SHRIMP CREOLEI bOX Buy Them By The Box (Creole Charleston's delicious gift to Hie world) COOKING REMINDER Those large shrimp are uncooked, but easily prepared, boil in salt water 10 to 15 minutes, remove shells. 1 lb. fresh shrimp is equal to 2 cups of cooked shrimp. - CRACKERS VAN ZEE NfcH Coffee Coffee ft jyrup Fillet Sole Sliced Bacon Ovtn Fresh 2 lb. box Sodas Rich, Tasty Chaos Spread 85c 77c 47c bia iijUm uisn rr "mmwi ia lid Starts Mm. ION Sweet we Velveeta MC(ZTb 88c Margarine 32c Prunes Lima Beans JUIC6 TeBfRfceeiBi Ni 7Sc CHERRIES Honeybird, Delicious for Pies tw Raisins ." iS No. 2 can TUNA FISH iuta 15 Rice Mild Flavor Outstanding Buy 49 23 Catsup XT Geld Coin, Pork Roast S'1 Sausage 39 21b. box 1.05 23c Suzanna 47c 17 Torpedo Light Flakes No. Helping families to get a home of their own has been our policy for many years. So if its money you can 45c 37c - n, Shavers or Glenn Aire, No. 303 'i Spread at tingertipt k a plete army et quality fiecen out AVOCADOS yeur com. top. C.lK.n.I.M.Im.K feed Small Sunkiil Niyoli, 5 Orange Juice Cntralwl, 6 .1, Strawberries Uma Beans Lemonade ORANGES 2 for Box. can lbe bag 29c or RADISHES ONIONS phhi nrhs 2 tart-- 9c you whh .GET THIS PACKAGE GIANT.; 10 you V Vv .. BUY' BfZI at sii; These Pricen Effective in Our Magna Store PRICES SUBJECT TO DAILY MARKET CHANGES. pen Friday Evening Till 8 t K lA lot us show you 'GMT WHEN vC: V $ 4 29 4' . experienced officers. fPMSlA MOPE URGE 33. 2 for 10 fit your budget. Come in and discuss your home ownership plans with our JVHITfMAGIC SCAF fresh frosen poos r.'vSi A r at low interest rates and at terms to 46 oz. Taste Tells A? low-cos- Tomato Juice U. S. No. 1, Florida Rods, Servt with H-- First Security Bank. We have a t loan plans all variety of n 6 cans if. need to build, buy or you will find it readily available at fc' You'l b Mignf at the otzortimnt of fro. mi foodi et Safnray. ,WM fyeerftt as its feme' HERE'S MONEY week by popular request we are happy again to offer this sensational feature. This I Sunny && ' a '4 wo eon help cost low mortgage loan now-h- ow m WBO in GDCEID crwrsrr 1 I. 1 ' 1 ' i,; . .. .vV,.-- rl . ' |