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Show I 1961 June 2 Page 7 BUNDING OUTLOOK SMOM Want-- Rates Ad line, with for first per XOe minioum 50 insertion 8 per line with 40c minimum for subsequent FARM BUREAU'S CROPLAND PROGRAM DISCUSSED May at Utah Juan County and met Mon-tice- llo which the board of national affairs to at 1961 26 Sen committee recommendations to and American Farm . OPTOMETRIST or B A Broughton Optometrist is in Blanding every Thursday. For o. e&ll appointments at Sue Mrs 2491 Modern Apartments FOR RENT $1500 per week in Bluff Graves utilities All of W. W, Inquire paid Chevron Simpson Bluff Station Utah PUNTS FOR SALE -- TOMATOES & PEPPERS Contact Neldon Holt is in ually cut the surpluses full accord with the State Farm Bureau policy as reoommended by San Juan County Farm Bureau. This program provides for: 1. A voluntary re- acreage tirement program for all producers of all crops. 2. Retirement of a percentage of a farm or the total farm. 3. Adjustment payments i n oash or kind with emphasis on payment in kind from CCC stocks with oare not tc allow government held products to depress the markets 4. Economic opportunity for I am I again. sPnt th thought1, the Totem Pole in Monument Val- ley and had a weiner roast. were Mrs. Ken Apland Patty Bruce and Bobby. Mr. and Mrs. Hor&oe Marold and girls Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wagner Betty ames and ohildren. Linda Leinigar, Mr. and Mrs. Ewauld Phieffer and In- grid and Mrs. Vivienne Finoh and jjonnaa If any girls 12 years old are interested in Sewing one . please oontact Anita Grames, House 28. The books need to be oing 4-- ordered and we need to Stevens and .lph urday afternoon visitln bed-roo- . will have him- including the Luther Risenhoovers 0ver the Kemorial KV weekend. Risenhoover Uurence and and sons spent the Holiday vis- - ! ' ltln fiends ! in families and hone, Colorado. Joe and Nancy Long and child- ren are moving bick to Toole Utah. They pain to take a two week vacation to Washington, D.C. to visit Nanoy's parents before returning to Toole, Sarah Guests at the home of Mrs. Leonard Baun were Sat- b y exploring the Mesa. Unexpected guests at the home of Allan Grames Sunday were Anita's parents 'Mr. and Mrs. E, Indian ruins Quay on County and Louise Leber and children from White Canyon were Bruce Cross and daughter enjoyed Tour Bus end the Bud know how and in Sc self 41 many girls there will be. The Monte Burnsides Journey enlo nine passengers G- Mr. and Joe and Grgieh, Leonard's parents from Provo. Jay returned with his grand parents to Provo to visit for a time. Edna on Mr. and Mrs. Bud Leber and Mrs, Luther sons and Mr. and i). Stough from Gateway Colorado They oame down with Harold Rosa-m- an and son. Harold works for McFarland Hollinger and will.be transferred down here from Gateway. Risenhoover enjoyed a ride in contrast with the FOR RENT Modern and controlled completely m one apartment. Nicely mented plan proposed by regithe furnished and ' conveniently lo- administration. See or call Hurst cated. Our Happy Birthday wishes this 5. Use of cropland as a basis Agency. Phone 2016 week go to Morris Brown and Eufor participation not crop by -3 home bedroom FOR RENT.... gene Quintana who celebrated his crop histories. 3346 Unfurnished. Phone birthday last week by having a 6. Use price supports to protect farm income rather than to party for his pals. ARE YOU. at the The Jack Pehrson family is bursting set farm prices. seams due to your expanding now and plan to see on A vaoatlon farm program to unify 7. make so an apIf family? rather than divide Zion National .Park and other pointment today to see this agriculture of interest. real bargain in an older i t into splinter eonmodity points Ted and Zella Collard and son groups, each fighting the other. 4 bedroom briok home. Contact Stephen are on vaoatlon in Ely The meeting i n Montlcello Sue Graves at 2491 or 2436 visiting Zella 's parents. Utah is one of a series being Nevada The Boy Soouts enjoyed a oamp-o- ut after 5:30 p.m. held throughout the state under on the River by the Mexioan BICYCLE REPAIRS. also the dire ot ion of A. V. Smoot The boys that went Hat Rock. Tricyoles and small wagons . President. LeGrand Jarman and were Terry Foulke Richard New and Used Bikes for Sale. Ed Thomas from the participated Rhodes Irvin Lupe and Cordon. Lyman Conoco Service Station State Office and Ashton Harris Marold. Allan Grames the scout Blanding. Marion Miller and master John Lewis took the boys. FDR SALE 3 Bedroom Home Travis Johnson represented the Monte Burnside and family have less than 3 years old. FHA county organization. gone to Provo where he will atfarm people :: for grandmother. again for helping rry news column Hunt went down t o Clay Jim Sylvia Risenhoover will be your Hills to pick up Gay Stavely end new reporter. tour. He made the Sunday the Girl Seouta went to directors runs of the State same copy with every Bureau and to aoquaint the coun5th run free. ty membership with the plan which is in accord with a resolDisplay advertising ution adopted at the National in Want-A- d columns 80 Convention last December at Denver Colorado. per column inch Card of Thanks 10c a fre AF3F program whioh is deto trim the agricultural line with $1. minimum. signed of the nation and gradplant consecutive make 6 evening here last week last week was my last news but fishing. Jim Hunt cooked them & something happened but thii week! delicious barbeque supper. Jck and Runae Steele were in is the last I shall be writing. I would like to Thank everyone Farmington last week to purchase a car Jaok's Here Farm Bureau's Cropland Adjustment program was discussed at a meeting on COAT Sun-,da- .v tp the Garden of the jods. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Marold and iris took Mrs. Marold'r, mother Mrs. Florence Williams, to iur-anwhere, she took a bus to her go in Saguache Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. ft y Walke and son from Gilman were weekend guests at the home of Mr. 'and Mrs. R- home obert Kissell. The Kayenta School from grades fifth on up will the Grand trip tofrom here going be making a Canyon. Boys will be Terry Page and Gordon Marold. Lola Page and Johanna went to Ihoenix over the weekend to shopping and visit Lola's, mother. do-som- ' Eight Girls Win . Contaot Dsn Pendle358 Blanding Utah. approved. ton. Fh. Box OR 8-2- 317. R SALE... Full basement ment. p. H. FOR SALE A home room Low Trade With falbfcst Trailer. 2 bedroom House. Melody Home Automatic washer See George Morgan at Palmer's frailer Soott Hurst $50 FOR SALE 3 Piper J-- Qab fabrio OR 6-3- $10001 Washington. and' Ketchum Anna Marie The Mexican Hat Softball team son Diana Johnson. played a game with Blanding Monlate voting oould We lost the game addExtremely day evening. names to the list but other but the praotioe was good for was all of us and Blanding has some counting Judges said it swell players. Lets get on the ball girls and see some victor- 421 . SEE US For Used Furniture and Appliance bargains Western Auto Associate Store Phone OR R SALE property in newsehool diet riot. New orchard barn 4 room modem house with basement A fumaoe. . 8-2- Utile Irby Leagae from Hunt and Jaok family Arizona were brook Jane 7 at the Jim Hunt homev Sterts ies. 422 . Reasonable price Payne, or call See LaFraneo 2407 Are for Everybody "WanfrAd Dorothy eomes from Pasco CAFE Good Phone Loyd Rober LK RIDGE Airplane Engine Saerifioe and ' Phone 2657 Good ... Good Used Refrigerator Berths in Queen Contest summer. Judges will have eight girls tend the wedding of Ruth's nleoe to choose from at the "Frontier Lorraine t be held this Ron and. Mrytle Davis went to Queen" Judging to afternoon at the L. D. S. Reo ' Durango Sunday to bring Ron's mother Estella Davis back with Hall. Vote tabulation at 6 pji, The Journey them for a visit ., showed the following Thursday home was lovely as they traveled had sufficient polled the Million Dollar Highway and girls to votes qualify: went to the beautiful Havollne Franoene Shirley Pallake by Durango. Mrs. Davis is mer NaidaShumway Black Key Harris visiting her families here and Hansene DenniShumway Court FOR SALE for the BYU children Ruth Quintana have gone to Santa Barbara California where they plan to at- Local Merchant Down Pay- Phone 3346 50 ft 10 in wide tend the 1 Hol- overnight-guest- frty are visiting MM) 0,M SUPPLY ' aaa. . BLANDING . Jim and tyytle Davis Chee and Carolyn Yabeny s sister The of the first littls league season Will be,- PWyed - are In Wednesday June 7. will play PayDey ' Cooribs and Vxlne Hall are In Drug here at 415 pn -. for Bluff be. in weekend visitPalmer's will Vhyne County this a came at 1000 am lng Coombs parents Cortez over the "emorial holiday Redd-Lym- an Hurst Oil Company will Joe Hunt end family and Loren Hawklne Postmaster from Blending Mexioan Hat there at 1000 pley an. |