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Show ' Page 2 June 2, 1961 BLANDING OUTLOOK BLAKD1HG THE BLANDINGITE OUTLOOK .... . . Published every Friday at Blanding, Utah ,Ie We Cox Second Claes Postage Paid Fcnas) Post (Knee Bofisatho Today at Blanding Utah EAGLE r.,rrs.i What has Slngero? r.?rn? iefllro XlXl Blandlng T this toon dons for pl. b.tfr I. thi. in X W LIMAS ,'-- 3; hebrtt2rqUfoJ PUBLISHER B. ALBERT by has don. for me? or or.o for Infinitely mor. it. bbtr PPr.ol.tton off 1 mother pinned the Eagle Award on for and hownuoh 1 consider what It has glvon, towards It. In nor her honored eon and he in turn have a sons of dep obligation I its gifts. a who is and how it has b..n presented his mother with Blanding-s- hat it is, an such x miniature Eagle Badge and an yesrs.l before ny eyes the last fifty-siFormal dedication oeremonies Eagle Scout Mother's Necklace of its poopls. d in knowing th. individual attitudes for the new post office building were Buokley Jensen, George Walumbers in Some families are important for their predominating will start at 1:45 this aftern- lton, and Larry Perkins s All for the oon Fostmaster Loren Hawkins EXgle Scouts from Monti cello who the eosmunityj some are prominent Some people are hwo turdsns. and are taking in oarrylng its has Issued t h.i some following had come specially for ancestor thought dhose to come, others because bsoauss t they occasion, Loyd Lyman and McKay th s a flood plaoe to plant his posterity 1 Music by Blandlng Brass Kunz, Eagle Scouts of or by the Blandlng, Whether a man is hero on his own initiative, Band whom used the Boy Soout all of relation2 ohoico of kindred aoting for him in his childhood, his Postmaster welcomes group handclasp to officially accept ship to and connection with the town is a matter having legitiIntroduces Chairman Howard Hurst their new member into the group You look at Blanding and the 3 Chairman introduces Rev Mr Stevens read the statements mate claim to his attention. W1 and the question whioh it is oompossd, of James A &astin families of the National Council certifythe Palmers? the Hursts? the Shunmays? 4 Invocation Reverend East-i- n. ing to this and also read a let- are the Blacks? Who are women came here bringing their young Men and fr it ,1 Insert. . the program Chairman gives welcoming address and introduces prominent 5 guests 6 Mrs Juartet Local Talent Reva Redd landing Violin iolo by 6 9 which Mrs Department Speaker Duncan Post-offi- ce from the Harveys? received Glenn the gift as their first contribution to the town families Chief Joseph Brunton, Naney mixed multitude. Harvey of e&oh one has fanned out into a Executive of the Scout Boy beoome an have oame here with her young family, and they New of Brunswick Scouts America, Peter Shunway planted his of the community New Jersey. are above and Stevens, his mother, Patterson, shortly after the Honor Court-m- uch as they appeared during the Murray young Frank ceremony 10. Mr, Dunoan presents Flag to Postraster and ree.ds letter from Fostmaster General 11 Chairman presents Lyle Glenn and Jr, A Pidtured 7. History of R by ter is the and son of Lee Norma Patterson, and has this year completed the 8th grade in our local sohool system, having moved to Blandlng at a preOthers of his school age inseparable segment and they are refleoted in the youthful posterity in this plaoe, men and fibre and nettle of what the plaoe has become. the Other main part of women have come with what they had to give, involving It was a contribution the which was their young family. for the and giving giver, obligation on both the receiverThat on in aust carry mutual was obligation and receiving to every individual inpersonal obligation and personal pride to think: volved in this transaction. Every one is duty-bound Why am What do I owe to this plaoe and those who What have I What have I reoeived from it? here? I planted me in it? what I have Fairer (Ode to the Flag) given in return, and are ny gifts consistent with 12 Colorguard receives the family present for this occasion reoeived? ford, Texas) their daughter. Bayles flag from Postmaster included his grandparents, Mr 13 National Anthem by Band and. Mrs R W, Fern Courseyj his grandparents, 1950 Clyde Hunt Coursey of HereMr and Mrs and Choral group as Flag Glen Johnson of is 1954 Kay Bradford, Dennis J an Mr and unele raised Blanding being aunt, Minor League Harvey, P Vinoent Redd b y Bishop Palmer, 14. Benediction Monte Perkins, Eric and Mrs Bruce Stevens of Mex1955 Kirk Harvey Carroll, Hat his aunt, Mrs T ican Dee Kline Black J Merrill Franols Nielson, Aubrey Patterson , Robinson, 15 Invitation to onen house Lonhy Mills, Ryan Johnson, Brent Patterson and brothers Lanoe, Shnnray, Jinny Allan Winters Lynn, and Forrest Dean Patterson. 1957 Leonard W Hurst Kartchner and Curtis Mahon The farmer had driven his team Glenn an havis active Scout, 1958 Lloyd H. Bayles manage LaHay Alexander will of mules to town and was late re21 the earned Kenneth merit ing badges a team to be Jointly sponsored 1959 Bert Palmer, turning. one needed to reof the fill Kelly Sumners, Steven Houston, "What took you so long? asked by San Juan Theatre and "landing quirements for an becoming Eagle Lynn Sharp Rex Buokley Jensen, his wife. Flying Serviee and fielded from and also served Soout, in having Perkins the "On the way back, he explained, following list: lyman, Larry such leadership capacities a s George TeMike "I had to pick up the minister and, Lyman, i960 Loyd W Kimberlee, Charley from there- on them mules didnt rrill, San Galbraith, Robe rt assistant patrol leader, patrol Stanfield Walton, Jeffrey and senior patrol leader. leader, understand a thing I said! Lee Monts Wayne Perkins, Seeley, His leadership capabilities are Boyd Laws, Stan Martineau, Clark also evident in his aotive paCEMETERY NOTE SHOWING AT THE Black and Skipper Brasher LaRny Alexander, spokesman for Lawrenos Sterling, Jeff Kunz, rticipation in the church of his the ccrvetery committee, reports Bruce Cornwell, Dennis Hawkins, preference as he is a Deacon in well Russell Bradford and Jay Harvey the Aaronic Priesthood of the that the committee is Church of Jesus Christ of Latter pleased with the cooperation proper Cemetery owes a vote of gratitude to Day Saints, and gives they reoeived from honor to surthat .vdio' trust did ths visitors on Memorial Day Morgan George Attainment of Eagle rank is & The public had bean asked to veying free and to the following Thurs thru Wed promptly pick up dscorations and individuals who donated their signal honor, as attested by the containers left at graves Tues- time 'in operating county equip -- fact that there are, aooording. June 1 June 7 the to Utah on stones Coument to National Parks foot the day, No Show Sun & Tues pickup all projeet: and refrain from driving vehithe Hyrum Black, Dave Guymon, Guy ncil offioe records, only y, cles off designated roads This Palmer, Wilbur Laws, Cleon following 33 of San Juan DiTHE SUNDOWNERS imKon was neoessary so that the Koith Guymon, Palmer, strict who in all of the history provement project oould oontinue Maurioe Helquist, Max Palmer, of Soouting in America have haul with a minimum of delay . Dc Wayne Baylea, Toddy Wozniak, this rank bestowed upon them: DEBORAH KERR . - . sast mm THEATRE . to Shum-wa- save Alexander 1930 the community and Jack Smith Jap.es 1932 1939 PLAY IT SAFE I CALL Piok-u- p E U E 4 EXliYOry on C T R C I HeUs Blain Frost, Vint P Finley H MM! Jack Tate are the proud parents of a third boy born Friday, May 26th in the He weighed San Juan Hospital GENERATORS (all sizes) - Lyman lyman, Mark Redd 1947 Lewis Burnham 1949 Cleal Bradford, SERVICE REPAIR N Ivan Watkins, 1945 Mr and Stanley Melvin Bradford US . . . FOR EVERY ELECTRIC D Karl Lyman, Mark lyman, Harvey, Jay P. Nielson REWIND - REBUILD ONE VEEK SERVICE CIOElTm ELECTRIC PH. 2907 6 and lb 13 Mrs oz and will be named Jed Wayne Mr and Mrs Ronald Harvey are the proud parents of a boy bom Saturday, May 27th in ths San Juan Hospital tipped the soalas at lb 14 oz and mkes1 the third bey for the Harveys j they also have three girls Ha tarring ROBERT PETER MXTCHUM USTINOV are real people thi 8 is their real life story I Sundowners Thur-Fri-Sat-M- on June 8-9-1- 0-12 DONDI TOE KID WHO CAPTURED TOE ARMY! introduo lng DAVID KORY tarring DAVID JANSSBf . PATTI PAGE HALTER HINCHELL MICKEY SHAUGHNESSY 8 . s BOXPPFICC CPI! 7:40 |