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Show Page4 Neal Young of rtb KtCXCCLT Flagstaff, son,' Austin Lyman, Brent Jones, Palmer, Terry Shumway, Duane Marian, Palmer, Taylor Jack' Montella, Lynn Daws, Sidney Ari- Young of Holbrook Jerry last Thursday even- ing to take their grandmother, Hoi- - Arizona .cane . . Palmer, Garth Bradford, and Bishop and Mrs. Shumway have her daughter lynn here visiting with them this week; brought her home with and Mrs Arvid Black of lake j Salt City were down over the Memorial weekend to visit with, their parents, the Frost Blacks and the Alma Palmers and :Mrs Bill. Laws had their two daughters, Wilma and Julene home last weekend from -- ohildren ra Wright and . - they them from oame they the Hal Lazenby and his father came Monday from Aurora, Utah to ion Nielson will children and visit with children and families Utah Carl Osborn will attend State University; Mrs Delphine Terrell will- have a nioe vaca- some of the Lazenby' s things hey will be spending the summer in Hatch, Utah. Two Blanding boys received their calls to serve missions two for the son of LDS Mr . - Church, Clyde Palmer and Mrs, LaVell Pal- Mrs. Zenos L, announce the forthcoming riage of their daughter, Rae, to Harvey S. Gray, Hr. and day, June 12 in the Temple. the the visited v , t j ,t)ley Black all spent day and Hr. and Mrs. o' make of to hoi-se- a .with their daughter in - we Wyoming, re Nr.' weekend liermopo-li- s, ahd-Mr3- . " ;'fhil. Hurst They "visited at hone of the. Bob Holts,' Palmer, Gax-- y Danny Shumway were members Jack '' Stevens, of lthe.r Explorer who got : plass of the Third Ward Tue- . 'in some exploring-- sday, and Monday, ; Wednesday; T.:;h e Norman Lundell,-too- i r the leader, boys to Dark Canyon and theye down into ' f made the hike .... ; canyon. Mrs. Erma Myers and two small daughters spent a few days here . with her parents, the Delores Hursts . The Myers in Salt Dke Pity' move there Englehart, son of the celebrated his seventh birthday Saturday afternoon with a birthday party out on his lawn Birthday cake, ice cream,- and punch were served to the 12 little guests attending her Mrs. ' Lloyd Jordon and here are three girls expected next week from Idaho Falls, Idaho to visit with her sister Mrs, Mrs, Jordon's Doug Galbraith. .daughter Ruth will enter the Mission Home on the 20th of June prior to leaving on a mission for the LDS Church. She graduated from Utah University this Spring. Carl Engl eharts, Bob Ceirtonio and will ilyRonnie family live Mrs Lundell Umdells and -- weekend to ents, the turned to tends . -- at ; Anna Jeeii Black of White came Tuesday evenArizona Cone, Mrs night. Speakers in the Monday Third Ward Otis Vilight, ( : : - getting fir home the visit with her parreShe Aroe Browns. her Job in Salt Dake HERE 9 S with the THE MAH all-in-o- ne FAMILY PLAN HYRUM E. PORTER They will also visit relatives in Salt Lake City, from 3YU. They will return Sunday Alma Jones took his made night car and a trip to the Manti on Thursday. Temple Those going with and Mrs. Henry Peterson, Mrs. Marge Lyman, Mrs. Grace Shumway and Mrs. Afton him were Mr, Stevens. ; ing to attend the wedding of her Sunday night were anoe Phillips', and Tonny Keele .sister Karla Raye, , She will re.Mrs Donna Black, her father, ctum home today U V.' Boy Scouts from Troop .8 01 went A Nielson and her daughter on a hike tip the Arch Canyon on Patsy Shumway and children all They oamped out at the went to Bluff Memorial Day to ..TViesday bottom of it on Monday night and put flowers on graves there .enjoyed singing around the camMrs, Terry Kfcpton ad her were the Tuesday They pfire up early mother returned home next morning getting ready for evening after visiting down in With lots of Hot Springs, New Mexleo for a their long hike water in little pools, few days they the found one large enough to take Deland Redd is still in LDS Hospital in som old fashioned swimming in Salt Lake .ity Niel-The boys going were Robert .l after undergoing an operation -- boy was . Don Principal the Friday where they attended late little ers! left yesterday afternoon to go to Mapleton to Bird visit her parents, Be&rdalls and t o attend her sister Georgena's graduation and They returned home SYU. and three children will visit the Carl Hal's wedding and then they went the Ira Blanchards on to Salt Lake City to visit summer sohool Charlene ing Elementary teach- City on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Blaok anc will 'return to Blanding in with another brother Kent and two weeks while Mr Lundell atfamily and attend to business She Lazenby The B1 and Monday. Pool and will work at Swimming Hatch, Utah last medical attention. Helen 3rown came Mrs, Bruce Blaok and Mr and Mrs Norman Lundell three children, Carol Dawn, Jand two daughters left Wednesday Sylvia and Lyle went to Manti last Black where the . '.afternoon for Spanish Fork where week ago the Farrell dootor. Mrs. Black and her son spent all last week in Salt Lake - Mr Ken Un- Davis and Black left yesterday to go to family. will go to Redding, C&ll- Manti where they will be married (TURN TO PAGE 6 COL. 3) Manti Temple today in the Those going with the young and Danaleen Sterling. Mr. and couple were his parents, and Mrs. Lyonal Harvel and Mrs. Marion Black, Mr. and Mrs. twoMr. children Debbie and Chris of Roy Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Ejyron were here' to visit with Black and Bruce Black Mr. and Logan Aaron Harveys the first part Mrs. Gerald lack will also at- the this week. tend the wedding and take their of The have Bui Bowlin family son Norman on up to Salt Lake moved to Cortez, Colorado. City to get a checkup from his ' the' .'Memorial children; will attend Utah manage home. Clisbee Saturday in Mnti doing temple has had visitors work. Theyvait ended the wedding .weekend, - Their son Wallace and his wife and two sons of Kearns, ypf Hal andEna'. I'j Shopping' in 'Durango , Colorado, Utah; and Douglas and' Joan and on Iioncay was; Mrs . Lee Guymon their son of Hoab Joan and son are Karla Raye. and her dauiter. staying with the Galbraiths si Mr. and Mrs. Neldon Holt and while her husband has gone to &rl Logan to make arrangements to go family and Mr. and Mrs. for Vjflahon drove to Eastland Sunday to summer school and work some famo Master his. Degree; then the af t e rnr6nt look at Spending their there a Galbraith over the past Doug j care for her two - Mrs. LaVell Palmer took her two grandsons, Iyle and Kendall Mr. and Mrs. Burnard "lack, Mr Black 0f Montioello, out .and Mrs. LaVell Palmer, Mir. and Grand Junction on Thursday Mrs. Glen Skinner, Mr. and Mrs. this week. Both boys were .Sylvan Johnson and Mr. and Mrs."; see an aye doctor. the at a reception at the and work at the Redd Mercantile. of the bride's parents. Gathmar Ratoliff will teach Miss Black is a 1951 graduate summer classes in band and have of San Juan High. Mr Gray also a vacation in the East; Bryant graduated from San Juan High, in Jensen, vacation; Miss Janat 1958, and has attended BYU Whitman will attend Utah State He is now employed in Farming Morris Swenson will ton, New Mexioo, where they will University; Kartchner. ladies ceremony month j played Salt . . men ecreation and vacation in Mississippi; Richard Guymon plans t attend Utah State Uni vers ityCj Lake Mrs. Jessie Mae McDonald wil' Following McDonald a take will honeyyoung couple iversity; Mrs Marge Stocke is moon and Idaho to Wyoming. trip moving to Farmington, New MexThey will be honored later this Mrs. Reva Redd to vaeatlon home ico; v and other foods. The horseshoes while tion in Texas; Weldon Cochran will work with the County R- will go tc the East Central States Mission and Reed Stevens will live this summer while La- son of Mr and Mrs, Merrill Mar attends sunaner school The Stevens will go t o Hawaii. Wrights, will, go back to Mesa Clyde's testimonial will be held this fall for the school year, June 11th in the Third Ward and All but two of the members Reed's will be in the landing and their partners of the San 1st Ward the same day. They both will report to the Mission Juan High School Faculty attended a picnic Friday evening at Home on the ISth of June. Mrs. Lelia Black has gone to Devils Canyons The group enjoyed a. .pot luck. supper Pf Tried Salt Lake City to spend some chiokenj all" kinds of salads time with her mother, Mrs. Nancy mer at summer s'chool get - . . Farrell Monday from Mesa, Arizona to spend Memorial Day here with' his parents, Mr, and Mrs.- Lawrence Wright They went on to Odgen Wednesday where they came when back from attending Black wedding Salt Lake City where they both attend school and work Lallar and Fork Amerioan . . on Holt ten days, Mr Terry Hurst, and their leaders LaVell Nel-d- Mrs. Alice Standi fir d to brook to attend the graduation 'of her grandson, Joe Young, o n She will be gone about Friday , TEACHERS TELL SUMMER 'VACATION PLANS ar JOLINE HOLT Now that school is out the teachers all deserve a good vacation and rest but many will urther their education by goinr The San Ju&C ;o summer school High teachers announced plans aa follows : ' Jess Grover Summer School at Utah State University; Has Nelene Parry will is pend the summer with her parents at Cedar City, Utah; Merlin Hatch, work at the Jacks on Lake Dodge in lyrih Lee will Moran, Vfyoming; summer in ,. landing; spend the Hanneman Lee will Miss attend BLANDING TO BE HARRIED Up & Down the Street zona and June 2, 1961 BLANDING OUTLOOK On Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Loren Hawkins drove Mr and Mrs. Heniy Peterson, Mrs. Mary Laws, and Lm ONE POLICY present and future. For further details about this remarkable new plan Phone 2306 Children1, BENEFICIAL LIFE Insurance Franois Peterson t o several They visitpoints. of interest ed the Garden of the Gods, Johns Canyon and went over the Elisa- beth road A most for A- -l DIULUnO enjoyable WATER WELLS Shirley Palmer and her Sunday school olass went out Tuesday night and cooked their supper at the Baylss Raioh Those going were Kathleen Shura-wa- y, Kathleen Guymon, Audry Palmer, Elaine Guymon, Carolyn Laws CORE was reported trip Miss Carolyn Palmer, Jannle Pritchard Company onOADT SHOT HOLES HOLES-SHALLO-W PRODUCnCM DIAL OS 4-42- 31 r wfa BOX 504 BIANDU$ UTO Q |