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Show April 8, I960 BLINDING OUTLOOK FOR RENT unfum-laha- house in Bluff. Blandlng FDR HIRE Rates FOR SALE 9 Fireplace, Garage, Built in 1957. FKA M, Cambcrlang. Call 3276. FOR RENT Inquire 5th run free la held eaeh year to at to Centrally condition. fcl Screuse Jewelers. iversal Electric Range with Good Condition. Also-2 -- wheel horse trailer with go- deep- -well. Hyrr. of Simpson, Call real buy. Trailer Sales-286A 1., SUPPLY... whit plumbum and & HEATim fra Blandlng MOMS-CRA-MS ttaoy Hawkins, 2322. FDR SALE- Boy's Tweed Suit Coat. Size 18, brand new never worn, Fhone 2141 Modern Apartments $1500 good at the Post Office or oall with large garden plot ready for. planting. Call 2861. all utilities paid. V. W. in Laundry. Cont&ot Loren Hawkins Trailer Spaces FOR RENT In Bluff. - Advertise rnifH Great Lakes end- Outlook FDR SALE Lake City, Utah. FOR RENT 1 oolored poster paper. Large At Blandlng and small sizes in this area as suae balance of oontraot For aore details write, Credit Dept. Box 146 S. H. Station Salt Rir.oho NEW Piano be repossessed Be Wise Office. FDR SALE- -frailer, clean one .bedroom apartment FOR SALE Display advertising in Want-A- d columns 80 per column inch Card of Thanks 10 a line with $1. minimum FOR S4LE- Large size UnL. Porters Room, located, Type writer FOR SALE ribbons for all popular nekes , Standard and Fortabls. Outlook Brick Hone, Baths. It financed. with every See Bulldozer, event 8-4- 126 per line with 50 nininun for first insertion 8 per line with 40 nininun for subsequent runs of consecutive "ek Phone for hire. eneourago more students to tako The atudonta or write Box foreign language Call OR on hone return will Utah. 233, Blandlng, Sunday ' Truck and Compressor 10 same copy Have 15 HALLIDAY poetry reoitation, oratory, vocabulary, and conversation This d OR8-38- 72. ! Want-- Ad ... Pf per week, Inquire AWUCAM STAmUW IQHLSR Cheveron Station Bluff, Utah. SHUMWAY. . . . have deoided not to go b&ok for spring term. Payne, Dorothy Helqulst, Inoluded are Jus (ness (n Blandino Bob 20 Kirk Shumway, Hansens Jiray Bleak. Dennison and Also hone from Dixie College is Preston Nielson Dudley Rowley is a new student at fsars 1 FoflbeW BYU. 1- - ... Jttsnekaoa 3 BEDROOMS LK RIDGE WILL ACCEPT SHALL DOWN PAYMENT or WILL TRADE CAFE i i ORATORY these speeches vert outstanding in their delivery, use of sub Jest natter, and presentation. Barbara and George congratulated or TRADE for CATHIE BLICKENSTAFF. . . ship in the event the first-plawinner does not use it. Miss Bliekenstaff, a Junior at ce i San Juan High Gas. Pb. won second 8-42- 61 or write I 504 BUNDING, Gnrgt Petty UTAH plaec San Jean High School won third pl&oe in the contest, according to Mrs. James Terrell oommeroial Twelve high schools teaoher. entered the event with Farming-.te- n, NMex. taking first plaes and Maneos, Colorado seoond (See picture on page 12) VATER USERS In 1963 the a 1963 deadline. Colorado River Compact, which divides Colorado River Water between the Upper and Lower Basin statss, is to oome up for re- negotiation. If water of theo stroaas is not being used ,looally at that time, there is strong llkliness that It will bs Lower allocated to water-thirs- ty Basin Statss as "surplus", water authorities believe. who is Dean C. Montgomery, handling the incorporating procedure for tho association, says that at a dollar Joining fee, two ; ik DIAL OR in both shorthand I and typing II competition Small House Practically Hen on A Acre iaras M toa.to.3P2t 3666 WATER WELLS SHOT HOLES CORE HOLES SHALLOW PRODUCTION fine BOX ANYTHING Lots of Storage Space Will Sell Cheap or Trade for Anything on their The whole DRILLING COMPANY b achievement. school Is proud of these two sophomores who teamed their ability with hard work anil won their awards. Various Sizes & Types 28 to 40 Foot SELL are to A- -l membership of the now organisation toould reach 500 Tlmo Saving Dubbor Stamps furnished quickly at lowest prices OUTLOOK ... i 8 A |