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Show Blandin Published in the VOLUME Interest of 2 BUNDING, Local Girl Wins Honor Cathie Bliokenetaff, daughter the Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities Blending HO. 15 Water Users' Association Slates Organization Meeting and Mrs. Eugene E. Bliak-enata- ff, score in the College's Business has been named an Aohievemcnt day at Durango last alternate scholarship winner to week and will win the scholar Fort Lewis A, & M College. She (TURN TO PAGE 15 COL. 3) seoond-hig- h made individual of Mr 8, I960 FRIDAY , APRIL UTAH 23 Cubs Eater Pinewood Derby The Blanding 400 Viatairs Expected at ssociation has water Users' A- slatsd a meeting jfor April 23rd, at the City Hall to sleet a president, vice and a ssoretary-treasur- er six directors. A legal notles of the meeting is published -p-resident, Square Dance Jamboree Attendance at the Square Dance lelsewhert in this newspaper. Jamboree to be held in Blanding Also on the agenda will be a April 30 will be approximately review of the Association's by400 people. Program Director, laws, plans for a membership told a Chamber drive and any other business Johnson, Sylvan Commerce of delegation Tuesday. that may be brought up. He said that the estimate was The aotivities of the newly not wishful based on thinking survey results. but was formed association, being set up as is whioh a non-pro-fit estimated to be will be to conduot about twioe the capaoity of acorporation, water oonservatlon and storage Blanding motels and hotels and program for the area within a 15 Mr. Johnson asked for the cha- mile radius of Under Blending. mber's Help in locating "private the of the Blanding sponsorship home" accommodations for those Chamber of Conmsroe, the assowho fail to get in at motels. ciation hopes to launoh a vigor"THE CHAMBER OF CCMJERCE URGES ous campaign in behalf of the RESIDENTS OF BLANDING WITH ALL The number was EXTRA THEIR TO SLEETING CAPACITY FACILITIES AT LIST SPROUSE Derby" first aotivities one of the of the newly Dens of Scout organized one of Blanding turned out to be the season's top attractions. 23 Cubs entered model raoe oars could have a maximum which Prizes were weight of 6 ozs. awarded in two categories speed Cub and Cottonwood dam ' proposals said that it was the intention of the Blending It was pointed out that visitWater User's Assooi&tion to coors would be encouraged to use operate to the greatest possible Bluff and liontioello motels in- extent Con with & County-wid- e stead of private homes. District if suoh a servanoy but that The Blanding Chamber of Co- distriot is designated, association was formed in mmerce will meet at noon each the the of speed. Interest Clyde Wednesday instead of Tuesday. the speed oompetitioni Early construction of water Helquist and Layne Johnson whose The new meeting day was decided conservation projects on the models won 3rd and 4th places upon after it was found to be of most directors streams of this area is considrespectively in the speed the preference ered a "must" In order to beat Hans Baylea, winner of The meeting place is the Sil(TURN TO PAGE 15 COL. 3) 4th prize in design competition ver Spur Cafe. David Harvey, 3rd prize , design and Druoe Johnson, winner of 1st prize in the desi&i oat e gory. JEWELERS" 'Pinewood Reoapturs A spokesman oat-eg&- ry; Second prize speed winner , design. and 2nd prize In the pioture is Assistant Curtis Mahon, Darwin Franois, Cub blaster Claude Laoy with six design winner the piowere not for available Chbs and of the participating and A Declaration Designating -- their Errett, They are Allan ture. More about Pinewood Derby whose model won first in on page 13. models. Western Auto Team Trophy "Know Your County Government Week" For The State Of Utah hove Hs origin wj government in a free society most tbe monitored poople, bo by the people and in a direct manner tbe people, most accesWHEREAS, that government closest tool WHEREAS, in its influences sible to tbe people ami, in many respects, most basic and open the people is cocnty government, coeaties of Utali render many of the WHEREAS, the twenty-nin- e services to bo discovered in tbe province and most tangible practical of government, and this cooperation WHEREAS, tbe first requisite to bringing about bond is an understanding of the requirements of the pohfic on the one ofand the functions and duties of the elected and appointed county ficials on tho other, THEREFORE, it is doomed advisable that a wherein county offices throughout tho State for the public's observation and inspection and to provide information concerning tbe il week be set aside of Utah shdl bo open that officials bo operations of nil of county government. is the wfimiqf Pictured with the trophey they are (front) Layne Jobn-etitl- on ooap feeslved team in the little league Just oonpleted. This is tarry Palner, Hide Mosley, one of several teasa sponsored Jin Redd, idndscy Jones (back) an activ- Sylvan Johnson, sponsor of the by looal merohants as Western Auto Teaa, Austin Lyman, ity of the Theoounty recreation each and Carl (hborne, eoaah. Janes genes played program. Saturday during the winter were Reeking, another nenber ef the coached by local men under the tcan, was absent duo te illness when the picture was taken. direction of Bryant Jenson. Shown above si, do-pertine- nts ef tbe NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE DEWEY CLYDE, Governor State of Utah, do hereby designate ond proclaim tbe period from YOUR COUNTY April 11th to the 16th, 1960, inclusive, as "KNOW GOVERNMENT WEEK" ond I do hereby urge aR citizens of the State of Utah to visit their respective comity offices and to become informed to the functions, operations and facilities of their respectpertaining ive coonty governments. GEORGE D. CLYDE Governor of Utah |