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Show April" I960 Ot & Down Up riCl Hurst. he Street tiuEY KUC1Y delight fltl aur prise at the.j hose or Mr. k Mrs. Brig Stevens !iftefldenay sponsored a banquet last Saturday nas a visit froa.VMMy evening in the Tesple there were 50 San their two sons, Lynn and Lloyd, j Qafeteria. dion People in attendsnea. Iynn had flown frow his any A group of friends and neighbors surprised Mrs. Dorothy fallen with a "Weleome Horn" party lake City. He oaae to visit his Wednesday afternoon at her hone, parents beoause of hie Bother1! An enjqyabla tine was spent illness. He left Sunday to bo; visiting and "playing" with the back in Port Banning in tine to twin boys. report for duty Monday nornlng.! The Devonza Club set Thurs. Lloyd lives in Salt Lake City April 7 at the hone of Mrs. where he is a member of tho Clara Nielson with Mrs. Marian ! ; j Stake High Counoil. This is his Nielson aa eeoond trip to Blending sines teresting program oo-hoe- brought crafts his Bother's injury. one weekend to visit his family her In the hospital at Monti -The two young non were oello. very enoouraged to find their Bother doing so well. He of guests Jeffery City. is a brother of nnings -- friends were It is expected that 2500 piplls in attendance. In this festwill An inWeekend visitors at the home ival participate The eont sets will be "In arts and of Mr.rand Mrs. Joseph Nielson Family members end Mrs . Soto Tilers with Mrs. 24" BLADE 1; Latin Mouers AM AIT who Mamie Reeding Motor n 4 CYCLE Laws. tending to business, they visited at Bountiful with Mr. A Mrs. Mrs. Helqulst was Jack Redd. also happy to get to see her sister, Bcgs-Stratto- 3 HP Mr. A Mrs. Grant Nelson end Mrs. Kora Helqulst wore Salt Lake visitors last week. After in Salt for Conforenoo. Dinner guests at the home of Mrs. Pearl Boyles on Wednesday, April 6, were Mrs. I'arlan G. Nielson A sons Franois A Johnny, Mrs. Kisten Perkins, Mrs. Allis Adasa, Mrs. Mamie Adams, and The occaMrs. Dorothy Jones. was 15, C0L.4) (TURN TO PAGE given by Mrs. Lone wake Mr. and Mrs. Kent Hlaok and Mr. Cu- Wyoming. er. Mission. 20 San Juan High Sehsol lanA dinner Jean Berta honoring guage Students (German and Frenwas Nielson and Francis Lyaan ch) will leave Friday noon to held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Attend the "Festival of Foreign Bart Lyman on Wednesday evening. Languages" at the BTU on Sat. Mrs. A fetUf - They oaae from Laws. Parley on get-togeth- M. R. Cunnings were Mrs. weekend was tess children sad ftps. Ehrbara Mr. and Mrs. end DoAim went felph They were here to talcs perl la to Salt Lake to the Millenary farewell for Choir Francis. After ahursfc oa Stisiaj hoar the BYU A Ctppella (ting at the Tabernaele on Wed. neighbors and friends Joined tb night. The Burtenshaw's daugh- - Nieleon' family at their ftSN far ter RoseKarr Is a member of this a The Birthday Club net at the group. Franols Nielson, eon of Mr. A of Mre. Dora Writfit oa Mrs. Joseph Nieleon enters the Thursday They were evening. else Ion- home Monday, prior to celebrating the birthdays of hie departure for the German Mrs. Alma Jones end Mre. Vrlit. j A Mr ..A Of--. BLAffPIMQ OUTLOOK Lake 18 INCH CLINTON GASOLINE MOTOR sion was honoring Francis before his departure to the Mission Lacm Wooers Shirley Laws and Bobble and Porter Barton are on a trip to Arizona and Texas. After HUFFY" Field. two-wee- ks 18" time in Phoenix, go to Amarillo, Texas some spending they will BLADE ROTARY to visit friends there. Riohard Hurst, small eon of A Mrs. DcVon Hurst, was operated on Saturday, April 2. Mr. still Although he is doing to return able in the hospital, fine and will be hone soon. Mrs. Myrtle Hunt left Adame FAMOUS SWAN DRAN9 A Mrs. M Mamie Thursday morning for Arizona. They expeot to be gone some time doing Temple work and enjoying the Arizona sunshine. Palmer is home with parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn pusne Mr. Kent his Palmer, after spending the ter in Kansas. Mr. Lyle surgery at win- Johnson underwent Southwest Memorial Hospital in Cortez, Colorado, Monday, April 4. lyle broke his arm sane tins ago and it did not send. They feel the trouble has been oorreeted and that his arn will be all right now. The basement the new home has been dug of Mr. Madden. It is Just Gordon Adame hone built Mrs. by Engleharta. ftae ng end with family for Mrs.' JIb south of the will be end Burnham froB Mantl Saturday A returned after visiti- members there in Salt Lake. at the Mantl weret Mr. A lyeen, Mr. A Mrs. Blending people Temple lest Ft leagth Ft Length GARDEN sponaoERS Grant Bayles, Mrs. Irens Aldd, Mrs. Aith Redd, end Mr. A The Stake Mrs. Fred Hallldey. RED IABEL" 1 LB. BOX 110 RUBBER 3.25 4.95 25 Ft Leagth 535 50 Ft Length 8.95 .... 89c to 8.25 VARIETY Jeatm "Tm 7FMPFR" GARMN TOOLS, am - rms samts week Mrs. Albert Ralph Burtenehaw, Mr. A Mrs. Charles Sipes, Mr. A Mrs. Leland Redd, Mr. end Mrs. Frost Bleak, Hr. A Mrs. Alma Jones, Mr. A Mrs Ashton Harris, Mr. A fee. Ervin Palmer, M. A Mrs. Joseph Mellon, Mr. A Mrs. Vint Redd, Mr. A Mrs 25 50 Ini Latin Seed IM PB. 2981 Comnereial Fertilizer 25 LB. BAG m |