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Show COLORFUL SIGN PROPOSED FOR U.S. HIGHWAY 160 LOCATION 1UE ABOVE IS A COPY OF ARTIST1 S SKETCH OF THE JEX SIGN COHPAHY RE-D- O THE BIG COHHUHITY SIGH OH HIGHWAY 160 EAST OF HONTICELLO. JOB IS $4:65 AHD IF AUTHORIZED THE COSTS ARE TO BE DIVIDED AHOHG 's cello, Bland ing and Blxtff. Eightynine Citizens Volunteer Blood Tuesday; Drive Nets 77 Pints. Ssvsnty-savs- from n 89 blood pints of blood volunteers went to the bank' from this week es e result of the elinie held here hiosdv. The results set an all tiae reoord for Blendexo ceding Blending by 51 pints the ing auount obtained at the last drive held two years age. The drive is- held annually in San Juan County with Montleollo - and Blending taking turn about as host oity. Besides the 89 eitizens who volunteered blood the ooonunlty owes a speoial vote of gratitude in carrying out the projeoti Dr. and fee. Visiter Fallon, Douglas Galbraith Jr., Vivian Redd, Macy Hawkins, Esther Shunway, Chloo Shuanay, Aith Palner, Carnen Cochran, Cathy Lester Bliokenstaff, Graves and Hazel Iynan. Nanss of the 69 volunteers LaRay Alexander, follows Marlon Blaok Carnen Ceohran Ellen Blaok Horace Stevens Grant A. Baylos Betty Skinner Shirlene Palner Mardlth Harvey Pranols D. Nielson Neldon Ceohran Carolyn Blaok Loren Hawkins Jones Honer Taylor Morris Swenson Hattie Jones Kay Harris Neldon Holt Luey Phyrl Blaok Clisbee lynan Peggy lynan Riohard Zatzke Betty Pritchard Dennis Harvey Ellis Palner Cleon Shunway Colleen Noonan Paul Brown Harold lyvan Jinny Holiday Edward Xaele Clint Palner Irene Watkins Judy Tatro Hurst Dora Shusmy Riohard Watkins Qessa P. Black Adolph Wilbur Gilbert Shunwav KNOW WHAT HE'S DONOBODY ELSE ING DOES. Bill Johnson Earl Wright Delbert Carkhuff Jr. Kay Iynan LaMar Hal quiet RlICS OF THE. MOAB , HONT- X- r red at First West and ' North. Elio injured . but Bash lots seriously . ms Hyaa 7 year old brother, who ..wad riding onths handle bare of Myna's bleyelo. Mr. Crank was ehargsd with falling to toko proper pro oautlons at ion and for driving a vehicle without a safety stlokor an-intern- Harris E. L. Leyall Eugene Bliokenstaff Kaye &0F Blaok Deloros Hurst Hazel Lyaan Ivan Watkins Hartly Hansen V Vlneent . Only international line on earth is said to be trolley the streetcar loop that connects El Paco Tex., and Juarez, Mexico. Page 8 Rava Read Malay Kunz BLANDING OUTLOOK June 5f 1959 Robert Harris That Scasonls Hare Again And We Have The Tackle To Take The Big Ones . Riohard Thobe Chloe Shunway does ADVERTISE HAY HOT John Snith A. E. Helquist Elina Blaok Zends Blaok Ckirtls Hunt Edwin Hankins J. Glen Shunnay Phoebe Ekstedt Harold J. Redd Clisbee J. Black Douglas P. Galbraith, who Joan Galbraith Walter P. Hay Jess Grover Mlllleent Goodell Stanley Martineau LaRay Alexander Howard The hah Aaron Harvey tta. 0. Sheppard Pendleton Bernloe Ratcliff Cathnar Ratcliff Seott Hurst PROPOSAL TO ACCIDENT Dan Pauline Llsonbee .tj . Clay Conway Oris Blaok Barbara Rowe I, And A Camera To Get A Picture of Em! aiso mmm uesusss IM |