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Show up ana down iL dtreel with Mildred RA8C0B , Overnight at the guests hi E Mrs. Neldon Holt last Sunday were Mrs Rlohard Hunt and children and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Orton and ehildren who Is Neldon's sisMrs Hunt Buhl, Idaho, and ter, cane from from Ortons the Payson, Utah They were on their way to Joseph of. Mr. and City, Arizona and Mrs Wayne Karr and back are frost a week's children Mr 7fv f Pag BLANDING OUTLOOK & June 5. 1959 with his sister, Mrs Lies Craves and also visited Mr and Mrs Neldon who were enjoyed went on Holt Jim and Neldon, in the servloe together, their visit The MoNeils to Colorado Springs for a vacation Eighty-nin- e Alma Hankins of the family gathered for members a reunion last weekend them visited others drove Bridges, and Some of the Goosenecks, to the Natural all returned to in California They and relatives lower Wcstmater Saturday evening and spent some enjoyable hours for a oookout supper vaeatlon visited friends at Disneyland and Santa Monloa beach Oh comers next Tuesday, June 9, Club members and New- their Carl Englehart and Clem children will hold a welner were families in roast at Devil's Canyon Eaoh Englehart Cortez Monday to attend the family group should bring its funeral of their grandfather own pionle lunch All newoomers In Denver this weekend for are invited The group will the Rexall show are Mr and Mrs neat at the trailer home of Mrs Chan Moulton Their daughters Roy Edwards, in the third block Deonne Tootle and will stay "1th east of Redd's Mercantile, at Mrs Moulton's parents in Idaho one o'clock Call Mrs Edwards, Seven year old Libby 2226, or Mrs Springs George Rasooe, left by plane from Cortez last 3567 for further information. The Methodist women held their Prlday to spend a month with and Mrs Chan's parents, .Mr regular meeting Monday night at V. C Moulton, in Albuquerque. the home of Mrs. Les Graves The Mrs Tor the of Beta Tuesday Sigma Phi . Edwards, was Roy NOT FOR DACHSHUND- S"Dog Walk is the name of a small town in Illinois and has no relation to the speed at which the canine members of the community are permitted ' to travel. hostess night meeting SUBSCRIBE TO OUTLOOK of Beta business the Beta ohapter READ THE WANT ADS - Biles, Si m PM ' ;:?! During meeting, reports from the standing committees were heard Mrs Norman Harrison asked eaoh me- to fill out an Information oard to be used in preparing the The social program yearbook for the year was reported by Edwards in the absence of Mrs mber the sooial chairman, Mrs. Royce Clarence Tregellas, Higgs ways and means chairman, sugMrs gested a of activities, and the group voted to start a number Members will contribute hand made items to be sold as gifts or prizes. The servloe committee report was given by Mrs Dale Skelton, who suggested several projects, one of which will be deeided upon at the next gift box -- meeting An was attractive breakfast table set by Harrison as part Mrs of her program "Your Day Socially." She adso disoussed table settings for lunoheons and din- ners and the proper arrangement Refreshments of a tea table were served by the hostess to nine members Mrs Ernie Heloo and ehildren are visiting relatives in Vernal They were flown up Prlday evening by Ernie, who returned Monday morning Enid Cox, daughter of Mr and Mrs. I W. Cox, is home for the her summer, having completed freshman year at Pt. Lewis Jun- ior College in Mrs Durango Cox's mother, Mrs JH Stroud of Portales, New Mexloo arrived in Blanding Tuesday for a visit California weekend were McNeil. They visitors over the Jim and Mrs spent some Mr time PHONE 0R8 - 3861 I |