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Show VIS I T 0 R S 'Si 4 Pae Pushing the mowfft through a stand of lush, early summer grass makes one wonder if it was worth-whi- le to have fertilized the lawn early in the spring HORIZONTAL 1 Depicted vegetable 7 It grows to s 13 Interstice 14 Adduce . 15 Encountered IB Expunge 18 At this time 19 Appetizers 21 Hodgepodge 24 Official acts DLANDING OUTLOOK June- - 5 , .1959 Genus of true olives 6 Mountain lake 7 Catch breath convulsi, ely 8 On the sheltered side 5 am Right line (ab.) 10 Low haunt 11 Self esteem 9 saw 26 Tests 27 Biblical, 12 Novel 17 Rough lava 19 Lettuce s:uf her used in printing the local new- sBlazer Class of the Blandlng 2nd paper Mrs ButV- is pictured Ward Primary were welcome visit above with her olass: Sterling Bruoe Baxter, Danny ors, Tuesday mornlngf at the Palmer, OUTLOOK While there Pendleton, Bruoe Johnson and Jed of floe they had a look at the technique lyman VerDawn - .43 mountain 35 French plural : 28 Cushions 29 Young salmon 20 Tree fluid 21 Oppugn 30 Priority Mrs 0 Clock face 44 aciliiy 45 Utter ; .46 Before ' ' '4T Entire article 49 Footlike part title 36 Courtesy 50 Mineral rock 40 Fabric made 22 Pantry (prefix) 51 Onager cotton from 31 Narrow inlet 23 Standards of 53 Not (prefix) 41 Afresh perfection 32 Harem room 55 Symbol for 25 Cause to heel 42 Symbol for 33 Organ of tantalum . over, as a ship niton hearing 34 Vend 36 Biblical name 37 Gaelic 38 Present month (ab; 39 Defamation 45 Body of water 48 Abstract beings 49 Genus of .grasses 52 Feminine name 54 Flowers By Anna Brown 56 It is 57 Rents entertained friends at his birthday party at the reoreation hall Nathan Bill Brown and Dee VERTICAL 1 Eccentric wheel 2 Exist and Mo Alpine 3 Rot daughters spent the weekend in Grand Junction, returning with a new station wagon weekend at Better ing Laskies Louis The luck next by exposure to moisture 4Un?' spent the Groundhog Lake Ian, fish tine, Louis Floyd and Marie Carpenter were the overnight guests of the Mo Alpines Pam Everett has been ill with tonsllites Get well soon, Pam Get well soon wishes are also extended to the Huffnagle family with three members ill Greg Hardy has also been on the sick list with 2 of his fin- gers out off in the garage door fingers are mending and we slnoerely hope there are no mors The aooidents with our garage doors Greg makes four injured in the PMVE-I- N ntt 8tim two-year-o- Fri . lY0U ALWAYS LOOK TOUR BEST YITII. & June 5 to the illness of vaoatlon near H mist on, Texas. due THEATRE Vino Shorn Humphrey is a familiar, if unnerving, sight to residents of Winton, England. His owner, Mrs. Isobel Cole, states that the ld gator makes a fine pet. Humphrey nourishes his four-fo- ot length on two meat each week. meals of same manner Rex DeVour and family spent their grandmother the weekend in Albuquerque Mr and Mrs MoGraw and sons The McDormalds spent 4 days in have Just returned from a weeks .Aztec, or orange-re- d Sun. & June 7 Sat . & 6 Ingrid Bergman P08K Curt CHOP Jurgens Robert Donat . Mon. & bIMIDMIBIS HILL I irfy (u i Uaatanamt Mu) (aa Carporal (u Fantmam) Wp (at Kara) Tan (aa UmtmmA MuaaaOJ EXPERT TINTING PERMANENTS HAIRSTYLING Bit eke S. Grade Sehoel M (aa FraaMa) Thurs. F June IT FAMILY NIGHT N I M G 4 "tiftftgi'a I 2 WWy A Pho. 3821 jjmmi 'j&Mtt Skof Jartaaa) Mm j Tues. & Wed. June 9 & 10 8 NIVEN BUSCH . RAOUL m MARTIN MCKM L Ka& fJJI CG WALSH a UNITED STATES PICTURES H Y a mmmt fewf DOPLN . I J |