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Show Thursday, January 17. 1974 The Ute Bulletin Phge 5 Avrcrdt (Continued from page 1) employees received citations for outstanding work. The awards committee selected Bob Angie, Youth Camp Director; Frank Arrowchis, Ute Trails and Rivers Enterprise Manager; Dimitry Asnes, Operation Mainstream Director; Arthur Brown, Livestock Enterprise Manger; Sandy Bywater, Economic Development secretary; Paul Cornpeach, Livestock Enterprise; Curtis Cuch, Game Warden; Irene Cuch, Administrative Officer; Albert Daniels, Thirty-thre- e, Plant Management; Aldora Duncan. Voucher Clerk; Clifford Duncan, Economic Development Planner; May Ellison, Business Committee secretary; Robert Holmes, Senior Citizens; Robert Jack, Public Health; J. Wesley Jenson, Plant Management supervisor; Richard Jones, UteFab Manager; Albert L. LaRose, Accountant; Rex LaRose. Recreation Director; Bonnie Mair, Resource secretary; Earl Manning, Public Health; Dennis Mower, Resource Director; Jo Ann Murray, secretary for the CAMPS program and Personnel Committee; Harvey Natchees, Domestic Water System Manager; James Peltier, Bottle Hollow Resort Manager; Frances Poow-eguAdministration secretary; Mike Quinn, CAMPS Director; Betty Reary, CAP Bookkeeper; Jack Ruckman, Re-- , Kenneth Santio, search Lab Public Health; Henry Upchego, Chief Judge Court of Indian Offenses; Dale BerSlade, Research Lab nice Warden, Treasurer; and Floyd Wyasket, Property and Supply Cleric. Additional honors were bestowed on the Public Health Service staff. Awards were given to friends of the Ute Tribe" Eva Burson, Ann Coltharp, Dr. Lawrence Cutler, Dr. Jed Morrison, Corrine Pease, Raymond Murray and Charles Wells. Christmas party committee members were Floyd Wyasket, Carleen Ignacio, Cecelia Jenks, Carl Van Tassell and Maxine Natchees of the Ute Tribe, and Violet Parriette represented the BIA. p, OUTSTANDING CITATIONS-Wer- e to tribal presented ! employees at the coadusion of the yule party. Tribal Chairman Harney Secaknkn gave hoaores to bade raw, left to right Richard Janes, Ute Fab Manager; Sandy Bywater, Economic Development secretary; JsAan Murray, CAMPS secretary; Art Brown. Livestock Enterprise Manager, Jim Peltier, Battle Hollow Resort Manager; Bonnie Mair, Hesource secretary; Albert LaRose, Accountant; Robert Homes, Senior etna Citizens Center; front row, left to right! Wes Jenoon,Plaat Management Supervisor, Irene Cuch, Administrative Officer; Bernice Warden, Floyd Wyasket, Property and Supply Clerk; Treasurer; Rex LaRose, Recreation Director; Frances Natchees Poewegup, Administrative Secretary; Harvey Chief Domestic Water System Manager, and Henry Upechego, who received Judge, Tribal Court. Seventeen employees boners were not present. Christmas . 1973 a decade of employment with the Ute Tribe DISPLAYING CERTIFICATES-F- or are Irene Cuch and Fred Lucero. Nine employees were also recognized for this length of service. J received certificates. congratulated each employee who $ i . ; i ' given to 24 tribal employees at the annual indude left to right Rum Squien, Honoraes e at Fort Duchesne. Alvin Longhair, Maxine Notches, and Gwen Dennis Mower, Carleen Ignads, Serawop. FIVE YEAR CERTIFICATES-We- re dinner-danc- FRIENDS OF THE TRIBE-- Wi Ute Trfte during the awards Health Service were given Murray were two of the U. S Mrs. Amo |