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Show SPORTS UUrSillM 1 II late model used cars. All types J 9960 to 1965. For trade-in- s on new I I 1966 Chevrolets at l i -- I i SAUIHGS Mantes Chevrolet l l I 23 So. Mean I. Phone 882-314- 8 n liDS --I mm G.E. Portable On February 9, the first place sufHq and Hq basketball team secof the loss fered their first ond half of Intramural League MIA play, to a more powerful 67-53. was score final The team. This defeat puts the second place Hospital team only 3 gomes out of first dace and the third place IHospital team only 4 games out of first dace. The high scorer for MIA was Thomas with 24 points. The high scorer for Hq 18 g and Hq Co was Wetzel with $ points. The Dugway Intramural basketball league is getting tougher and tighter. Some of the players on Hq and Hq team are complaining, they dont have the teamwork they used to have. MIA after losing 3 games straight has come back strong to win three games in a row. Hospital and die Civilian team are demonstrating their growing strength as they move in on Hq and Hq Co. On February 9, Hq and Hq Co. nipped the Civilians 59-5- 6 in a well played game. The high scorer for Hq and Hq was Byrd with 19 points. The high scoter for Civilians was Colston with 26 points. On February 15, the Hospital The team defeated CBR 65-5was for scorer Hospital high Maxwell with 24 points. The high scorer for CBR was Garcia with 20 points. February 16, after defeating the first place team, MIA defeated Hospital, the second place Wilbanks was the team 75-6high scorer for Hospital with 25 points. The high corer for MIA was Southwick with 31 points. The standings for the League are as follows: L W Team: 1 7 Hq and Hq Co. 2 5 Hospital 2 4 Civilians 4 3 MIA Met Sig 8 0 CBR save mas. by Lb C. Hodge A new sport was introduced to Dugway Feb. 17 by the Dugway NCO Club when they sponsored a professional wrestling card of three matches at the Montonati Gymnasium. The matches featuring six wrestlers included two one full bouts and a fall tag team match. MORE THAN 350 Dugway residents enjoyed the program. (AFPS Weekly Faatura) The first match was a 15 l. How many walks per game did minute one fall event which saw Jim Bunning, perfect-gam- e hero Ox Anderson, a 262 pound giant and 18 game winner for the Phil-bo- rn iUies in 1964, give up Salt Lake Qtypin 229 Dave Cox from Indianapound a. Who was named the 1965 Indiana, in a time of 7 cipient of the William Schmeisser minutes and 20 seconds. Memorial Trophy as the nations lacrosse defenseman last Young A1 Skinner, 239 pound from JoynUviUe, 111., 8?;The and won the second match from 262 Cleveland Browns played their pound Black Jack Daniels, of first National Football League Forest Lake, Minnesota, in a time game in 1950. Who won and by of 11 minutes and 32 seconds of , CIVILIAN AND MILITARY PERSONNSL AT DUGWAY tie finding that they con save time and miles of driving by banking at the First Security Bank facility on the Bata. Its aenaible, too, because ell their bonking needs can be handled in one easy and conven- re-po- lis, sea-west- fer ient atop. priviImportant also is the exclusive inter-us- e lege available for husbands and wives with a Joint First Security checking or savings account The partner working on the Base has the convenience of the Base Bank, while either husband or wife may use the First Security Bank Office in Tooele. n. ao mtau. bout was awarded to Skinner the 1965 season? when the referee disqualified ing5. When and where was the Daniels for choking game of billiards introduced in the United States? THE MAIN event of foe ANSWERS aansnSnv S9SI ! wrestling card was a Tag Team match which pitted Team No. 1 PX14 Ox Anderson and Black Jack In, Daniels against the crowd favor- Of qaoynqe (Map oqa pqinq ites Team No. 2, Bill Melby a --.jap mug ng jo iqa(JI ? 91-237 pounder from Bountiful, and suaua 1 er 239 pmmd U Mummy gny-wrestl1 from Columbia, South ni mr St . jggffaaaoa America. Team u Opon Your Account Today ? aunl Poet Exchange Building DUGWAY OFFICE 11:30 ajn. to 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday 10:30 am. to 6:00 pm. on Civilian Pay Doya aJpug il - ud the first 9FI paluaan Xuiuunfl i fell of the scheduled 2 out of 3 fall 80 minute bout in the time of 16 minutes and 20 seconds. However the Mummy and Bill Two thirds of the worlds Melby bounced back and pinned canv'as .from in thrir'opponent to the some form of agricultural or only 2 minutes and 20 seconds to food enterprise. take the second fall. The third fall and the match was won by Team No. 1 after a rough bout seeing all four men in die ring a good share of the time. The fell went in 14 minutes. Arthur N. Hawaii, a Metropolitan THE NCO Club is planning Consultant, will be at Dugway 3 March 1863 - The Medal of . to sponsor another professional Array Depot, March 7, to review and Honor law was amended by an wrestling card during March. If rndw 'policy changes. Anyone desiring act which extended its provisions you mused the first, be sure and assistance call Mr. Langendorff, Personnel Affairs Officer, as this service is to include officers as well as en- catch this one. available an your request. listed men and made the law retroactive to the beginning erf the Civil War. No. 1 took 4. Buy this G.E. Refrigerator Freezer and get a 1966 1 Professional Wrestling Makes Dugway Debut by Pvt G. Boyd 1 TV FREE February 25, 1966 TKST HUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, 8:00 ." 14 (Every other Friday) am to 4:00 pm on Military Pay Day (Last day of Month) TOOflf V 70 So. Main OFFICE 9:30 am to 3:00 pm, Monday thru Thursday 9:30 am to 6:00 pm, Friday TWO Drive-U-p Windows Open Nightly to 6:00 pm hsur-onc- FIRST SECURITY RANK I I AND BUUETM CLASSIFIED) AD RATE 5 cants par word - Raguiar (barer cosa type) 10 cants par word - Businas (cap) 50 cants par isaua - Up to ana hdi (etontidy rata) $1 par inch Ovar an inch (monthly rata) $1.50 par inch - Display ads TRANSCMPT WIU equity in three bedroom TRADE in Salt Lake for on horn Hunter or FOR SALE - 3 bedroom ham in Granfe-vBb- . 116 baths, new carpeting, fuS 112 Av. Potatoes. .PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE 182-343- I March o , Expert nig and uphefstery WaR washing. Cuarantend. able. Free estimates. CaN 882-439- 3 J&RI or SS2-414- 5. 496-091- MONTHLY McMichae! FOR SALE in Tooele. 15 RATES or far cansacuthre inanitions only, wMh no changes. Excapt with busfaas firms and indmduats who maintain opsn account with th Transcript and Buharin, oh dassiffad odvartisamants are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a cfassifiad ad shautd b reported Immadiatnly. Th paper is respansfafa far ana incorrect insarNon onty . AIL OASSinmS wil b Included in th TEST RUN, a newspaper distributed to 2,000 Dugway Proving Ground residents and workers, twice, monthly, without addtiicnal charge. DEADLINE far cfassifiad ads is 1 1 am. day of puMcation. SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS REAL ESTATE 884-347- 7 sal. $395. NEW SPINET PIANO far Phene 182-261- CRI NEW WURLITZH $495. Porters Musk Co., 56 North CRI Main. Stereo, FM-A580 N. 1st East. bad with - On full-sir882-055mattress and springs. $10. Call mowers, precision shortened. make. SmaR engine repair. Smrs, sdssots, knhres sfxxpened. Cdar-28- 7 Manrista Lane. full MqkSO Loam offers AB IPOE ELKS NO. 1673 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. at 61 N. MAIN. glances, indudbig electric automatic gas heat, air Large recreation area, at $75 par month with ah sLmi mreeL BaaB TUWMnMe OJT wTi Mm Ire or year. Linen service CRI LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE NO. 2031 WED. 8 MEETINGS PHONE 882-108- p-- 2 ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NET VOLUME o GIANT FREEZER HOLDS UP TO 132 LBS OF 13.5 CU. FT. ICE TRAYS UNDER PACKAGE BASIS o' 2 MINI-CUB- E FROZEN FOOD ON LONG-TER4 CABISHELF FOR EASY REMOVAL o AUTOMATIC DEFROST REFRIGERATOR SECTION SLIDE-OUo 1 VEGETABLE BINS REMOVo ENAMEL T TWIN PORCELAIN SHELVES NET BUTTER COMPARTMENT e DEEP DOOR SHELF FOR Yt GAL. MILK CARABLE EGG TRAY TONS an aged. safely with DexAOet' Only 98 at Your Drug WANTS) - man far profitable Rawfait business. Goad Rving at start. 71 101 Write Rowleigfr Dept. UT Denver, Cob. - far on J ft IHOBI9 TWO 882-367- FOR RENT - 2 roam furnished apt. Washing fealties. See Mrs. Maya CRI 160 S. 2nd West. WANTS) building lots or acreage GrantsvBle or Tooele. Call Darn 1 Hunt. 882-351- 6. baby sitter for' smaR chid, weekdays af my home preferably. CaR Mis. Warburtan at 882-449Match 1 Also ' ' BACHELOR APT for rant. Call APT for rent. 485 West Call Farm and Home Builders, Vine. Reliable must - white w V S' GE m portable TV - WANTED HELP black and be high apprentice school house, GrantsviH. RENT - 3 room with Male managef trainee between the ages of 21 and 35 insurance benefits, paid vacation, retirement program, fast advancement, good pay, ideal working conditions. Apply far jab at Comet Stare, 151 North Main; Tooele, Utah. Friday, Feb. 25th only between 9 am. end WANTED is 5 N Sdl! illiliiS T mother, Labrador Bath goad hunters, 16 pup Phono 884-507to choose from, ENGLISH POINTER BUILDING LOTS 882-40- 'll SEWING MACHINE REPAIR - AR Dealers in Pfoff, Necchi and Bna. APT INCOME $200 per or owner can have three with 2 bathi' and $100 per month income. Large fat and garage. Call James R. Williams, 1 or 5 . 1.80 far 4x8. Ph. or CustoiOuilt Al fabric, modem design. GORDONS FURNITURE, 60 S. Maa DRAPERIES Ready Made insurance rotas gone'up? bw rates. PEDERSENS INSURANCE AGENCY, 882-357IrOU- HAVE YOUR STRAW. BALED Contact William Check eur La Anderson. FOR SALE - large Call Doran Hunt Split level at 626 N. Av. Carpels, drapes, Brook air fenced and or contact, built-in- March 18 BEDROOM THREE HOME. c r Jo PHOTOGRAPHY Lang 8810336. Weddmgs - OaUran SpacfaRze in Industrie! ' MARK WORTHINGTON FFAFF East, Tooele. Swift Co. 884-663- 5 or 884-394- Investment WOMEN WANT WORK IRONING DONE. 1180. VEHICLES 882-439- Pickup, , four- - WU DO IRONING. March TEND arith com1962 Ford bination cattle end grain bed, factory made, dual wheels, 4 speed Irons, licensed and ready to go. Truck in excellent cond. Call Garth Stookey 25 Clover, Ut. Ph. 882-201- 1 GUNS - BUY $20 to $38 SELL ft - - SWAP Pay Win. and MakRn. pay $5 to $75 far kxgi cal. Sshof; Pay $5 to $15 Mf hammer; Pay $18 far deubfa to $28 far 45 auto.' Other gum action; occerdfagly. 882-438- Buy 7 gun. after 4 pjn. 1937 FORD pickup. Good buy. Phone Phone 882-326o WILL BABY TEND days March in . t your carpets beautiful despite constant footsteps of a busy family. Gat Blue Lustra. Rent electric bom-$Gordon Furniture, 6& 1 1 LOST SITTING my home. LOST 882-095- junk offer 6 my 8824007. BABY 882-051- 5 KEEP 5 IRONING. cutter and chariot team. and double hone firfifler. Call CHILDREN m my FOR SALE EXPERT SALE Floyd Whit. Ph. a'cickk. 882-240- 1 . FOR Chariot 882-083- 1 191 I'LL t amfquS delivery. . FOR SALE - 1948 Ford pickup. speed, CRI 3 t a Pfaff arith zig-za-g wilT button hole, blind hem, ELECTRIC RON REPAIRING. AH mrkas. dam, in dightly damaged STEAM IRONS CLEANED AND RETake aver payments. 150 a month, PAIRED. ELMER'S 38 W. VINE. fuR 882-227: balance. HCRL. (58.40) Tooele Merc. ATTENTION CAREER GIRLS - Now it is possible to have late evening 'ep- Automatic Searing Machine pointments at Carol's Beauty Salon lomagedl Completely autoin GrantsviH. Call 884-501matic Universal zig-zacCR-Everything, built right in machine. Zig-zamono- gram, blind hem, overcast seams, EXPERT WIG STYLING - Regular-5now only $1 Carol Salon, Grtmls-vdU- . creative stitches, complete portable. andJ84-552- 1 882-227Call now. 884-501- 1 Tooele Merc. C15-T- 8 349 North First Boy . Glasses. CaR 8824)527. VEHICLES 4 1957 CHEV station drift, wagon. 8 cyl. stick excellent condition. Ph. 882-1095 - 300. garage 882-351- 6 CRI split level home. IK baths, three bedrooms, carpets, drapes, fenced, partially finished 3rd level, sprinkler system, $18,500. Will or- range terms for small down. Phone 882-48o jrch 1 T MAOfNE 261 S. 1st West, Tooele. 00 Phone 1824)661. CENTER, CRI UNIT FOUR SEWING GILLESPIES 9 cu. ft. PHILCO refrigerator. Like new. 75. 317 Highland Dr. 882-218- 1 1 o West Grant-villHigh ground: Good drainaga; On large business fat on Main Street; Nineteen good home building lots; Buy a lot today; Start Title imurance building tomorrow; aH ready; Nine new homes already beautiful built on this subdivision; Mrs. view and setting. CaR 884-349- 1 LucHe Sutton, 421 West Clart St. o March 1 8 Lever SAGE KENNELS . loardhg smaR sfags. 75 cants day. Heated. 884-505- 5. P-- ta Feb.' 25 1 CERTIFIED SUBDIVISION GUNS p-- PETS 70c S&tvice 70&at 70c Phanq conditioned, inter-colandscaped. Call 882-118- 6 at 166 E. Brook Av. chamtsf. graduate chemistry background, 'Apply Dept., International Smelting and Refining Company, 9 a.m. to G22-2- 5 3:30 p.m. 5 5 NEW SHEETROCK. FOR SALE FOR P-- ta PRI 6 882-333- 884-504- 6. f- - 882-455- 6 SACRIFICE m UNFURNISHED This 882-356- Fed. and State, $5-U- p HSR BLOCK CO. America's bluest tax service. 9 am. to 9 p.m. 191 N. Main ' ? CRI I WANTED 12-in- ch Evenings: APT. FOR RENT - two and three bedroom opts, arith attached garages, electric stove, refrig., oil heal. Newly painted, bnmedfate occupancy. $65 and $75. School Bus, mail delivery Deseret Chemical Depot. Phene 882-302- 3. 11 bargains: New dming area Was view of beautifully landscaped yard 99" 219". range with mature, trees, sliding glass doors 249" 2 eg. ft. Rf 329" to patio, detached garage, quiet 2-Fred Free residential area, new school, wal 189" 269" Dryer to wall carpeting, storm doors, storm 139" 64" diajf pintr windoars and special screens. in and These won't fast fang. Com around. Radio Electric, 14 brews 1 N. Main. Phone 882-066- 882-40- 1 Phone 882-139- 4 WEIGHT Tablets. Store. dam-Re- slightly CRI Sujtable- WANTED 311$ motel received large INCOME TAX COPPERTONE, COLORS OR WHITE. ONLY Main, Tooele, UNFURNISHED AT THE FRATERNAL HALL LOSE APARTMENT 515 utiBties 882-006- NO. 11, FIAM MOTS 1st and 3id TUESDAYS Of EACH MONTH, 7:30 p-- ZERO-DEGRE- E WESTERN North and two APARTMENTS FURNISHB) MUST SELL - 3 bedrooms, full with work drop, WIDOW FOR RENT CRI BB2-436- FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY UNTIL JUNE 1 M5 DAMAGED SALE SPECIAL NOTICE Two wayfCR) i, SALE FOB Haines Realty 191 North Main TV SERVICE, Rodfal'jV, RADIO COPES -t- -r- 1953 CHEV condition. M ton pickup. Very good 5 a . : - 4 |