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Show T i V. f rt . $ lotklokamr O tkoy Mod hta Special Christinas Greetings Edition, Dec. 1065 taw tkroa Kip cmm tailinf in, On Ckriitmai Day, an Ckriitmai Day: I mw tkroa ikipi coma Miling in, On Ckrlatmoi Day In tfca warning. On CkrWmai Day Ftay, wkitfcor laiiad tfcoia ikipi all tkroo, On CkriitmM Day, on Ckriitmai Day; hay. wkitfcor MIkd tfcoM .kip. .N tkroo. On Ckrhtmai Day in tka morning? And wkat wai In Ann ikipi all Mima, Tka Virgin Mary and Ckrirt wnra fkara, On Ckriitmai Day, m Ckriitmai Day? dn Ckriitmai Day, an Ckriitmai Day; And what wai in Anna ikipi all tkraa, Tkt Virgin Mary and Ckriit wnr fkara, . On Ckriitmai Day in tka morning? o j. Jh I SAW THREE SHIPS COME SAILING... I CfcrWmai Day; On Ckriitmai Day. an Botklakam, Hod into tfcoy 10 In tka morning. And all tka kali, on oartk ikaH ring, " " CWihBM Da And all tfca boll an oartk ikall ring, On Ckriitmai Day in tka morning. On Ckriitmai Day in tfca morning. YOU TO AND THANK YOU FOR Y0U1 ROOD WILL to. JUasUy ov, mcuufbiUndi. at NOVAKS Quality Alarket 648 No. Main tluA, iitfiffnA AbgAoh! From all of 118 at BARTON TRUCK LINE Countless OLD-FASHIONE- D GREETINGS TO OUR ...anb all MANY FRIENDS FROM THE STAFF AT goob totsrtjea! Gillespies Excel Service and DOTOES 1 ' GILLESPIE OIL COMPANY Humble Distributors jg : ThariksTo all of you, our many loyal friends and FASHIONS 17 a i j j to yon blessings at Christmas SRR.OJJSE VARIBTV QGOuB 1 customers, for your wonderful patronage. LEE BROS. CHEVRON Legend There is also a legend in the Emerald Isle concerning the burning of the Christmas candle. In ancient days and today a candle is left burning in the window on Christinas. For as they say in Ireland, Who knows, on some Christmas Eve, Jesus, Mary and Joseph may come again ; not to Palestine, but to the Emerald Isle. This candle, burning in the window, just may light the way for Mary and Joseph who might be looking for Onu.nic, May the blessings of this Christmas abound for you and yours! The sincere wish from all your friends at t i Tooele County Beauty Salons ; i i t May your Holiday be bright! RITZ& it i MOTOR VUE THEATERS |